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研究生(外文):Huang Fu Nan
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Communication systems are developing towards miniaturization, large capacity, multi-functional, and intelligent trend in recent years. The demands of low profile microstrip antenna with multifrequency bands and wide bandwidth are requested. In this paper, various geometry factors are printed on the radiation plane of rectangle microstrip antenna. Each of geometry factors is regarded as individual antenna unit. With the spacing of the geometry antenna decreasing, the coupling from the neighboring units arises and, therefore, some small units are coupled to be a larger unit. As a result, the frequency band and bandwidth are affected. The factors include geometry size, area, shape, spacing, materials, and arrangements are discussed.
The size of the geometry factor is related to the printing materials. Using conducting silver glue, the resonance energy concentrates in low frequency for small size unit. On the contrary, the resonanc expands in larger frequency range for Cu units. The printing area strongly determine the frequency response. Large area promote the frequency band and band width. Hexagon geometry factor causes the frequency response more profound than those of others. The rectangle and hexagon geometries have the effect of broading bandwidth especially for high order modes. The spacing of the geometry factor increase the coupling effect, and cause the bandwidth broadening and concentrate in low frequency range. Using the Ag glue, the frequency response increase more than that of the Cu glue, especially in low frenquency. The Cu triangular unit shows the superior responses to the Ag unit. It might be related to the polarised degree in coupling. The arrangement of the triangular units affect the anttena gain no matter with the arrangements of grade hexagon, funnel shape, and butterfly shape. The resonance energy of six mao arrangement concentrates on low frequency mode.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
1.緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究背景與動機 1
1.3論文提要 3
2.文獻回顧 4
2.1天線基本理論及重要特性 4
2.1.1概述 4
2.1.2馬克斯威爾基本方程式 5
2.1.3指向性及增益 6
2.1.4阻抗及輻射效率 9
2.1.5極化 10
2.1.6互易定理 11
2.2微帶天線型式與寬頻化方法 14
2.2.1微帶天線的型式 14
2.2.2微帶天線寬頻化 15
2.3微帶天線的分析 17
2.3.1傳輸線模型理論 17
2.3.2空腔模型理論 21
2.3.3全波分析法 28
2.4微帶天線陣列與耦合效應 34
2.4.1微帶天線之耦合效應 34
2.4.2天線陣列方向圖乘積定理 37
3.實驗方法與量測 41
3.1實驗規劃 41
3.1.1微帶天線設計 42
3.1.2微帶天線製作 43
3.1.3幾何因子微帶天線製作 51
3.2量測儀器 54
4.實驗結果 56
4.1幾何因子尺寸對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 56
4.2幾何因子面積對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 63
4.3幾何因子形狀對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 73
4.4幾何因子間隙對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 88
4.5幾何因子材質對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 93
4.6三角幾何因子排列對微帶天線頻率及增益之影響 101
5.討論 105
5.1幾何因子尺寸效應 105
5.2幾何因子面積效應 106
5.3幾何因子形狀效應 107
5.4幾何因子間隙效應 109
5.5幾何因子材質效應 110
5.6幾何因子三角排列效應 111
6.結論 112
參考文獻 113
自傳 118
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