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研究生(外文):Jin-Cheng Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Polymer light emitting diodes based on diblock copolymer
指導教授(外文):Chia-Chen HsuJaw-Luen Tang
外文關鍵詞:PLEDdiblock copolymergold nanoparticles
  • 被引用被引用:5
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摘 要
本論文量測含奈米金雙團聯式共聚物PS-b-PI-Au及雙團聯式共聚物PS-b-PI的各項性質,並研究將其應用於高分子發光二極體中的可行性。所用結構為ITO/PEDOT/PS-b-PI or PS-b-PI-Au/PFO/Ca/Al,皆以ITO當陽極、PEDOT當電洞傳輸層、PFO當發光層。
實驗中我們也使用PS-b-PI加入PEDOT和PFO當中,由能帶圖,我們發現PS-b-PI具有適度阻擋電洞的效果,且其在可見光區無任何吸收波段。不同濃度的實驗結果顯示,當重量百分濃度為1.5%時,元件具有最佳的亮度4922(cd/m2),以及最佳的效率1.3(cd/A) ,比沒加PS-b-PI層的結構,亮度高出1.6倍、效率高出1.44倍。
Various physical properties of a polystyrene-b-polyisoprene diblock copolymer chemisorption with gold nanoparticles (PS-b-PI-Au) and a polystyrene-b-polyisoprene (PS-b-PI) diblock copolymer were investigated, and the results were used to study the feasibility of empolying the polymer thin film as a hole-block interlayer for a polymer light emitting diode (PLED) device. The design of blue PLED divice studied in this work was structured with the layout ITO/PEDOT/PS-b-PI or PS-b-PI-Au/PFO/Ca/Al, in which ITO was used as an anode, Ca/Al as a cathode, PEDOT as a polymeric hole transporting layer, and PFO as an emitting layer.

Studies of adding differnet concentrations of PS-b-PI-Au layer bewteen PEDOT and PFO revealed that although the added interlayer increased electron-hole recombination rate, it decreased electron-hole injection rate as well. There are two possible casuses for this problem: (1) a non-uniform and rough surface from the size effect of nanogold paricles leads to an increase of resisteance and a decrease of current of the device; (2) an increase of current passing through the added interlayer results in a decrease in device current at the same applied voltage. The possible causes for the decrease of luminous efficieny include (1) a decrease in numbers of electron-hole pairs from the fast recominbation rate leading to a decrese of luminescence of the device, and (2) an increase of the emitting light through the added interlayer resulting in a decrease of overall luminescence.

The similar studies of adding differnet concentrations of PS-b-PI layer bewteen PEDOT and PFO show that PS-b-PI layer can prevent the fast recombination of excitons at the PEDOT interface, which results in a larger increase in the luminous and current efficiency of the devices. Measured energy gap of PS-b-PI thin film indicated that it can be empolyed as a hole-blcokinb layer. Absorption spectra of the PS-b-PI thin film show that no visible light was found to emit from this layer. The maximum brightness and the maximum current efficiency of the PLED device, using 1.5 wt% PS-b-PI, are found to be 4922(cd/m2) and 1.30 (cd/A), respectively, exhibiting a 1.6 times of brightness and a 1.44 times of current efficiency than that of PLED without a PS-b-PI layer. The preliminary results presented here indeed demonstrate that PS-b-PI can be used as a hole-block layer to improve the luminous efficiency and lifetime performance.
目 錄
第一章 緒 論……………………………………………1
第二章 實驗原理…………………………………………6
2-1-2 電激發光原理……………………………………9
2-2 高分子發光二極體內電荷傳輸之研究………………10
2-3 高分子發光二極體元件結構…………………………13
2-4 有激發光元件的材料…………………………………17
2-5 研究動機………………………………………………21
第三章 實驗製作流程……………………………………24
3-1 實驗儀器………………………………………………24
3-1-1 實驗儀器介紹……………………………………24
3-1-2 實驗儀器原理……………………………………26
3-2 實驗藥品………………………………………………30
3-3-1 材料特性的量測…………………………………31
3-3-2.1 Pattern ITO玻璃…………………………….34
3-3-2.2 樣品的製備…………………………………36
第四章 結果與討論 ……………………………………42
4-1 材料特性介紹 ………………………………………42
4-1-1 PS-b-PI-Au的鑑定………………………………42
4-1-2 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的玻璃轉換溫度(Tg) …44
4-1-3 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的裂解溫度(Td) ……… 45
4-1-4 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的能階…………………46
4-1-5 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的溶液吸收光譜圖 …48
4-1-6 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的薄膜吸收光譜圖…49
4-2 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的TEM量測………………51
4-3 PS-b-PI與PS-b-PI-Au的AFM量測………………53
4-4 ITO/PEDOT(/PS-b-PI-Au)/PFO/Ca/Al 之電激發光性質比較……………………………………………… 55
4-5 ITO/PEDOT(/PS-b-PI)/PFO/Al 之電激發光性質比較
4-6 各個元件隻電雞發光性質比較…………………….66
第五章 結論 ……………………………………………67
第六章 未來展望 ………………………………………69
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………70

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