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研究生(外文):Ching-ju Chen
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Analysis of Geared RotorBearing Systems with Viscoelastic Supports
指導教授(外文):Ting-nung Shiau
外文關鍵詞:viscoelasti supportsgeared rotorloss factor
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High-speed spindle are generally employed in industrial machines such as aviation generator, steam and gas turbines, turbo-generators, internal combustion engines, reciprocating and centrifugal compressors. Gear system is one of the most common mechanisms for modern power transmission in theses industrial machines. The gear systems coupled with rotor-bearing systems are the source of power generation and power extraction. On account of the increasing demand for high speed and high accuracy transportation, the research in the field of geared rotor dynamics becomes very important.
The vibration significantly affects the performance of the high-speed spindle. The viscoelastic supports can reduce the vibration of the system and increase the working range of the high-speed spindle. Therefore, the viscoelastic supports are adopted to improve the problem. This study discusses the dynamic characteristics of the gear rotor-bearing system mounted on viscoelastic supports.
A finite element model of the geared rotor-bearing system mounted on viscoelastic supports is developed by taking account of the coupling effect of lateral-torsional motion. Then the system natural frequencies, mode shapes, and steady-state responses are determined. At first, the effects of viscoelastic supports on the system response are analyzed. And the steady-state response is investigated for various viscoelastic supports stiffness, various viscoelastic supports loss factor, various viscoelastic supports mass and various disk positions. The effect of gear mesh is also discussed.
As seen from results, one mode will be particularly induced in low frequency when gear rotor systems are mounted on viscoelastic supports. When the stiffness or the loss factor of the viscoelastic support increases, the system response will decrease. The gear position on the shaft will change the system equivalent stiffness. When the gear positions are closed to the bearing, the equivalent stiffness of the system will increase and the system response will decrease.

摘要 I

1-1 Motivation of Research 1
1-2 Literature Review 2
1-3 Outline 5

2-1 Description of Geared Rotor-Bearing System 6
2-2 Equation Formulation 6
2-2-1 The disk 7
2-2-2 The gear mesh 8
2-2-3 Shaft elements 10
2-2-4 Bearing 12
2-2-5 Viscoelastic Supports 12
2-2-6 System equations of motion 15
2-3 Dynamic Analysis 15
2-3-1 Whirl speed analysis 16
2-3-2 Steady-state response analysis 17

3-1 The System Response with/without Viscoelastic Supports 22
3-2 The System Response versus Parameters of Viscoelastic Supports 23
3-3 The System Response versus Mass Ratios of Viscoelastic Support and Gear 25
3-4 The System Response versus Disk Positions 26
3-5 The Effects of Gear Mesh 27

4-1 Conclusions 62
4-2 Future work 63

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