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研究生(外文):Can-rui Yang
論文名稱(外文):Using Morphing technique to reconstruct 3D face model by 2D Image
外文關鍵詞:2D face reconstructionmorphing techniqueFree-form deformation.
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Technology capable of generating a realistic three-dimensional human face model using 2D images and a generic model has received a lot of attention. Because of the growth of 3D face application software, including for animation and artistic production, we have also developed a system that can reconstruct a 3D human face model easily. The system takes a pair of 2D face images and a generic 3D face model with corresponding feature points. The Morphing Algorithm is then used to reconstruct the 3D face. The system includes an editing tool that deforms the resulting 3D face model using the Free-Form Deformation (FFD) technique.
Our proposed system is different from other research on 3D face modeling in that our imaging process converts a 2D personal image to a 3D point-based data that displays a 3D face with multi-density point clouds. The FFD editing tool with Bezier and B-Spline mathematic modelling are used to deform the resulting 3D face through global and local editing.
In conclusion, our system not only reconstructs a 3D face model easily but also saves on hardware cost. The editing tool enables the results to have more variety and be more interesting.
目錄........................................................................................................III圖目錄..................................................................................................... VI

第一章 緒論.................................................................................... 001
1.1 前言...................................................................................... 001
1.2 研究動機.............................................................................. 001
1.3 研究目的….......................................................................... 003
1.4 文獻回顧.............................................................................. 004
1.4.1 重建3D人臉方式總覽................................................ 004
1.4.2 影像重建3D人臉分類................................................ 006
1.4.3 以特徵點方式重建3D人臉........................................ 010
1.4.4 虛擬人臉表情模擬與複製...........................................011
1.5 3D人臉重建應用探討...........................................................012
1.6 研究方法與章節簡介............................................................014
第二章 影像前處理.....................................................................017
2.1 影像亮度/對比調配、背景處理.............................................017
2.2 影像銳利化處理....................................................................018
2.3 影像灰階轉換與佈點處理....................................................021
第三章 D基礎人模前處理.....................................................022
3.1 Surfel 介紹.............................................................................023
3.2 亂點資料之鄰近點搜尋........................................................024
3.2.1 固定範圍搜尋鄰近點關係..........................................024
3.2.2 以最近點個數法尋找鄰近點關係..............................025
3.3.3 距離法與最近點個數法之結果比較......................... 026
3.3 最小平方法擬合法向量......................................................027
3.4 Surfel半徑計算.....................................................................029
第四章 變形演算法基礎理論介紹.........................................031
4.1 扭曲(Warping)的介紹...........................................................032
4.2 扭曲(Warping)的演算法.......................................................034
4.3 G Function的選擇.................................................................037
4.4 初定位...................................................................................039
第五章 側邊輪廓自動偵測與擬合.........................................042
5.1 人臉側邊特徵分析與條件限制...........................................042
5.2 基礎人模輪廓判定與特徵偵測...........................................047
5.3 2D影像側邊輪廓偵測結果.................................................048
5.4 側邊擬合...............................................................................050
第六章 3D人臉編修...................................................................052
6.1 Free-Form Defromation 介紹................................................052
6.2 Free-Form Deformation 原理................................................053
6.2.1 Bezier模型介紹............................................................053
6.2.2 B-spline 模型介紹.......................................................058
6.3 FFD 應用於人臉之編修…………………..…………….…..063
第七章 3D人臉重建流程..........................................................063
7.1 2D影像處理流程..................................................................066
7.2 3D基礎人模處理流程..........................................................067
7.3 手動特徵萃取.......................................................................067
7.4 單一2D影像重建3D人臉...................................................071
7.5 正面與側面影像手動重建3D人臉.....................................073
7.6 正面與側面影像半自動重建3D人臉.................................075
第八章 結論與未來工作............................................................078
8.1 結論.......................................................................................078
8.2 未來方向...............................................................................079

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