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研究生(外文):Yu-Chiao Chen
論文名稱(外文):Molecular Simulation Study on the Mechanical Properties of Nanowires
指導教授(外文):I-Ling Chang
外文關鍵詞:nanowiremechanical propertiesmolecular staticssize effectmolecular dynamics
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One dimensional nanostructures (i.e., nanowires) have been widely used in semiconductor industry due to their unique material characteristics. It is known that the properties of nanomaterials could not be realized by traditional mechanics. Our research systematically adopts
both molecular statics and dynamics simulation to study the mechanical properties (i.e., Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, yield stress, etc) of nanowires in order to clarify the size dependence of mechanical properties for nanowires. The underlying mechanisms for the size effect are also examined.
It is shown from both molecular methods that the mechanical properties of nanowires depend on the lateral size of nanowires and the trend of size dependence is significantly influenced by the crystal orientations It is found that molecular statics method may not be a good way to analyze the plastic behavior of nanowires since the yield stress would be altered due to the periodic size length.
英文摘要…………………………………………………………… II
誌謝………………………………………………………………… III
第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
1.1 前言...............................................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧.......................................................................................2
1.2.1 分子靜力學文獻回顧.........................................................3
1.2.2 分子動力學文獻回顧.........................................................3
1.2.3 以分子動力學研究奈米線機械性質之文獻回顧............4
1.2.4 尺寸效應機制文獻回顧.....................................................7
1.3 研究動機.......................................................................................8
1.4 本文架構.......................................................................................9
第二章 分子靜力學與分子動力學原理................................................10
2.1 分子靜力學.................................................................................10
2.1.1 最速下降法[25] ................................................................10
2.1.2 共軛梯度法.......................................................................12
2.2 分子動力學.................................................................................13
2.2.1 分子動力學之基本假設...................................................13
2.2.2 勢能函數...........................................................................14
2.2.3 邊界條件與最小映像法則...............................................16
2.2.4 截斷半徑...........................................................................17
(a) Verlet 表列法..................................................................18
(b) Cell link 表列法.............................................................18
2.2.5 運動方程式.......................................................................21
2.2.6 Gear's 五階預測修正法....................................................21
2.2.7 系統速度、溫度修正.......................................................25
2.2.8 原子應力...........................................................................25
第三章 分子靜力學模擬方法與結果....................................................27
3.1 原子模型.....................................................................................27
3.2 程式模擬流程.............................................................................28
3.3 程式驗證.....................................................................................29
3.4 模擬規劃.....................................................................................31

3.5 模擬方法.....................................................................................34
3.6 模擬結果.....................................................................................35
3.6.1 晶格間距...........................................................................35
3.6.2 彈性常數...........................................................................36
3.6.3 表面應力...........................................................................37
3.6.4 截面形狀...........................................................................38
3.6.5 塑性行為...........................................................................39
第四章 分子動力學模擬方法與結果....................................................64
4.1 程式模擬流程圖.........................................................................64
4.2 程式驗證.....................................................................................66
4.3 模擬規劃.....................................................................................67
4.4 模擬方法.....................................................................................68
4.5 模擬結果.....................................................................................69
4.5.1 晶格間距...........................................................................69
4.5.2 楊氏係數...........................................................................69
4.5.3 降伏應力...........................................................................69
第五章 結論與未來展望........................................................................78
5.1 結論.............................................................................................78
5.2 未來展望.....................................................................................79
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