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研究生(外文):Kai-Liang Ko
論文名稱(外文):Websites Classification Using Web Page Layout Weighting Scheme and Multi-class Support Vector Machine
指導教授(外文):Roung-Shiunn Wu
外文關鍵詞:Support Vector MachineData MiningMachine LearningKernel FunctionWebsites Classification
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  隨著全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)的快速發展,數以萬計的大量資訊藉由網際網路作為傳遞媒介已經蔚為風潮,進而導致網際網路上行之有年的資訊過載現象日趨嚴重。這使得人們在利用網際網路獲取廣博資訊的同時,也因為不知如何有效整理龐雜無章的資訊而困擾。因此,為了能夠有效地整理網際網路上的鉅量資訊,網站分類(website classification)遂成為整理資訊的過程中基本且首要必須被解決的問題。

  本研究提出一個藉由分析版面來賦予資訊權重的加權機制-web page layout weighting scheme。Web page layout weighting scheme藉由使用者的視覺角度,來判斷網站資訊的重要性,並賦予權重來區別資訊的重要性,進而提高網站分類的準確度。我們以超文件(Hypertext)結構中的區塊(block)為一個資訊單位,透過連續型的右偏分配,來將資訊區塊在網站中的位置、大小、以及深度予以量化,以更準確地估計該資訊在網站中的重要性。

  本研究並設計了一個分類架構將web page layout weighting scheme與多元支向機(multi-class Support Vector Machine)做結合。由於二元支向機(binary SVM)僅能處理二元類別,在處理多元化的全球資訊網時並不適用,因此為了符合問題的本質與方法的適當性,本研究遂採用多元支向機作為分類架構中的分類演算法。基於文獻探討的結論,本研究認為在不同領域的問題中,適用的的多元支向機以及核函式會有所不同。因此在本研究所提的分類架構中,除了結合web page layout weighting scheme以更準確地估計資訊重要性之外,亦將實驗數種多元支向機以及核函式,以期能獲得最佳的分類架構來解決網站分類的問題。

  實驗結果顯示,web page layout weighting scheme能有效的改善了分類的準確度並有效降低了支向元的數量。在多元支向機的選擇上,實驗結果顯示One-Against-One之多元支向機用以處理網站分類能擁有最高的準確率。在核函式的選擇上,RBF函式能擁有最高的準確率,而Polynomial函式能擁有最低的支向元數量。
With the rapid development of the World Wide Web (WWW), spectacular ascent in size and popularity of information are published on the Internet. This makes information-overload problem from bad to worse. It becomes more complicate to deal with the enormous information space on the WWW. Hence, web classification is the essential and primary task for manage information on the Internet.

We develop a web page layout weighting scheme for HTML pre-process to deal with degree of importance of information from user’s visual perception point of view. By mapping from position, size, and depth of a web page to a degree of freedom, the layout weighting scheme generates a continuous right skew distribution to estimate the importance of a block on a web page of a website, so that we can weight importance of information components in a block for making classification more accuracy.

Along with this layout weighting scheme, multi-class support vector machine classifiers are applied to implement classification architecture for websites classification. SVM can only deal with binary classification problem. This is oversimplified, since website content may be involved in more than one category. It can be categorized into multiple classes. Therefore, a multi-class classifier is needed for classification. We consider that selection of multi-class SVM and kernel functions should be different due to the different application domains. In this research work, we proposed a layout weighting scheme and with different kernel functions used by multi-class support vector machine classifiers in experiments in order to find the best performance approach.

Experiments show that our web page layout weighting scheme improve both classification accuracy and percentage of support vectors. In addition, experimental results suggest that, among multi-class SVM classifiers, One-Against-One classifier is the best for websites classification. Classifiers with RBF kernel demonstrate higher accuracy and F1 score, while polynomial kernel produces lower percentage of support vectors.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Contribution 3
Chapter 2 Related Works 4
2.1 Overview of HTML Pre-process 4
2.1.1 Text Document Generation 4
2.1.2 HTML Tag Generation and Weighting Scheme 5
2.1.3 Layout Analysis Generation 7
2.2 Websites Classification 19
2.2.1 Research of Websites Classification in Academic Community 20
2.2.2 Industrial Trend of Websites Classification 23
Chapter 3 Multi-class Support Vector Machines 25
3.1 Multi-class SVMs Based On Combinatorial of Binary SVM 25
3.1.1 One-Against-All SVM 25
3.1.2 One-Against-One SVM 27
3.1.3 Directed Acyclic Graph SVM 28
3.2 Multi-class SVMs Based On Solving Single Optimization Problem 30
3.2.1 Vapnik and Weston’s Method 30
3.2.2 Crammer and Singer’s Method 31
3.3 Comparison of Multi-class SVM 32
3.4 Summary 33
Chapter 4 Web Page Layout Weighting Scheme 34
4.1 Introduction 34
4.2 Block Location Weight 37
4.2.1 Location Weight 38
4.2.2 Window Segmentation Weight 48
4.3 Block Size Weight 51
4.4 Page Level Weight 53
4.5 Summary 55
Chapter 5 Websites Classification Architecture 57
5.1 Introduction 57
5.2 Pre-process Phase 59
5.3 Training Phase 66
5.4 Validation Phase 67
5.5 Testing Phase 68
Chapter 6 Experiments 69
6.1 Experimental Environment 69
6.2 Parameters Optimization of SVMs and Kernel Functions 70
6.3 Experimental Design 80
6.4 Experimental Results 81
6.5 Testing Results 87
Chapter 7 Conclusions 91
Reference 93
Appendix A An Instance of Page Profile 96
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