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研究生(外文):Shau-Ku Huang
論文名稱(外文):Target Tracking Using Adaptive Weighting Approach for Energy Saving in Sensor Network
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:Target TrackingWireless Sensor NetworkEnergy Saving
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雖然現在有釵h研究主題在於如何節省感測器網路的整體耗能,但是這些研究幾乎都忽略了感測器網路中最重要的一環:由於RF訊號的特性以及感測器網路物理上的限制,使得在偵測目標物時,容易產生釵h訊號或是量測上的誤差。而其中可能解決辦法就是:1.增加感測目標物的次數,以避免過大的誤差 2.開啟更多的感測器節點以降低誤差


Target tracking sensor network is considered as one of the killer application for sensor network system. There are a lot of research issues in design and implement of the target tracking sensor network, such as data fusion, routing, and energy conservation, and etc. Energy conservation is one of the most important issues.

Unfortunately, the physical limitation on high inaccuracy of radio signal is a challenge for target tracking sensor network. Many researches neglect this critical factor and may underestimate the total energy consumption of the sensor network system. The possible improvements for the causes from radio signals quality are either triggering the sensor more times or activate multiple sensors.

However, the object will change its position and state anytime. It might not have more opportunity for the sensor nodes to detect twice at that time and position. For the consideration of energy conservation, the less active nodes, the more energy saved, it is a tradeoff between accuracy and energy.

Based on the physical limitation of radio signals and for real time monitoring the moving object, we develop an adaptive grey-fuzzy with weighted least square predictor to improve the accuracy of moving object trace.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Introduction of Present Location Sensing Technologies 7
2.2 Important factor of Location system properties 8
2.2.1 Location Computation 8
2.2.2 Accuracy of Location system 9
2.2.3 Scale of Location system 10
2.2.4 Cost of Location system 11
2.2.5 Limitations of Location system 11
2.3 A Survey of Location systems 12
2.3.1 Active Badge 12
2.3.2 Cricket 14
2.3.3 Dust Network 16
2.3.4 RADAR 17
2.3.5 Motion Star Magnetic Tracker 18
2.3.6 Easy Living 20
2.3.7 Smart Floor 20
2.4 Wireless Local Positioning System 21
2.4.1 Wireless Positioning Technologies 22
2.4.2 Measurement Principles of Wireless Positioning System 24
2.4.3 The Solution Wireless of Positioning System 29
Chapter 3 Classic Location Algorithm and Energy Saving System 33
3.1 Triangular Algorithm 33
3.2 K-nearest Neighbors Algorithm 36
3.3 Smallest M-Vertex Polygon Algorithm 39
3.4 Triangular Interpolation and Extrapolation Algorithm 40
3.5 Multi-step Asaptive Sensor Scheduling Algorithm 42
3.6 Predection-based for Energy Saving in Object Tracking Sensor Network 45
Chapter 4 Zigbee and Experimental Hardware 48
4.1 Zigbee 48
4.1.1 The Comparison of Different Wireless Technology 49
4.1.2 The Features of Zigbee 50
4.1.3 Data Packet Description 52
4.1.4 Zigbee Device Types ZigBee networks use three device types: 53
4.1.5 Zigbee Network layer 54
4.1.6 Typical Zigbee-enabled Device 56
4.2 CC2420 Zigbee DK Development Kit 57
4.2.1 Hardware of CC2420DBK Demonstration Board kit 57
4.2.2 CC2420 libraries 60
Chapter 5 Adaptive Weight Prediction Method 64
5.1 Framework of Adaptive Weight Prediction System 65
5.2 Wireless Location System 68
5.2.1 RF Signal Propagation 68
5.2.2 Range Estimation 68
5.2.3 Maximum Likelihood Formulation 70
5.2.4 Location Coordination System 73
5.3 Weight Least Square 74
5.4 Grey Prediction Method 77
5.4.1 Grey Model GM (1, 1) 78
Chapter 6 Experiment Result 83
6.1Experiment Results 83
Chapter 7 Contributions and Conclusions 89
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