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研究生(外文):Kou-Hsoung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Design of LNA、Balun and Up Mixer for UWB Application
指導教授(外文):Shuenn-Yuh Lee
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本論文主要針對Ultra-Wide Band低頻段(3.1~5 GHz)射頻收發機CMOS晶片進行研究與製作,其中包含寬頻主動分相器、低雜訊放大器整合主動分相器及升頻混波器,晶片製作皆採用的TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M製程,量測上均採用Bond Wire將晶片整合於PCB版上。
3.1~5 GHz寬頻主動分相器,使用一顆NMOS與一顆PMOS Cascode起來,使用電流再利用技術,以節省必v消耗,量測結果顯示在頻段內,增益差在2 dB以內,相位差在10度以內,輸入輸出返回損耗均在-10dB以下,線性度上,IP1dB為-3~-3.5 dBm,IIP3為10.6~11.4 dBm,Noise Figure為9.9~13 dB。
3.1~5 GHz寬頻低雜訊放大器(Low Noise Amplifier,LNA)整合主動分相器,寬頻LNA部分採用使用兩極疊接共射級放大器與單端多閘極結構,並整合如前所述之主動分相器如前面所述,量測結果顯示在頻段內,增益差在1.2 dB以內,相位差在10.5度以內,在3.1~5GHz,增益為4~11.9dB,線性度上,IP1dB為-12~-16.9 dBm,IIP3為-0.5~-5.5 dBm,Noise Figure為5.5~7.9 dB。
3.1~5 GHz寬頻升頻混波器,主要是使用Gilbert Cell架構,加上Multi-Gate使此電路具有高線性度的特性,量測結果顯示在頻段內,轉換增益為4.6~5.1dB,線性度上,IP1dB為-11.4~-13.1 dBm,IIP3為-2.6~-5.1 dBm,LO-RF Isolation為-19~-24 dB。
The design and implementation of the Radio Frequency (RF) front-end circuits transceiver CMOS chip for the low band (3.1~5GHz) of Ultra-wide Band are presented. The RF front-end circuits includes active balun、Low noise amplifier with on chip active balun and up conversion mixer. The chips are implemented in TSMC 0.18μm 1P6M provided by National Chip Implementation Center (CIC).The chips are measured on PCB with bonding wire for measured.
The 3.1~5 GHz wide band active balun adopts cascade structure with NMOS and PMOS transistors. This architecture has low power consumption because current reused technique. The measure result shows that in frequency band, the gain imbalance and phase errors are less than 2 dB and 10 degree, respectively. Moreover, the input output return loss are below -10 dB, the IP1dB is-3~-3.5 dBm.IIP3 is 10.6~11.4 dBm, noise Figure is 9.9~13 dB.
The other design is 3.1~5 GHz wide band Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) with on chip active balun. The LNA adopts cascade topology and Single-Stage Multi-Gated Transistors to enhance the performance. The measure results that in frequency band. The gain imbalance and phase error are less than 1.2 dB and 10.5 degree, respectively. The gain is 4~11.9dB,.The output return loss is less than -10dB.The IP1dB is-12~-16.9 dBm,IIP3 is -0.5~-5.5dBm. Noise Figure is 5.5~7.9 dB.
The Gilbert Cell structure is adopted to implement the 3.1~5 GHz wideband up conversion mixer design. The measure result shows that in frequency band, the conversion gain is 4.6~5.1dB, IP1dB is -11.4~-13.1 dBm, IIP3 is -2.6~-5.1 dBm, and LO-RF Isolation is -19~-24 dB.
第一章 緒論 8
1.1 UWB研究背景與動機 8
1.2 UWB的定義 8
1.3 UWB的特性 8
1.4 UWB的系統架構 8
1.5 DS-CDMA與MB-OFDM的技術比較 8
第二章 射頻系統架構與概念 8
2.1接收機簡介 8
2.2接收機架構 8
2.2.1超外差式接收機(Super-Heterodyne receiver) 9
2.2.2鏡像拒斥接收機(Imaged-reject receiver) 8
2.2.3直接降頻接收機(Direct conversion receiver) 8
2.3基本概念 8
2.3.1雜訊(Noise) 8熱雜訊(Thermal Noise) 8 散彈雜訊(Shot Noise) 8 閃爍雜訊(flicker Noise) 8雜訊指數(Noise Figure) 8
2.3.3 非線性特性 8 1dB增益壓縮點(1dB compression Point) 8三階截距點 8
第三章 CMOS 主動式分相器 8
3.1簡介 8
3.2電路架構 8
3.3模擬與量測結果 8
3.3.1 模擬結果 8
3.3.2 量測結果 8
第四章 低雜訊放大器整合主動分相器 8
4.1簡介 8
4.2最佳電晶體寬度選擇 8
4.3輸入阻抗匹配 8
4.4線性化技巧[26][27] 8
4.5 電路架構[28] 8
4.6模擬與量測結果 8
4.6.1模擬結果 8
4.6.2 量測結果 8
第五章 CMOS 升頻混波器 8
5.1 簡介 8
5.1.1 被動式混波器 8
5.1.2 主動式混波器 8 單平衡混波器 8 雙平衡混波器 8
5.2 電路架構[29] 8
5.3模擬與量測結果 74
5.3.1模擬結果 74
5.3.2量測結果 77
第六章 結論 83
參考文獻 84
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