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研究生(外文):Jia-ming Zhang
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Energy-Efficient Self-Deployment Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Jyh-horng Wen
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Sensor NetworksEnergy EfficientDeployment
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Efficient and accurate sensor deployment is a critical requirement for the development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Recently, distributed energy-efficient self-deployment algorithms, such as the intelligent deployment and clustering algorithm (IDCA) and the distributed self-spreading algorithm (DSSA), have been proposed. These algorithms offer almost uniform distribution for sensor deployment by employing a synergistic combination of cluster structuring and a peer-to-peer deployment scheme. While the topology of WSNs achieves nearly uniform distribution, we can balance the traffic load to maximize the networks coverage and increase the networks lifetime. To further improve the performance of self-deployment algorithms, an uniform and energy-efficient deployment algorithm (UEEDA) is proposed in this thesis. The algorithm not only makes the networks topology more uniformly distribution but also accelerates algorithm convergence speed to achieve energy-efficiency.
While the networks topology has achieved uniform distribution, a lifetime-extended under uniform distribution (LEUD) algorithm is also developed to possibly provide ubiquitous communication for a longer duration in large-scale networks. Furthermore, under the system model, we also find uniform networks topology and uniform energy distribution of sensors could optimize system performance. Finally, we consider how the received data by sensors transmits to the base station and the effect on networks due to some dead sensors. Therefore, networks partition-free and energy-efficient routing (PFEER) scheme is proposed to make the received data by sensors directionally transmit to the base station and solve the problem of networks partition due to some dead sensors.
Based on the performance analysis, we conclude that the proposed UEEDA outperforms both of DSSA and IDCA in terms of uniformity and algorithm convergence speed. Moreover, in the proposed LEUD method, better uniform distribution in sensors’ location and sensors’ energy makes system obtain optimal performance. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that PFEER certainly solves the networks partition problem and offers a longer system lifetime. This also prevents networks coverage from reducing rapidly.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation and objective
1.3 Organizations of the thesis
Chapter 2 Overview of Wireless Sensor Networks
2.1 Introduction to WSNs
2.1.1 Factors influencing sensor networks design
2.2 The applications of WSNs
2.2.1 Military applications
2.2.2 Environmental applications
2.2.3 Health applications
2.2.4 Home applications
2.2.5 Other commercial applications
2.3 Sensor networks communication architecture
2.3.1 Application layer
2.3.2 Transport layer
2.3.3 Network layer
2.3.4 Data link layer
2.3.5 Physical layer
Chapter 3 Uniform and Energy-Efficient Deployment of Intelligent
Wireless Sensor Networks
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Preliminary works
3.2.1 Distributed Self-Spreading Algorithm (DSSA)
3.2.2 Intelligent Deployment and Clustering Algorithm (IDCA)
3.3 Performance metrics in mobile WSNs
3.3.1 Coverage
3.3.2 Uniformity
3.3.3 Time
3.3.4 Distance
3.4 The proposed deployment algorithm
3.5 Simulation results
Chapter 4 Design a Lifetime-Extended Algorithm in Deployed
4.1 Energy-efficient WSNs design
4.1.1 Controlled sensor placement
4.2 Proposed a lifetime-extended algorithm
4.3 Maximize system lifetime
4.4 Optimal system lifetime
4.5 Simulation results
Chapter 5 Design a Networks Partition-Free and Energy-Efficient
Routing Scheme
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Networks architecture
5.1.2 Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)
5.2 Energy-efficient routing scheme
5.3 The proposed routing scheme
5.3.1 Partition-Free and Energy-Efficient Routing (PFEER) scheme
5.3.2 Networks Partition Reconstruction Algorithm (NPRA)
5.4 Simulation results
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Research
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future research
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