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研究生(外文):Chun-De Wu
論文名稱(外文):Degradation of toluene in a fluidized-bed photo-reactor using TiO2 coated active carbons
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Po Kuo
外文關鍵詞:fluidized bedtolueneactive carbon
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The performance of TiO2 coated active carbon, AC/TiO2, for the degradation of toluene in a gas fluidized bed photo-reactor was studied. The experimental condition controlled the inlet concentration 250~1000ppm of toluene in the gas phase, the relative humidity 15~65% of the inlet stream and the gas flow rate 5、10 and 15 L/min on the conversion of toluene in a fluidized bed photo-reactor were examined. Experimental results show that the AC/TiO2 overall toluene degrading efficiency, Ed, in the fluidized bed photo-reactor was better than Ed of using only active carbons in the fluidized bed photo-reactor was. When using only active carbons in the system, Ed remained as high as 90% for 80 minutes; while using the AC/TiO2 in the system, Ed remained the value of 90% for nearly 110 minutes. The performance of TiO2 coated active carbon, AC/TiO2 with range 5 wt% ~ 20 wt%. The optimum loading of TiO2 on the active carbons was found to be 13 wt%, and the highest Ed value was hand at relative humidity 30%. The toluene degradation kinetics was studied. The toluene adsorption step was assumed as the rate-determined-step. The apparent reaction rate constant kapp was derived as functions of the toluene adsorption constant, the mass transfer coefficient and the surface reaction rate constant.
表索引......................................... . XII
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究起因............................................ 1
1-2 研究目的............................................ 3
第二章 文獻回顧.......................................... 4
2-1 光觸媒二氧化鈦...................................... 4
2-1-1 二氧化鈦之物理性質............................ 4
2-1-2 光觸媒(Photocatalyst)........................... 5
2-2 光催化反應.......................................... 9
2-2-1 光催化反應原理................................ 9
2-2-2 光觸媒之光催化反應機構....................... 14
2-3 活性碳的種類和特性................................. 18
2-3-1 活性碳的分類................................. 18
2-3-2 活性碳的物化特性............................. 19
2-3-3 活性碳吸附機構............................... 20
2-3-4 活性碳吸附能力指標........................... 21
2-4 光催化反應的反應器................................. 22
2-4-1 流體化床反應器............................... 22
2-4-2 流體化粒子分類............................... 24
2-5 揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)............................ 27
2-5-1 揮發性有機化合物甲苯的特性................... 27
2-6 影響UV/TiO2光催化反應處理有機化合物的操作參數 .... 29
2-6-1 反應物初始濃度............................... 29
2-6-2 反應系統溫度................................. 30
2-6-3 反應系統濕度................................. 31
2-6-4 紫外光波長與強度............................. 33
2-6-5 反應氣體流速................................. 34
2-6-6 氧氣濃度..................................... 35
2-7 二氧化鈦結合活性碳的成效........................... 36
第三章 實驗方法與材料....................................37
3-1 實驗流程........................................... 37
3-2 實驗裝置........................................... 39
3-3 實驗材料........................................... 41
3-4 實驗儀器設備....................................... 43
3-5 AC/TiO2的製備...................................... 44
3-6 操作參數........................................... 47
第四章 實驗結果與討論.................................. 49
4-1 XRD分析...........................................49
4-2 直接UV光解反應....................................51
4-3 活性碳的甲苯去除率................................. 52
4-3-1 不同相對濕度下之活性碳的甲苯去除率........... 52
4-3-2 不同濃度下之活性碳的甲苯去除率............... 53
4-3-3 不同氣體流速下之活性碳的甲苯去除率........... 54
4-3-4 UV光對於活性碳吸附的影響.....................55
4-3-5 甲苯貫穿曲線分析............................. 56
4-4 AC/TiO2粒子的甲苯去除率............................ 57
4-4-1 流體化床反應器設計之改進..................... 57
4-4-2 表面電位的影響( Zeta Potential ) ................. 61
4-4-3 紫外光的使用率............................... 63
4-4-4 活性碳對於AC/TiO2之光催化反應的影響.......... 64
4-4-5 光觸媒覆載量對光催化反應之影響............... 66
4-4-6 進料氣體相對濕度對於光催化反應之影響......... 67
4-4-7 初始進料氣體濃度對於光催化反應之影響......... 71
4-4-8 反應氣體流量對光催化反應之影響............... 75
4-4-9 AC/TiO2於排放符合標準內之操作條件............ 78
4-5 反應動力學......................................... 80
4-5-1 反應機制..................................... 81
4-5-2 反應動力式分析............................... 83
4-5-3 甲苯吸附為速率決定步驟....................... 84
第五章 結論與建議........................................90
5-1 結論............................................... 90
5-2 建議............................................... 92
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