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研究生(外文):Chen Yin-Li
論文名稱(外文):To identify biomarkers of bladder cancer by proteomic analysis
指導教授(外文):Horng Jim-Tong
外文關鍵詞:bladder cancerDIGEplasma mebrane
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膀胱癌是一種相當普遍的惡性腫瘤,而且其發生率和死亡率有愈來愈高的趨勢,男性發生的機率比女性高出了2.5~5倍。近年來,細胞膜上的膜蛋白質已被廣泛的用為設計藥物之標的物,因此,在病變的細胞中找出大量表達的細胞膜蛋白質將可以提供標的物以設計出治療用抗體或小分子藥物。在這裡,我們欲建立一個簡單且快速的方法,在活細胞的狀況下,直接以螢光標定細胞表面的膜蛋白,再以二維電泳分離膀胱癌的早期細胞株U1及晚期細胞株U4中的膜蛋白質。找到17個在膀胱癌晚期細胞株U1大量表達的點,以質譜儀進行身份鑑定,鑑定出14個蛋白質,其中4個為細胞膜蛋白質,11個為細胞質或粒線體的蛋白質,但是這11個之中有6個是會位移到細胞膜上的蛋白質。從發現可能有差異的蛋白質中,選出確定會位於細胞膜上的蛋白質Annexin II 以及會位移到細胞膜的蛋白質VDAC II進行西方點墨法來做進一步表達量的確認。發現在細胞膜的分離液P2中,U1細胞株內的Annexin II及VDAC II含量皆比U4細胞株中的含量高,但VDAC II並沒有統計上的差異。
Urinary bladder cancer is a common malignancy, and it is also expected to increase in both incidence and mortality. Men are generally 2.5-5 times more likely to develop this malignancy than women. Alterations in the expression of cell surface proteins are often linked to diseases, and surface molecules represent targets for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Here we established a new strategy to target cell surface proteins by fluorescence labeling including the possibility of detecting changes in protein abundance between different samples without any prior reduction of the sample complexity. Targeting of cell surface-exposed proteins is labeling of vital cells. It allows detection of fluorophore-tagged cell surface proteins and visualization of the accessible proteome within a single 2-D gel. We analyzed plasma membrane protein expression pattern between two bladder cancer cell lines U1 and U4. U1 is more malignant than U4. We found seventeen spots which were highly expresed in U1 membrane fraction. Fourteen proteins ID were identified by simplifying subsequent MALDI-TOF analysis. Four of these proteins are plasma membrane proteins, and the other ten proteins come from cytosol or mitochondria. According pre-researches, we found six of ten non-plasma membrane proteins would be translocated to plasma membrane. To confirm DIGE results, we chose one plasma membrane protein (Annexin II) and one protein would be translocated to plasma membrane (VDAC II) by werstern blot analysis. We found annexin II and VDAC II were up-regulated in U1 membrane fraction, but the VDAC II has no difference statistically.
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