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研究生(外文):Lu, SHIU-MAN
論文名稱(外文):Factors associste with the quality of sexual life among self-report with lower urinary tract symptoms of female patients
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下泌尿道症候群(Lower Urinary-Tract symptoms)的婦女常會出現性功能障礙情形,進而影響到夫妻的關係及性滿意度(Salonia, Zanni, Nappi, Briganti, Deho, & Fabbri et al 2004; Yip, Chan, Pang, Leung, Tang, & Shek et al, 2003)。本研究旨在探討自述有下泌尿道症候婦女的性生活品質狀況及其相關影響因素。
本研究採橫斷式(Cross-sectional)的相關性研究設計(Correlational design),以方便取樣方式,於北部某醫學中心與80例自述有下泌尿道症候群婦女進行結構式問卷訪談。問卷內容包括:女性性功能量表、尿失禁生活衝擊量表簡式、泌尿困擾量表簡式、相關醫療變項、及個人基本屬性。統計分析方式包括:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、曼-惠特尼U檢定、K-W檢定、皮爾森積差相關、史匹曼等級相關係數、及逐步複迴歸。
Female subjects with lower urinary tract symptoms had major impact on their sexual function and influence on the relationships and sexual satisfactions between marital intimacy(Salonia et al., 2004; Yip et al., 2003). The purpose of this study was to explore the factor associated with the quality of sexual life among female subjects complained of lower urinary tract symptoms.
A cross-sectional, correlational design was used in this study. Eligible female subjects were enrolled from a medicine center in northern Taiwan. Eighty female subjects with complaints of lower urinary tract symptoms were included in this study to receive questionnaires evaluation. The questionnaires included: Female sexual function questionnaire, Incontinence Impact Questionnaire - Short Form, Urogenital Distress Inventory - Short Form, Personal medical history, and demographics. These data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, two sample t-test, Mann-Whitney t-test, Kruskal-Wallis t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.
The results of this study were as below: (1)The severity of urinary symptoms and impact on daily life were both mild. But the proportion of moderate to sever impact on physical activity was 14.6%, on travel was 13.8%, on social / interaction relationships was 3.8%, and on emotion was 35.0%. (2)Urogenital distress were mild. Including 21.3% of subjects suffered from frequency, 6.3% with urgency, 7.5% with stress urinary incontinence, 12.5% with incomplete empty (obstruction sign), 11.3% with pain or discomfort voiding (Uterus prolapsed).(3)Total sexual function score were low, with 68.8% of subjects with high probability of sexual activity disorder. More than half of these subjects had desire, arousal-lubrication, arousal-sensation, organism, and enjoyment disorders. A total of 23 subjects(29.1%)had sexual pain. (4)Most of subjects complained of lower urinary tract symptoms were not satisfactory on their sexual function and had poor quality of sexual life. (5)There was a significant negative correlation between severity of urinary symptoms and partner relationships and quality of sexual life. Emotional status had major negative impact on total sexual scores and enjoyment of sexuality. Subjects with obstructive symptom had major negative impact on arousal –sensation and organism functions. Subjects with stress symptoms also had negative impact on total sexual scores, desire, arousal-sensation and enjoyment sexuality. (6)No correlation was noted between total sexual scores and partner relationships. There was a significant positive correlation between total sexual scores with satisfaction of sexual life and quality of sexual life. (7)Stress symptoms, economical status, and emotional status were major predictors on quality of sexual life and explained 16.9% of the variances. The findings in this study could provide a reference in clinical practice in taking care of female patients with lower urinary tract symptoms, and for teaching purpose in nursing education.

Key words: lower urinary tract symptoms, severity of urinary symptoms,
sexual function, quality of sexual life
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………..1
第二章 文獻查證………………………………………………………………………6
第三章 研究架構、假設…………………………………………………………..24
第四章 研究方法……………………………………………………………………26
第五章 結果…………………………………………………………..……………42
第一節 樣本的基本屬性、相關醫療變項、泌尿症狀嚴重度、性生活品質
第二節 樣本的基本屬性、相關醫療變項與泌尿症狀嚴重度、性生活品質
第三節 樣本的泌尿症狀嚴重度與性生活品質、性功能、性生活滿意度
第四節 下泌尿道症候婦女之性生活品質的預測……………………………69

第六章 討論……………………………………………………………………..71
第一節 樣本的基本屬性、泌尿症狀嚴重度、性生活品質、性生活滿意度、性功能的得分狀況…………………………………………….…………71
第二節 樣本的基本屬性、相關醫療變項與泌尿症狀嚴重度、性生活品質
第三節 樣本的泌尿症狀嚴重度與性生活品質、性功能的相關性……..82
第四節 影響下泌尿道症候婦女性生活品質的預測因子…………………83
第七章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………85
第一節 結論……………………………………………………….….….85
第二節 護理的應用及建議…………………………………………….…87
第三節 研究限制與建議…………………………………………….……89

圖3-1 概念架構………………………………………………………………….……24
表4-1 女性性功能量表每構面得分代表意義……………………………………….28
表4-2 性功能、尿失禁生活衝擊、與泌尿困擾量表前趨測試研究之信度……………34
表4-3 性功能、尿失禁生活衝擊、與泌尿困擾量表正式施測研究之信度…….…..….34
表5-1 下泌尿道症群婦女基本屬性及相關醫療的狀況………………….….….…46
表5-1 下泌尿道症群婦女基本屬性及相關醫療的狀況(續) ………….…….…47
表5-2 泌尿症狀嚴重度與次量表(尿失禁生活衝擊、泌尿問題困擾)得分情形.48
表5-3 尿失禁衝擊量表與泌尿困擾量表每題得分情形…………………………...49
表5-4 下泌尿道症候群婦女性生活品質、性功能總量表及次量表的得分情形.…50
表5-5 性功能量表每題得分與排序情形……………………………………..….…51
表5-5 性功能量表每題得分與排序情形(續)……………………………..…...52
表5-6 下泌尿道症群婦女基本屬性、相關醫療變項與泌尿嚴重度的關係…….…55
表5-7 下泌尿道症群婦女基本屬性、醫療變項與性生活品質的關係…………...56
表5-8 下泌尿道症群婦女基本屬性、相關醫療變項與性功能總量表的關係..….57
表5-9 下泌尿道症候群婦女基本屬性、相關醫療變項與性慾望、性喚醒-感覺的關係..58
表5-10 下泌尿道症候群婦女基本屬性、相關醫療變項與性喚醒-濕潤、性高潮的關係.59
表5-11 下泌尿道症候群婦女基本屬性、相關醫療變項與性疼痛、性享樂的關係…….60
表5-12 基本屬性、相關醫療變項與性功能及次量表(性活動)的關係(摘要)61
表5-13 泌尿症狀嚴重度次量表與性功能總量表、性慾望的關係……………….64
表5-14 泌尿症狀嚴重度次量表與性喚醒-感覺、性喚醒-濕潤的關係…………….65
表5-15 泌尿症狀嚴重度次量表與性高潮、性疼痛的關係 ……………………….66
表5-16 泌尿症狀嚴重度次量表與性享樂、性生活品質的關係…………….…...67
表5-17 泌尿症狀嚴重度及次量表與性功能總量表及次量表(性活動)
表5-18 下泌尿道症候群婦女泌尿症狀嚴重度、性功能及次量表、性生活品質
表5-19 下泌尿道症候群婦女性生活品質的預測因子…………………………….70

附錄一 專家效度名單………………………………………………….……………101
附錄二 尿失禁生活衝擊量表(簡式)…………………………………………….102
附錄三 尿失禁生活衝擊量表(簡式)專家效度分數…………………………….103
附錄四 泌尿困擾量表(簡式)致專家說明書………………………….…………104
附錄五 泌尿問題困擾量表(簡式)專家效度分數……………………………….105
附錄六 性功能問卷致專家說明書……………………………………….………..106
附錄七 性功能量表專家效度分數………………………………………….……..107
附錄八 研究工具使用同意書………………………………………………….……109
附錄九 研究工具使用同意書……………………………………………….…
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Bansson, R., Berman, J., Burnett, A., Edrogatis, L., Ferguson, D., Fourcroy, J., Goldstein, I., Graziottin, A., Heiman, J., Laan, E.,Leiblum, S., Padma-Nathan, H., Rosen, R., Segraves, K., Segraves R. T., Shabsigh, R., Sipski, M., Wagner, G. & Whipple, B.(2000). Report of the international consensus development conference on female sexual dysfunction: definitions and classifications. Journal Urology, 163: 888-893.
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Carey, M. P., Dwyer, P. L., & Glenning, P. P.(1997). Aust NZ J Obstete Gynaecol, 37: 436-445.
Chen, G. D., Lin, T. L., Hu, S. W., Chen, Y. C. & Lin, L. Y.(2003). Prevalence and correlation of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in Taiwamese women. Neurourology & Urodynamics, 22(2), 109-117.

Cayan, S., Akbay, E., Bozlu, M., Canpolat, B., Acar, D. & Ulusoy, E. (2004). The prevalence of female sexual dysfunction and potential risk factors that may impair sexual function in Turkish women. Urology International, 72(1), 52-57.
Dunn, k. M., Croft, P. R. & Hackett, G. I.(1998). Sexual problems: s study of the prevalence and need for health care in the general population. Fam Pract, 15: 519-524.
Dwyer, P. L., Franzcog, F. & Rosamilia, A. F(2002). Evaluation and diagnosis of the overactive bladder. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 45(1), 193-204.
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