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論文名稱(外文):Research of participating in the sewage sewer project risk and assessing among the people
指導教授(外文):JEN CHIEH-LIU
外文關鍵詞:BOTparticipates in folklyrisk assessingsewage sewer project
  • 被引用被引用:7
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摘 要
「促進民間參與公共建設法」於八十九年二月九日經總統公佈施行,該法提供民間參與交通建設、環境污染防治設施、衛生醫療設施、社會福利設施、勞工福利設施、文教設施、觀光遊憩及森林遊樂重大設施等類型公共建設。在「促進民間參與公共建設法」施行細則規定民間參與政府規畫之公共建設前,應辦理可行性評估及先期規畫,其中除財務計畫外,風險評估更是要項。若要吸引民間願意參與投資,除了合理的財務分析,風險評估是值得探討的課題,因此,本研究藉由相關文獻回顧,探討民間參與公共建設的內涵、法令適用範圍、風險評估分析,透過「BOT污水下水道工程風險評估之研究」所製作之專家問卷,並採用AHP層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process) ,經由問卷分析結果得知,18項風險項目中,排序前六項風險就佔了50%以上的風險權重,而前六項風險分別為,土地延遲取得;主辦機關承諾、應辦及協辦事項之延遲或無法達成;營運量不足;營運中斷風險;政治風險(政府部門作為或不作為);法令風險(適法性及法令變更),是為高風險項目,因此本研究針對前六項風險提出因應對策及減輕策略,期為政府及民間參與公共建設之參考。

Our country, in order to develop economy in the past, though promote a large amount of public construction, neglect the sewage sewer construction helping to promote the quality of the life. Because the sewage sewer is built the degree of popularizing is an important indicator of the national quality of the life, and of our country the sewer of sewage to build 13.1% of popularity, the backward world level far away, international competitiveness is it rank 46 one junior middle school while being listed to rank in IMD, only lead one Philippine country, slow action cannot save a critical situation to send the bag way such as adopting the traditional government of the conduct, compile and raise the funds with the budget, can keep up with the world level until a century, so the government encourages the public construction of non-governmental investment actively now, but through nongovernmental fund and efficient management and administration, reach the growth which accelerates public construction of sewage sewer and lighten government's financial burden, create the policy that has efficiency even more to pursue.
' promote folk participation to build the law publically ' announced and implemented by the president on February 9, 1989, this law offers the traffic construction of folk participation, facility for prevention and control of environmental pollution, hygiene medical facilities, social welfare facilities, labourer welfare facilities, culture and education facility, is it visit rest and forest travel such public construction of the type as great facilities,etc. to visit. Before the rules for implementation stipulate the public construction that draw of government's rule of folk participation, should handle the feasible assessment and advise pictures in advance, among them besides financial plan, the risk wants one especially when being assessed. If want to attract and like to participate in investment non-governmentally, except the financial affairs rationally are analysed, it is a subject that is worth probing into that the risk is assessed, so, this research is with relevant documents retrospect, intension, scope of application of decree, risk of probing into public construction of folk participation are assessed and analysed, through ' the research that BOT sewage sewer project risk assesses ' questionnaires of experts made, adopt AHP level analytic approach (Analytic Hierarchy Process) ,Learn via the analysis result of the questionnaire, in 18 risks project, it accounts for more than 50% risk weights to arrange in an order the first six risks, and the first six risks are respectively, the land postpones obtaining; Host the postponement or unable to reach that the organ promises, should do and do the item jointly; The running amount is insufficient; Operate the risk of cutting off; Political risk ( The government department is not regarded as or regarded as) ; Risk of the decree ( Right law and decree change) ,It is a risky project, so research this get to the first 6 risks out of because of lighten the tactics in conformity with the countermeasure, issue for government and folk to participate in public reference of construction.

Key word: BOT, participates in folkly, risk assessing, sewage sewer project
誌謝.............. Ⅰ
摘要.............. Ⅱ
英文摘要.............. Ⅲ
目錄.............. V
圖目錄.............. ⅩIII
表目錄.............. IⅩ

第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-1-1 研究動機 1
1-1-2 研究目的 2
1-2 研究範圍與內容 2
1-2-1 研究範圍 2
1-2-2 研究內容 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 3
1-3-1 研究方法 3
1-3-2 研究流程圖 4
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 民間參與公共建設之相關探討 5
2-1-1 民間參與公共建設之定義與內涵 5
2-1-2 民間參與公共建設之方式與流程 6
2-1-3 民間參與公共建設之法源依據與規範 14
2-2 民間參與公共建設BOT計畫之探討 16
2-2-1 相關BOT理論之內涵 16
2-2-2 相關BOT計畫之可行性研究 18
2-3民間參與公共建設獎勵措施與相關國內外案例 21
2-3-1政府為鼓勵民間參與公共建設特訂定獎勵措施 21
2-4 工程風險分析 27
2-4-1 風險定義與管理方法 27
2-4-2 工程計畫風險因素分析 34
第三章 污水下水道公共工程採BOT計畫風險之探討
3-1 污水下水道公共工程採BOT計畫之內容 38
3-1-1 污水下水道公共工程採BOT計畫之目標 38
3-1-2 污水下水道工程採BOT計畫政府與民間之考量因素 39
3-1-3 污水下水道工程採BOT計畫主要規劃內容 48
3-1-4 污水下水道建設採BOT計畫之疑義與對策探討 55
3-2 污水下水道BOT相關法令執行問題探討 58
3-3 污水下水道BOT風險分析 60
3-3-1 主要風險因素 60
3-3-2 各階段之風險因素 62
3-3-3 BOT污水下水道工程風險評估層級體系 70
第四章 BOT污水下水道工程風險評估分析
4-1 專家問卷研究設計 75
4-1-1 AHP專家問卷設計 75
4-2污水下水道BOT風險評估分析結果探討 81
4-2-1 污水下水道BOT風險評估架構之權重 81
4-2-2 污水下水道BOT風險之改善對策 87
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論 92
5-2 建議 94

參考文獻 96

附錄ㄧ 專家問卷 99
【2】促進民間參與公共建設研習班 林嘉蓉 講授,台北,2003。
【3】公務人力發展中心 林秋枝講授,台北,2003。
【8】馬台平,「民間參與文化建設財務評估之研究-以國家藝術村為例」,碩士 論文,中華大學營建管理研究所,新竹,2004年6月
【18】李嘉華,「港埠建設BOT專案計畫合理風險承擔機制之研究」,碩士論文, 長榮大學經營管理研究所,台南,2005年6月
【19】專案管理-理論與實務 許光華、何文榮編著
【27】Robert LK Tiong “comtitive of BOT projects”,journal of constructionengineerinandmanagemen.vol.6.no.1.january.pp.107-122.1990
【29】robert lk tiong “comtitive advantage of equity in BOT tenter”journconstructionengineerinandmanagemen.vol.121.no.3.september,pp.282-289,1995
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