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研究生(外文):Shih-Ming Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Partial Multicast Protection and QoS-Oriented Multicast Protection in WDM Networks
指導教授(外文):Chun-Hsin Wang
外文關鍵詞:wdm networkmulticast protectionQoS
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隨著光纖網路及分波多工(WDM)技術的發展,以及群播(multicast)應用越來越普遍,而因為光纖的高頻寬特性,當群播通訊發生單一連結錯誤時可能會造成大量資料的流失;而產生錯誤的連結下游接收端越多,所造成的影響也就越大,也因為如此,使得群播保護的議題越來越受到重視。因此許多文獻提出了一些保護群播會議的方法,然而這些方式都是以完全群播保護來做。本篇論文針對部份保護群播會議的概念來做探討,提出了四個部份群播會議保護演算法,(a)Fully multicast backbone (FMB) protection演算法來保護本篇所定義的群播骨幹,(b) Critical nodes (CN) protection演算法挑出群播會議中的重要節點來做保護,(c) Hybrid protection演算法則是為了避免前兩種部份保護的方式因為網路拓樸的關係而影響到在找尋備援路徑時可能產生失敗而提出的保護方式,(d) Arc-disjoint critical nodes protection演算法則是在方法(c)中使用了arc-disjoint的概念,跟前三種找尋沒有交集的備援樹方式不同的是,以arc-disjoint來建立的備援樹跟主要群播樹可以在同一條連結中使用不同方向的傳輸;此外本篇也在群播保護中加入了品質服務為導向的概念,將群播會議的節點分成三個層級,主要是讓一些重要的節點或是付出成本較高的使用者可以得到完善的保護。在本篇實驗中也可以明顯的看出在建立主要群播樹或備援樹時可能產生失敗的機率跟波長使用方面,部份保護的方式都會比之前尋找另外一棵沒有連結交集的備援樹來的好,而在以品質服務為導向的群播保護方面也得到不錯的效果。
With the rapid development of internet environment, network applications such as video on conference, e-learning., etc. require high bandwidth and multi-destination communications. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technologies are generally applied to optical networks for providing the requirement of high bandwidth. Therefore, there is an emerging need for providing good survivability for multicast service against link failure such as fiber cuts.
In this paper, the concept of partial multicast protection is explored to decrease the blocking probability of establishing a multicast connection. Four partial multicast protection schemes are proposed, namely, Fully Multicast Backbone (FMB) protection, Critical Nodes (CN) protection, Hybrid protection, and Arc-disjoint Critical Nodes (AC-CN) protection. Only one destination node will not receive the data from the source node when the single failed link is not protected by the proposed partial multicast protection schemes. But the affected destination node can dynamically re-join its multicast session. The QoS-oriented multicast protection scheme is also proposed in this paper. The multicast members are classified into three classes and multicast members of different class are protected by different protection schemes. The blocking probability can be reduced by the proposed multicast protection schemes. Extended simulation is performed to study the performance of the proposed multicast protection schemes.
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------I
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------II
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------III
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------IV
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------VI
第一章、序論 ------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 前言 ----------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究動機 ------------------------------------------------4
1.3 提出的方法 ----------------------------------------------5
1.4 論文架構 ------------------------------------------------6
第二章、背景與相關文獻 ---------------------------------------------7
2.1 分波多工及群播通訊簡介 ----------------------------------7
2.2 群播保護相關文獻 ---------------------------------------10
第三章、部份群播保護及以品質服務為導向的群播保護演算法 ------------20
3.1 完全保護及部份保護的比較 -------------------------------20
3.2 部份群播保護演算法 -------------------------------------22
3.2.1 完全群播骨幹保護 ----------------------------------22
3.2.2 關鍵節點保護 --------------------------------------23
3.2.3 綜合保護 ------------------------------------------25
3.2.4 雙向關鍵節點保護 ----------------------------------27
3.3 品質服務為導向的群播保護 --------------------------------28
3.4 重新加入群播會議的方式 ----------------------------------34
第四章、模擬與結果分析 -------------------------------------------35
4.1 模擬模式 ------------------------------------------------35
4.2 部份群播保護模擬結果 ------------------------------------36
4.3 以品質服務為導向的群播保護模擬結果 ----------------------42
第五章、結論 ------------------------------------------------------47
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------------48
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