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論文名稱(外文):SF6/O2/Ar inductively coupled plasma etching of SiC
外文關鍵詞:Micro-moldPlasma EtchingSF6O2Reaction Gas
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隨著科技商品輕量化與小型化的發產趨勢,對於量產微型零件而言,成本低廉與高精密度的微型模具製造技術是非常重要的。對於高工作溫度的微型模具而言,最重要的條件包括高溫強度、韌性、低熱膨脹係數及抗沾黏特性等,碳化矽(SiC)為製作微型模具之理想材料。SiC材料很難以傳統加工方式製作出奈微米圖案。本研究的主要目地是利用SF6、O2、Ar三種氣體混合,並且在SiC上蝕刻出微米結構,探討氣體混合比例與製程時間對蝕刻產生之表面形貌及表面粗糙度之影響。結果顯示,Ar的加入可有效使F、O自由基與SiC之間化學反應效果加強,也有利於蝕刻速度。在電漿的作用下F離子與真空腔體壁上蝕出的Al,生成一層Al-F化合物薄膜沉積在蝕刻凹坑內,此薄膜明顯主導SiC蝕刻機制,以SF6、O2混合比例4:1進行蝕刻可達到表面粗糙度0.37 nm。Ar的加入除了可增強蝕刻速率外,表面粗糙度也降低至0.27 nm。當SF6/O2/Ar分別以10.5/2.6/6.9 sccm混合,經過90分鐘的電漿蝕刻可得侵蝕深度為399.24 nm。
Light weight and small size become the trend of technology development for many commercialized products. It is essential to develop micro-mold fabrication technologies for the mass production of micro-components with high precision and lower cost. The most important requirements for high temperature micro-molds include high temperature strength, toughness, low thermal expansion coefficient and anti-stick properties. SiC is one of the candidate materials for the fabrication of micro-molds. It is difficult to produce micro/nano-pattern on SiC material by traditional machining process. The aim of this research is to fabricate micro-pattern on SiC material by plasma etching process using SF6, O2 and Ar as the reactive gas. The effects of gas flow ratio and processing duration on the surface morphology and roughness of etched pattern are investigated. The results show that the addition of Ar effectively enhances the chemical reaction of F、O radical with SiC material, which favors etching rate. Al-F based film was found to be formed on the etched surface due to the F ion interaction with Al ion coming from chamber wall, which dominates the etching mechanisms. Surface roughness of Ra :0.37 nm can be obtained after 30 minutes plasma treatment with the SF6 /O2 ratio of 4:1. Introducing Ar into reaction gas enhances the etching rate and further improves the surface roughness up Ra 0.27 nm. The etching depth of 399.24 nm can be achieved after 90 minutes plasma etching treatment with the SF6/O2/Ar gas flow rate of 10.5/2.6/6.9 sccm.
目錄中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------I Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------------II 致謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------III 目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV 表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------VII 圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------VIII 第一章:前言 ---------------------------------------------------------------------1 第二章:文獻回顧 ---------------------------------------------------------------3 2-1:微模具之應用 -----------------------------------------------------------3 2-2:碳化矽(SiC)材料特性 --------------------------------------------------7 2-2-1:碳化矽(SiC)材料發展史 -----------------------------------------7 2-2-2:碳化矽(SiC)材料之特性 ----------------------------------------10 2-2-3:碳化矽(SiC)材料之應用 ----------------------------------------12 2-3:電漿之原理及應用 ----------------------------------------------------13 2-3-1:電漿之生成與分類 ----------------------------------------------14 2-3-2:電漿之基本特性 -------------------------------------------------18 2-3-3:電漿之應用 -------------------------------------------------------19 2-4:蝕刻特性之比較 -------------------------------------------------------23 2-5:碳化矽(SiC)材料蝕刻特性 ------------------------------------------26 2-5-1:濕式蝕刻 ----------------------------------------------------------26 2-5-2:乾式蝕刻 ----------------------------------------------------------27 第三章:實驗方法 --------------------------------------------------------------33 3-1:實驗流程 ----------------------------------------------------------------34 3-2:實驗設備 ----------------------------------------------------------------35 3-2-1:電漿系統(Plasma System) ------------------------35 3-2-2:流量控制系統 ----------------------------------------------------38 3-3:試片前處理 -------------------------------------------------------------39 3-4:檢測儀器設備 ----------------------------------------------------------42 3-5:實驗步驟 ----------------------------------------------------------------44 第四章:結果與討論 -----------------------------------------------------------46 4-1:不同氣體比例對SiC材料蝕刻之影響 ----------------------------48 4-1-1:SF6與O2混合比例對SiC蝕刻表面形貌之影響 -----------48 4-1-2:SF6與O2混合比例對SiC蝕刻深度與表面粗糙度之影響 -----------------------------55 4-2:添加氬(Ar)對SiC之影響 --------------------------------------------61 4-2-1:添加氬(Ar)對SiC蝕刻產生表面形貌之影響 ---------------61 4-2-2:添加Ar對SiC電漿蝕刻生成物之影響 ----------------------71 4-2-3:添加氬(Ar)對SiC蝕刻產生深度與表面粗糙度之影響 ---76 4-2-4 :製程時間對SiC蝕刻表面形貌之影響 ---------------------83 4-2-5:製程時間對SiC蝕刻深度及表面粗糙度之影響 -----------88 第五章:結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------92 第六章:未來展望 --------------------------------------------------------------94 第七章:參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------95
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