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研究生(外文):Po-Wei Liu
論文名稱(外文):A study on the Productivity of Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry
指導教授(外文):Shinn Sun
外文關鍵詞:Data Envelopment AnalysisPerformance MeasurementSemiconductorMalmquist Index
  • 被引用被引用:3
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研究發現:(1) IC設計業平均整體生產力極差,最佳企業為研通公司;無任何一家企業五年均處於最適生產規模;平均獲利力尚可,最佳企業為研通公司;平均市場力欠佳,最佳企業為太欣公司;6家企業總因素生產力呈現成長的趨勢;(2) IC製造業平均整體生產力極差,最佳企業為元隆公司;無任何一家企業五年均處於最適生產規模;平均獲利力尚可,最佳企業為茂矽公司;平均市場力尚可,最佳企業為元隆公司;9家企業總因素生產力呈現成長的趨勢;(3) IC封測業平均整體生產力極差,最佳企業為誠遠公司;僅誠遠公司五年均處最適生產規模;平均獲利力尚可,最佳企業為飛信公司;平均市場力尚可,最佳企業為誠遠公司;6家企業總因素生產力呈現成長的趨勢;(4) 分離式元件業平均整體生產力尚可,最佳企業為華昕電公司;無任何一家企業五年均處於最適生產規模;平均獲利力尚可,最佳企業為華昕電公司;平均市場力尚可,最佳企業為麗正國際公司;3家企業總因素生產力呈現成長的趨勢;(5) 光電半導體業平均整體生產力極差,最佳企業為華興公司;無任何一家企業五年均處於最適生產規模;平均獲利力尚可,最佳企業為華興公司;平均市場力尚可,最佳企業為華興公司;3家企業總因素生產力呈現成長的趨勢;(6)市場成長率與企業年齡對其生產力是有顯著的影響而員工生產力對其生產力是有顯著的負影響。
The purpose of this study is to assess the productivity, productivity change of Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry over 2001-2005 and examine the effects of environmental factors on productivity. This study selected 45 firms for measuring the productivity of IC Design Industry, 11 firms for measuring the productivity of IC Manufacturer industry, 18 firms for measuring the productivity of IC Assembly and IC Testing industry, 5 firms for measuring the productivity of Discrete devices industry, and 5 firms for measuring the productivity of Optoelectronic Semiconductor industry. These 84 firms are listed at stock exchange and over-the-counter Semiconductor-related firms. This study used input-oriented slacks-based measure data envelopment analysis to assess productivity, profitability and marketability of Semiconductor Industry, employed cross efficiency measure to identify the best practice, utilized Malmquist index to estimate productivity change over a five-year period, and finally applied regression analysis to examine the effects of environmental factors on productivity.

Results of this study show that: (1) IC design firms performed poorly in producing their productivity, V-TAC Technology Co., Ltd. was rated as the best practice; these firms were not experienced most productivity scale size over the years of 2001-2005; these firms performed at a median high profitability, V-TAC Technology Co., Ltd. was identified as the best practice; IC design firms performed poorly at marketability, Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. was identified as the best practice; there were 6 firms having positive changes in total factor productivity over a five-years period; (2) IC manufacturing firms performed poorly in producing their productivity, Advanced Microelectronic Products Inc. was rated as the best practice; these firms were not experienced mot productivity scale size over the years of 2001-2005; these firms performed at a median high profitability, Mosel Vitelic Inc. was identified as the best practice; these firms performed at a median high marketability, Advanced Microelectronic Products Inc was identified as the best practice; there were 9 firms having positive changes in total factor productivity over a five-years period; (3) IC Assembly and Testing firms performed poorly in producing their productivity, Test-serv Inc. was rated as the best practice; Test-serv Inc. was experienced most productivity scale size over the years of 2001-2005; these firms performed at a median high profitability, International Semiconductor Technology Ltd. was identified as the best practice; these firms performed poorly at marketability, Test-serv Inc. was identified as the best practice; there were 6 firms having positive changes in total factor productivity over a five-years period; (4) Discrete devices firms performed poorly in producing their productivity, Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp. was rated as the best practice; these firms were not experienced most productivity scale size over the years of 2001-2005; these firms performed at a median high profitability, Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp. was identified as the best practice; these firms performed at a median high marketability, Rectron Ltd. was identified as the best practice; there were 3 firms having positive changes in total factor productivity over a five-years period; (5) Optoelectronic Semiconductor firms performed poorly in producing their productivity, Ledtech Electronics Corp. was rated as the best practice; these firms were not experienced mot productivity scale size over the years of 2001-2005; these firms performed at a median high profitability and a median marketability, Ledtech Electronics Corp. was identified as the best practice; there were 3 firms having positive changes in total factor productivity over a five-years period; and (6) market growth rate and age of a firm have positive impacts on the productivity and employees’ productivity of a firm has a negative impact on the productivity of Semiconductor Industry .
目   錄
目   錄 I
表 目 錄 III
圖 目 錄 V
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 研究方法與架構 5
第五節 研究範圍與限制 8
第六節 研究內容 9
第貳章 文獻探討 10
第一節 非DEA應用文獻 10
第二節 DEA應用文獻 16
第三節 DEA理論文獻 25
第四節 文獻小結 35
第參章 研究方法 37
第一節 研究流程 37
第二節 研究設計 39
第肆章 實證分析 50
第一節 生產力分析 50
第二節 生產力變動趨勢分析 80
第三節 環境變數影響分析 95
第四節 管理意涵 95
第伍章 結論與建議 98
第一節 結論 98
第二節 建議 99
參考文獻 101
附 錄 106

表 目 錄
表2-1 非DEA 應用文獻表 13
表2-2 DEA 應用文獻表 20
表2-3 交叉效率矩陣表 31
表3-1 投入與產出項歸納表 39
表3-2 樣本選取表 41
表3-3 研究對象 42
表3-4 變數定義表 44
表3-5 敘述統計表 45
表3-6 相關係數表 45
表3-7 環境變數定義表 48
表4-1 投入/產出項權數表 50
表4-2 投入項與產出項權重界限 51
表4-3 IC設計業年平均整體生產力表 51
表4-4 IC設計業年平均個別生產力表 53
表4-5 IC製造業年平均整體生產力表 59
表4-6 IC製造業年平均個別生產力表 60
表4-7 IC封測業年平均整體生產力表 64
表4-8 IC封測業年平均個別生產力表 66
表4-9 分離式元件業年平均整體生產力表 70
表4-10 分離式元件業年平均個別生產力表 71
表4-11 光電半導體業年平均整體生產力表 75
表4-12 光電半導體業年平均個別生產力表 76
表4-13 IC設計業平均生產力變動趨勢表 80
表4-14 IC製造業平均生產力變動趨勢表 84
表4-15 IC封測業平均生產力變動趨勢表 87
表4-16 分離式元件業平均生產力變動趨勢表 90
表4-17 光電半導體業平均生產力變動趨勢表 92
表4-18 迴歸分析表 95

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 全球半導體市場規模圖 1
圖1-2 2005年我國半導體產業全球產值圖 2
圖1-3 研究架構圖 7
圖3-1 研究流程圖 38
圖3-2 整體生產力評估模式圖 40
圖3-3 個別生產力評估模式圖 40
圖4-1 IC設計業整體生產力與獲利力關係圖 56
圖4-2 IC設計業整體生產力與市場力關係圖 57
圖4-3 IC設計業獲利力與市場力關係圖 58
圖4-4 IC製造業整體生產力與獲利力關係圖 61
圖4-5 IC製造業整體生產力與市場力關係圖 62
圖4-6 IC製造業獲利力與市場力關係圖 64
圖4-7 IC封測業整體生產力與獲利力關係圖 67
圖4-8 IC封測業整體生產力與市場力關係圖 68
圖4-9 IC封測業獲利力與市場力關係圖 69
圖4-10 分離式元件業整體生產力與獲利力關係圖 72
圖4-11 分離式元件業整體生產力與市場力關係圖 73
圖4-12 分離式元件業獲利力與市場力關係圖 74
圖4-13 光電半導體業整體生產力與獲利力關係圖 77
圖4-14 光電半導體業整體生產力與市場力關係圖 78
圖4-15 光電半導體業獲利力與市場力關係圖 79
21.韓慧林(民93),台灣地區半導體業績效評估,管理研究學報, 4(1),71-89。

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