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研究生(外文):Hui-Hsuan Hou
論文名稱(外文):The study of preparation method for chlorophyll a comparative sample
外文關鍵詞:EutrophicationChlorellaPheophytin aChlorophyll a
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水中葉綠素a含量係生態環境評估工具之一,用以評估湖泊水庫優養化程度及海域生產力等,如卡爾森優養化指數即將葉綠素a設為其水質指標之一。葉綠素a為生物性指標,一般以其濃度來表示藻類的生物質量,由於檢測過程繁瑣且葉綠素a易受光及熱分解,故採用CRM (Certified Reference Materials)方能確認檢測技術,惟其價格昂貴且由國外進口運送困難,進行比對測試有相當難度。
本研究採用標準葉綠素a、綠藻錠粉末及培養綠球藻來探討配製葉綠素a比對樣品的可行性。結果顯示葉綠素a標準在水中均勻性不佳,而綠藻錠粉末可配製成樣品,但惟要磨成相當細且均勻,而綠球藻之計數值、531 nm吸收度及葉綠素a含量隨培養時間而增加,而其相關性尚屬良好,以培養綠球藻用來配製比對樣品的結果,其可行性為可行。
The quantity of Chlorophyll a in water is one of important evaluating guidelines for the ecological environment. It is employed to assess the Eutrophication of the lake reservoirs and the productivity of ocean areas, etc. One typical example is the Carlson Trophic State Index which takes advantage of Chlorophyll a as the index of water quality assessment. Chlorophyll a is a biological index. In generally, the concentration of Chlorophyll a is used to indicate the quality of algae. Currently, the Standard Sample and Certify Reference Materials (CRM) that consist of Chlorophyll a dominate the market. Because the detection procedure is tedious and chlorophyll a tends to be decomposed under the effect of light and heat, so we adopt a method of CRM to confirm the detection technique. However, it costs extremely expensively and imported the difficulty of transporting by foreign countries; it proceeds the comparative tests more difficultly. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop an effective producing method of Chlorophyll a’s Reference Sample.
In this research, we use Standard of chlorophyll a, green alga spindle powder and cultivating Chlorella to discuss feasibility of preparation method for chlorophyll a comparative sample. The result found Standard sample of chlorophyll a is not homogenizing in water. Then green alga spindle powder can be prepared samples, but it must grind to homogenize. These increase with the cultivating time and correlation well for the number of Chlorella absorptance, absorption of 531nm wavelength and concentration of Chlorophyll a. In conclusion, the preparation method of cultivating Chlorella for chlorophyll a comparative sample is feasible.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2-1優養化簡介 2
2-2 光合作用簡介 7
2-3 葉綠素簡介 10
2-4 單細胞藻類的生長介紹 13
2-5 方法的探討比較 17
第三章 材料與方法 24
3-1 實驗器材及設備 24
3-2 藥品 26
3-3 綠球藻培養液 26
3-4 葉綠素a萃取步驟 28
3-5 藻類計數的方法 28
3-6 葉綠素a含量計算公式 30
3-7 流動相條件及組成 32
第四章 結果與討論 34
4-1 葉綠素a標準品測試結果 34
4-2 綠藻錠粉末測試結果 37
4-3 綠球藻培養測試 43
4-3-1 不同培養時間之葉綠素a含量 43
4-3-2不同培養時間之吸收值波長531nm 46
4-3-3 不同培養時間之綠球藻數 48
4-3-4 葉綠素a含量與吸收值531nm之關係 49
4-3-5 綠球藻數與葉綠素a含量之關係 52
4-3-6 綠球藻數與吸收值531nm之關係 54
4-3-7 葉綠素a樣品比對結果 56
第五章 結論 58
第六章 未來展望 59
第七章 參考文獻 60
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