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研究生(外文):Wen-Fan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Design of RFID Tag Anetnna for UHF Band
外文關鍵詞:slot antennadipole antennaconjugate matchingRFID-Tag
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Novel and low-cost antennas suitable for RFID-Tag are presented. Dipole antennas, folded dipole antennas, CPW slot antennas have been applied in the proposed designs, and good performance has been obtained. To transmit the maximum power between the antenna and the microchip, it has to be conjugate matching. The operating bandwidths of the proposed antennas can satisfy the requirement of all country. These desirable features of the tag antenna is confirmed by the measured results presented herein.
文字目錄 i
圖形目錄 iii
表格目錄 vii
第一章 序論 (Introduction) 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 文獻導覽 4
1.3 論文提要 5
第二章 具有全向性輻射場型之平面偶極標籤天線 (Omnidirectional Planar Dipole Tag Antenna) 8
2.1 天線設計 9
2.2 應用於915MHz之平面偶極標籤天線標籤天線 9
2.3 心得與討論 11
第三章 具有全向性輻射之縮小化Loop Dipole標籤天線設計(Omnidirectional Planar Loop Dipole Tag Antenna) 19
3.1 天線設計 20
3.2應用於915MHz之縮小化Loop Dipole標籤天線標籤天線 21
3.3 心得與討論 39
第四章 具有全向性輻射場型之槽孔天線(Omnidirectional Planar Folded Slist Antenna) 40
4.1 天線設計 41
4.2應用於915MHz之縮小化Loop Dipole標籤天線標籤天線 42
4.3 心得與討論 67
第五章 結論 (Conclusions) 68
參考文獻 (References) 70
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