In this study, two different materials Nano-Nylon6 and Nylon66 are chosen to investigate the influence of injection parameters on the dimensional performance of steel ball retainer. The injection speed and holding pressure and of injection parameters dominate the performance of crystal material mostly so that those are selected as the main factors in this study. The proper holding pressure and holding speed can reduce the shrinkage of the part and increase the molding quality. The CAE simulation is implemented firstly then an experiment is proceeded to validate the influence of injection speed and holding pressure. The results show that the dimensional stability is achieved at the holding pressure of 80 bar for Nano-Nylon6 as same as that of 75 bar for Nylon66. For the impact strength, Nano-Nylon6 is larger 68% than Nylon66. Additionally, the dimensional stability of Nano-Nylon6 is better than Nylon66.