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研究生(外文):Yi-Shan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationship between the HRM Policies of Dispatched Workers and the Effected Conflicts
指導教授(外文):Chen-Ming Chu
外文關鍵詞:Personality Trait.Task ConflictProcess ConflictRelationship ConflictHRM PoliciesDispatched Workers
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Due to the shrinkage of profit margins, enterprises start to use contingent workforce to substitute their regular workforce for cost cutting. However, does it really bring the expected advantage for the enterprise? Under the different employment relationship, hiring purpose, and expectation from the dispatched workers as performing their duties, User Enterprises also have different HRM policies for them. This difference on HRM policies may cause conflicts between dispatched and regular workers.

The main goal of this study is, from the view of dispatched workers, to research on the relationship between the HRM policies of dispatched workers and the effected conflicts, as well as the reaction revealed from different personality traits.

The followings is the findings of this study:
1. It indicates very significant effect on the difference of 5 HRM policies: Training, Appraisal, Salary & Incentive, Benefits, and Employment Relationship between dispatched workers and regular workers. That is, all dispatched workers considered User Enterprises treating regular workers better than dispatched workers.
2. Among the relationship between the difference of HRM policies and the effected conflicts, it indicates positive correlation on Appraisal difference and Salary & Incentive difference to all 3 conflicts - relationship, task, and process conflicts. That is, the bigger the gap on treating dispatcher and regular workers, the more conflicts would be caused.
3. Dispatched workers with higher agreeableness, and openness personality would cause less conflict, however, those who with higher sensitiveness personality would cause more conflicts with regular workers.
4. Salary & Incentive difference and agreeableness would casue interaction effect to relationship conflict. Training difference and openness would cause interaction effect to relationship, and task conflicts, respectively.

According to the conclusion, the suggestions are submitted as below:
1. User enterprise should distinguish dispatched workers into different level of technology, give more flexibility and respect to higher level workers, but more specific job definition to non-skilled workers, and pay attention to their interaction with regular workers.
2. To decrease regular workers’ job insecurities, suggesting not promote dispatched worker to regular worker often, use the direct cash reward to encourage their good performance on work, and treat them both with same standard.
3. While moderating the conflicts, managers should perceive and recognize different
reactions towards different conflicts, as well as the personality trait of dispatched workers.
4. Staffing Agency & User Enterprise should keep good relationship and connection to make sure to have more reliable and better quality of dispatched workforce.
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景........................................................................................................1
第二節 研究動機........................................................................................................2
第三節 研究目的........................................................................................................4
第二章 文獻探討................................................................................................................5
第一節 人力派遣的概念與形成原因……………………………............................5
第二節 人力資源管理措施差異性..………………………......................................8
第三節 衝突的相關理論..........................................................................................17
第四節 人力派遣與衝突的來源…………………………………………………..22
第五節 人格特質的定義與理論…………………………………………………..25
第三章 研究方法..............................................................................................................29
第一節 研究架構......................................................................................................29
第二節 研究假說......................................................................................................30
第三節 研究變項之操作性定義與衡量..................................................................31
第四節 研究對象…………………………………………………………………..34
第五節 樣本特性與描述…………………………………………………………..35
第六節 研究工具…………………………………………………………………..37
第四章 研究結果與發現………………………………………………………………..38
第一節 研究變項之描述性分析與討論..................................................................38
第二節 派遣員工與正職員工之人力管理措施差異分析與討論..........................48
第三節 人力資源管理措施的差異性對工作衝突之關聯性分析…......................54
第四節 人格特質與工作衝突之相關分析與討論..................................................62
第五節 人力資源管理措施差異與人格特質對工作衝突之交互影響效果分析..66
第五章 結論與建議..........................................................................................................79
第一節 研究結論......................................................................................................79
第二節 管理實務之意涵..........................................................................................84
第三節 後續研究建議……………………………………………………………..87
第四節 研究限制………………………………......................................................88

表 目 錄
表2-1 人力派遣定義彙整表..............................................................................................5
表2-2 我國企業使用人力派遣的原因表..........................................................................8
表2-3 派遣員工與正職員工人力資源管理措施之差異表..............................................9
表2-4 派遣派遣員工在要派企業所面臨問題………………………………………....15
表3-1 人格特質題目分配表............................................................................................32
表3-2 樣本資料之信度分析表........................................................................................34
表3-3 樣本資料之描述性統計分析表…………………………………………...…….36
表4-1-1 派遣員工與正職員工在人力資源管理措施之各構面描述性統計分析表.....39
表4-1-2 衝突類型各構面之描述性統計分析表.............................................................39
表4-1-3 衝突類型各構面次數分析表.............................................................................40
表4-1-4 人格特質各構面之描述性統計分析表.............................................................41
表4-1-5 個人變項對衝突類型之關係衝突之t檢定與變異數分析表.…………..…….43
表4-1-6 個人變項對衝突類型之任務衝突之t檢定與變異數分析表………...…….....45
表4-1-7 個人變項對衝突類型之程序衝突之t檢定與變異數分析表…………………47
表4-2-1 人力資源管理措施之教育訓練t檢定分析表……………………………........50
表4-2-2 人力資源管理措施之績效評估t檢定分析表……………………………........51
表4-2-3 人力資源管理措施之薪資與獎酬t檢定分析表…………………………........52
表4-2-4 人力資源管理措施之員工福利t檢定分析表……………………………........53
表4-2-5 人力資源管理措施之員工關係t檢定分析表……………………………........53
表4-3-1 人力資源管理措施差異性與衝突類型之Pearson相關分析表........................55
表4-3-2 教育訓練差距分數與衝突類型之單因子變異數分析表……………….........56
表4-3-3 績效評估差距分數與衝突類型之單因子變異數分析表……………….........57
表4-3-4 薪資與獎酬差距分數與衝突類型之單因子變異數分析表…………….........59
表4-3-5 員工福利差距分數與衝突類型之單因子變異數分析表……………….........60
表4-3-6 員工關係差距分數與衝突類型之單因子變異數分析表……………….........61
表4-3-7 人力資源管理措施差異性與衝突類型之多元回歸分析分析表………….....62
表4-4-1 人格特質與衝突類型之Pearson相關分析表....................................................63
表4-4-2 人格特質之親和性與衝突類型之t檢定分析表................................................64
表4-4-3 人格特質之敏感性與衝突類型之t檢定分析表................................................64
表4-4-4 人格特質之開放性與衝突類型之t檢定分析表................................................65
表4-5-1 教育訓練差異與人格特質親和性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....66
表4-5-2 績效評估差異與人格特質親和性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....67
表4-5-3 薪資與獎酬差異與人格特質親和性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.67
表4-5-4 員工福利差異與人格特質親和性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....68
表4-5-5 員工關係差異與人格特質親和性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....68
表4-5-6 教育訓練差異與人格特質敏感性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....69
表4-5-7 績效評估差異與人格特質敏感性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....70
表4-5-8 薪資與獎酬差異與人格特質敏感性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.70
表4-5-9 員工福利差異與人格特質敏感性之交互作用對衝突類型之影響分析表.....71
表5-1-1 研究假說驗證結果表.........................................................................................79

圖 目 錄
圖2-1 人才派遣業務關係圖..............................................................................................6
圖3-1 研究架構圖............................................................................................................29
圖4-5-1 薪資與獎酬差異與人格特質親和性交互作用對關係衝突之影響.................76
圖4-5-2 教育訓練差異與人格特質開放性交互作用對關係衝突之影響.....................77
圖4-5-3 薪資與獎酬差異與人格特質開放性交互作用對任務衝突之影響.................78
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