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研究生(外文):Chia-Pin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Internal Service Satisfaction of Administrative Service Center in Life Insurance Agent—Taoyuan Service Center of S.K.L.
指導教授(外文):Ru-Yuh WangYi-Chung Hu
外文關鍵詞:internal marketingservice deliveryinternal service qualityinternal service satisfaction
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The development of the life insurance industry in Taiwan, since 1987, opening up the insurance market to foreign companies. 1993 lifting of the ban to allow the establishment of new insurance companies, insurance companies sprung up have been established, to 2001, the Ministry of Finance implementing financial reforms, large domestic financial groups have set up financial holding company The insurance companies into the financial holding company, the Group of facing financial holding company synergy strategy, the need to establish a more competitive posture with the modernization of the organization and link activities, therefore, the insurance companies have set up services center at the local (administrative), in response to the strategic competition. The purpose of this study was to explore the service centers for the distribution process, the staff service capacity and quality of dysfunction. Field personnel and the attitude of interaction with the corresponding flow as internal marketing, Field against expectations of staff satisfaction with the findings of empirical analysis, provided to the industry on the management of reference.
In this study, a survey of empirical research methods in discussing services (administrative) center internal marketing services transmit the content. According to the manner of references, field staff designs the internal perception of service quality and internal satisfaction scale. Participation rubbed scholars theory and practical study of surface structure will be undertaken as eight-oriented: "Competent leadership and input", "The overall work environment", "Attitude", "Efficiency", "Professional", "Empathy" "Communication and interaction", and "Field of internal service satisfaction" as internal customer satisfaction assessment indicators. Taoyuan service center field staff service area was chosen as the subjects sample stratified sampling ratio, using five methods of SPSS statistical software: Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, MANOVA, Regression Analysis, and One-way ANOVA Analysis to analyze its conclusions are as follows:
1.Subjects were right service center in Taoyuan perception of internal service quality and internal service satisfaction should be the upper level.
2.In service delivery, In addition to field personnel to pay medical claims and the admissibility of services is some use of frequency effects, the remaining content of services and the frequency of use of the mode of transmission service ratio no difference.
3.Officers of the internal perception of service quality is the better for its internal service satisfaction, the higher its impact empathy maximum dimensions.
4.In different contexts population variables in the internal perception of service quality and internal service satisfaction of difference, showing women compared to men, junior below the senior, the younger below the oldest, higher degrees below the low education and low duties were below the high office.
Insurance companies for services (administrative) center operations requirements, in addition to the establishment of standard operating procedures continue to improve the quality of personnel, strengthening the internal and external staff training, and encourages professional certification examinations, and continuously coordinated logistical support departments, Mutual support and rapid response capacity, expectations do all customer satisfaction service system (TCS); However, field staff for internal service quality and internal service satisfaction requirements, and will forever be unable to heal a confrontation between. Positive expectations of this study and the results reflected in the phenomenon, will provide services (administrative) center of reference, set more innovative value of the internal marketing strategy to enhance quality of service to meet internal and external customer demand.
目錄......................................................................... V
圖目錄.................................................................... VIII

第一章 緒 論............................................. ................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的............................................................ 2
第三節 研究範圍與對象...................................................... 3
第四節 研究流程........................................................... 5
第二章 文獻回顧與整理...................................................... 6
第一節 內部行銷............................................................6
第二節 內部服務品質.................................................... ..14
第三節 內部顧客滿意度.................................................... 21
第四節 桃園服務中心內部服務傳遞...........................................26
第三章 研究方法........................................................... 28
第一節 研究架構...........................................................28
第二節 研究變數定義與衡量.................................................29
第三節 研究假設...........................................................30
第四節 問卷設計與抽樣方法................................................31
第五節 資料處理與分析方法................................................33
第四章 研究結果與分析....................................................35
第一節 回收樣本之描述性統計..............................................35
第二節 因素與信度分析....................................................44
第三節 服務中心服務傳遞MANOVA分析........................................49
第四節 內部服務品質與內部服務滿意度迴歸分析..............................58
第五節 不同背景變項之外勤業務人員所知覺的桃園服務中心內部服務品質與內部服務滿意度之差異分析............................................................60
第五章 結論與建議.........................................................75
第一節 研究發現與結論....................................................75
第二節 研究建議..........................................................77

表 1 桃園行政中心每月服務對象頻率統計....................................4
表 2-1 服務流程設計之五種類型............................................13
表 2-2 服務品質的決定因素................................................18
表 2-3 SERVQUAL量表構面及意義............................................19
表 2-4 SERVQUAL 量表五大構面與問項.......................................20
表 3-1 外勤人員知覺的服務品質及對中心的內部滿意度之問卷內容題項說明......31
表 3-2 問卷發放彙整......................................................33
表 4-1-1 問卷回收統計......................................................35
表 4-1-2 樣本分佈情形-依人口統計變數類別之次數分析........................35
表 4-1-3 受測者對所知覺的主管領導與投入品質分析............................36
表 4-1-4 受測者對所知覺的整體服務實體環境品質分析..........................37
表 4-1-5 受測者對所知覺的服務態度品質分析..................................38
表 4-1-6 受測者對所知覺的服務效率品質分析..................................39
表 4-1-7 受測者對所知覺的專業能力品質分析..................................40
表 4-1-8 受測者對所知覺的同理心品質分析....................................41
表 4-1-9 受測者對所知覺的溝通與互動品質分析................................42
表 4-1-10 受測者對外勤人員對內部服務滿意度分析..............................43
表 4-2-1 外勤人員知覺的內部服務品質因素分析................................44
表 4-2-2 外勤人員知覺的內部服務品質因數分數................................46
表 4-2-3 內部服務滿意度因素分析............................................47
表 4-2-4 中心整體滿意度之因素分數..........................................48
表 4-3-1 保單新契約受理服務的使用頻率敍述統計..............................49
表 4-3-2 新契約保單受理服務使用頻率之多變量檢定............................50
表 4-3-3 保費帳務受理服務的使用頻率敍述統計................................50
表 4-3-4 保費帳務受理服務變項之多變量檢定..................................51
表 4-3-5 契約後保單行政受理服務的使用頻率敍述統計..........................52
表 4-3-6 契約後保單行政受理服務變項之多變量統計............................52
表 4-3-7 醫療及理賠受理服務的使用頻率敍述統計..............................53
表 4-3-8 醫療及理賠受理服務的使用頻率變項之多變量統計......................54
表 4-3-9 醫療及理賠受理服務的使用頻率變項之單因子變異數分析................54
表 4-3-10 快遞信件傳遞服務的使用比例之敍述統計..............................55
表 4-3-11 快遞信件傳遞服務的使用比例之多變量統計............................55
表 4-3-12 電子通訊系統傳遞服務的使比例之敍述統計............................56
表 4-3-13 電子通訊系統傳遞服務的使用比例之多變量統計........................57
表 4-3-14 業務員臨櫃受理服務比例之敍述統計..................................57
表 4-3-15 業務員臨櫃受理服務比例之多變量統計................................58
表 4-4-1 外勤人員知覺的內部服務品質五個構面與「內部服務滿意度」逐步多元迴歸分......................................................................... 59
表 4-4-2 外勤人員知覺的內部服務品質五個構面與「內部服務滿意度」間迴歸分析..59
表 4-5-1 不同性別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度t檢定摘要........................................................................60
表 4-5-2 不同年齡別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要..........................................................62
表 4-5-3 不同學歷別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要..........................................................64
表 4-5-4 不同年資別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要..........................................................66
表 4-5-5 不同職務別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要..........................................................68
表 4-5-6 不同部門(區域)別之外勤人員對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要....................................................70
表4-5-7 外勤人員與中心行政人員親近關係對所知覺的服務中心內部服務品質及內部服務滿意度單因子變異數分析摘要..................................................72
表 4-6 研究假設實證結果彙整..............................................73
表 5-1 同理心構面問卷內容................................................77

圖 1-1 行政中心組織暨服務傳遞示意............................................2
圖 1-2 服務行銷的三角架構....................................................3
圖 1-3 行政中心受理業務流程..................................................4
圖 1-4 研究流程..............................................................5
圖 2-1 服務系統..............................................................6
圖 2-2 服務實體環境模型.....................................................12
圖 2-3 服務品質知覺連帶.....................................................15
圖 2-4 PZB服務品質模式.....................................................16
圖 2-5 期望不一致理論.......................................................21
圖 2-6 顧客知覺服務品質與顧客滿意度.........................................24
圖 3-1 研究架構.............................................................28
圖 4-1 新研究架構...........................................................28
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