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研究生(外文):Wen-Ying Wu
論文名稱(外文):Key Factors and Alternatives Evaluation of Improving Organization Performances for the Defense R&D Institute
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chung Hu
外文關鍵詞:Defense Research and Development InstituteDelphi MethodOrganization performanceAnalytical Hierarchy ProcessFuzzy Theory
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Facing with the age of the emergence of globalization, information technology, Internet and knowledge-based economy, the involvement in technological research and development has become the major indicator for driving the national economic growth and is also the lifeline of sustainable development of industries. Various countries in the world also recognize that the basic national policy is innovative technology and autonomous technology. Importance is placed on the effect of technological development and extensive financial resources, material resource and manpower are put into the national defense technology domain continuously. In addition, the main national resource is put into the technological research and development hoping that this can be helpful in enhancing the national economic growth.
Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology “CSIST”, a national defense research and development organization, strives for the research and development of the national defense industry in long term and strides across multiple domains. However, in order to cope with the international political situation and to consider the present stage of national defense arms procurement and as the financial deficit of our country is expanding day by day resulting in more shrinkage in the budgets of various departments of our government, the result is the technological research and development resource is being edged out. At present CSIST is facing the organization transformation and the pressure from the change in the internal and external environment and CSIST is encountering serious challenge. Organizational change will result in discomfort and opposition from personnel and this will further affect the overall operation and performance of the organization. It is hoped that with this research and analysis, the key factors for enhancing the performance of the national defense research and development organization can be found so that such organization can stride towards the goal of sustainable operation.
Through collective arrangement of relevant documents and the suggestions of relevant professional personnel integrated using Delphi Method, a decision-making hierarchy structure is established to enhance the performance of the national defense organization. This includes four large aspects:”Human Resource”,”Research And Development Result”,”Organization Innovation”,”Learning And Growth” and eighteen standards. Aiming at the three groups including level 1 principal and deputy in-charge and level 2 principal and deputy in-charge and relevant managing and handling person, the Analytical Hierarchy Process “AHP” is utilized to analyze the aspects of enhancing the organization performance by different group and the corresponding level of emphasis on the evaluation criteria and also the degree of common consensus is analyzed. This is to seek for a point of balance that can be provided to decision maker as reference. In addition, evaluation on the performance value of four feasible plans including:”Organization Structure Adjustment”,”Manpower Structure Adjustment”,”Intensified Rotational Transfer System”,”Establishment of Personnel Management System” is conducted based on Fuzzy Theory and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution “TOPSIS”.
The research results shows that the aspect mostly emphasized by level 1 principal and deputy in-charge group is “Manpower Resource”because members of this group are decision makers. The first and most important consideration for them is how to effectively improve the utilization of human resource so that it can bring the maximum effect into full play. The mostly emphasized aspect for level 2 principal and deputy in-charge is“Organization Innovation”. Members of this group have good opportunity to become a high level in-charge in the future and therefore the most emphasized factor for them is how to enable the organization to continue to innovate and to adapt to the changing environment. The aspect that is mostly emphasized by the managing and handling person is the“Research and Development Result”. This is because whether the result of the research and development is successful or not will affect the work performance of the basic level personnel. Therefore this group emphasizes this aspect most. In respect of plan appraisal, the level 1 principal and deputy in-charge mostly prefers the“Manpower Structure Adjustment” plan; the level 2 principal and deputy in-charge mostly prefers the“Intensified Rotational Transfer System” plan and the managing and handling person mostly prefers the“Organization Structure Adjustment” plan.
目 錄
摘 要 I
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 IX
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 4
第三節、研究流程 5
第四節、章節結構 6
第貳章、文獻回顧 7
第一節、組織績效 7
第二節、提昇組織績效之因素 9
第三節、德爾菲法的特性 20
第四節、多準則決策分析方法 21
第參章、研究方法 26
第一節、建立層級架構 26
第二節、德爾菲法問卷調查 29
第三節、層級分析法 40
第四節、評估準則權重的決定 41
第五節、共識度分析 43
第六節、模糊理論 44
第七節、模糊多準則決策 46
第八節、理想解類似度偏好順序評估法 47
第肆章、實證分析 51
第一節、層級分析法問卷調查與受訪者基本資料 51
第二節、構面與準則之權重及共識度分析 52
第三節、方案評選 72
第伍章、結論與建議 92
第一節、研究結論與發現 92
第二節、研究對實務的貢獻 95
第三節、研究限制 96
第四節、後續研究建議 96
參考文獻 97
一、中文參考文獻: 97
二、英文參考文獻: 101
附錄一 104
附錄二 109
附錄三 116
附錄四 122
圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究流程圖 5
圖3-1 評估層級架構 39
圖3-2 應用AHP法分析流程圖 40
圖3-3 模糊之隸屬函數 45
圖3-4 五等級語意變數之隸屬函數圖 46
圖3-5 TOPSIS觀念圖 48
圖4-1 一級單位正(副)主官構面權重及共識度分析圖 54
圖4-2 二級單位正(副)主官構面權重及共識度分析圖 54
圖4-3 業務承辦人構面權重及共識度分析圖 55
圖4-4 全體構面權重及共識度分析圖 55
圖4-5 一級正副主官群體在人力資源之區域權重及共識度分析圖 57
圖4-6 二級正副主管群體在人力資源之區域權重及共識度分析圖 57
圖4-7 業務承辦人群體在人力資源之區域權重及共識度分析圖 58
圖4-8 全體受訪者在人力資源之區域權重及共識度分析圖 58
圖4-9 一級正副主官群體在研發成果之區域權重及共識度分析圖 59
圖4-10 二級正副主管在研發成果之區域權重及共識度分析圖 60
圖4-11 業務承辦人在研發成果之區域權重及共識度分析圖 60
圖4-12 全體受訪者在研發成果之區域權重及共識度分析圖 61
圖4-13 一級正副主官群體在組織創新之區域權重及共識度分析圖 62
圖4-14 二級正副主管群體在組織創新之區域權重及共識度分析圖 63
圖4-15 業務承辦人群體在組織創新之區域權重及共識度分析圖 63
圖4-16 全體受訪者群體在組織創新之區域權重及共識度分析圖 64
圖4-17 一級正副主官群體在學習與成長之區域權重分析圖 65
圖4-18 二級正副主管群體在學習與成長之區域權重及共識度分析圖 66
圖4-19 業務承辦人群體在學習與成長之區域權重及共識度分析圖 66
圖4-20 全體受訪者群體在學習與成長之區域權重及共識度分析圖 67
圖4-21 各群體權重分析圖 71
圖4-22 整體評估群體權重排序圖 71
圖4-23 一級正(副)主官群體各方案對各準則之BNP值 74
圖4-24 一級正(副)主官群體各方案對各準則之加權績效圖 75
圖4-25 二級正(副)主管群體各方案對各準則之BNP值 79
圖4-26 二級正(副)主管群體各方案對各準則之加權績效圖 80
圖4-27 業務承辦人群體各方案對各準則之BNP值 84
圖4-28 業務承辦人群體各方案對各準則之加權績效圖 85
圖4-29 全體受訪者各方案對各準則之BNP值 88
圖4-30 全體受訪者各方案對各準則之加權績效圖 89
表 目 錄
表2-1 不同產業之組織績效研究衡量指標彙整表 8
表2-2 國內外學者對提昇組織績效因素彙整表 9
表2-3 國內外學者對人力資源之定義彙整表 11
表2-4 國內外學者對人力資源之指標彙整表 11
表2-5 研發成果績效指標相關文獻彙整表 15
表2-6 國外學者對組織創新定義彙整表 17
表2-7 國內學者對組織創新評估指標彙整表 17
表2-8 國內外學者對組織學習定義彙整表 18
表2-9 國內外學者衡量學習與成長指標彙整表 19
表2-10 學者應用德爾菲法之彙整表 20
表2-11 AHP相關文獻彙整表 22
表2-12 國内外學者應用模糊多準則決策方法彙整表 23
表2-13 基數型資訊提供的決策過程 24
表2-14 TOPSIS相關文獻彙整表 25
表3-1 專家群體人員現任職務統計表 26
表3-2 專家群體人員工作年資統計表 27
表3-3 專家群體人員學歷統計表 27
表3-4 初擬完成的提昇組織績效關鍵因素之構面、準則 27
表3-5 第一次問卷專家評分結果 29
表3-6 第一次問卷後修正之評估準則項目表 31
表3-7 第二次問卷專家評分結果 31
表3-8 第二次問卷後修正之評估準則項目表 33
表3-9 第三次問卷專家評分結果 34
表3-10 各評估準則相對重要性程度統計表 35
表3-11 評選目標的構面及準則說明一覽表 37
表3-12 AHP評估尺度意義及說明表 41
表4-1 受訪者之基本資料 51
表4-2 評估構面區域權重及共識度分析表 53
表4-3 人力資源區域權重及共識度分析表 56
表4-4 研發成果區域權重及共識度分析表 59
表4-5 組織創新區域權重及共識度分析表 61
表4-6 學習與成長區域權重及共識度分析表 64
表4-7 提昇組織績效之整體權重與共識度分析 67
表4-8 一級正(副)主官群體對各方案在各準則的三角模糊決策矩陣 72
表4-9 一級正(副)主官群體對各方案在各準則之BNP值 73
表4-10 一級正(副)主官群體對各方案在各準則之加權績效值 74
表4-11 一級正(副)主官群體各準則之最大與最小值 75
表4-12 一級正(副)主官群體於方案之評選結果 77
表4-13 二級正(副)主管群體對各方案在各準則的三角模糊決策矩陣 77
表4-14 二級正(副)主管群體對各方案在各準則之BNP值 78
表4-15 二級正(副)主官群體對各方案在各準則之加權績效值 79
表4-16 二級正(副)主管群體各準則之最大與最小值 80
表4-17 二級正(副)主管群體於方案之評選結果 82
表4-18 業務承辦人群體對各方案在各準則的三角模糊決策矩陣 82
表4-19 業務承辦人群體對各方案在各準則之BNP值 83
表4-20 業務承辦人群體對各方案在各準則之加權績效值 84
表4-21 業務承辦人群體各準則之最大與最小值 85
表4-22 業務承辦人群體於方案之評選結果 86
表4-23 全體受訪者對各方案在各準則的三角模糊決策矩陣 87
表4-24 全體受訪者對各方案在各準則之BNP值 88
表4-25 全體受訪者對各方案在各準則之加權績效值 89
表4-26 全體受訪者各準則之最大與最小值 90
表4-27 全體受訪者於方案之評選結果 91
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