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研究生(外文):Chih-Wei Shen
論文名稱(外文):Nonlinear Adjustment and Economic Value Predictability of Exchange Rate Returns
指導教授(外文):Po-Chin Wu
外文關鍵詞:Monetary fundamentalsMarket timingNominal exchange ratesSTRSTARAsset allocationRegime switching model
  • 被引用被引用:4
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卻難以推翻Meese and Rogoff (1983) 指出名目匯率不可預測的結論,亦即名目匯
率呈現隨機漫步 (Random Walk) 走勢,且投資者無法在外匯市場賺取超額報酬。
本研究主要探討英鎊與日元等兌美元之報酬在1990 年至2005 年期間,應用
Teräsvirta and Anderson (1992) 與Granger and Teräsvirta (1993) 提出的STAR 族模
型線性檢定法,分別檢定貨幣基要 (monetary fundamentals; MF) 模型與時間序列
AR 模型是否存在STR 與STAR 的調整行為,並評估其預測誤差與經濟價值。實
證結果顯示,英鎊與日元等報酬率皆存在ST(A)R 模型的型式,分別為logistic 函
數與exponential 函數,且能提升線性模型的樣本內配適度,其中LSTAR 模型與
ESTAR 模型分別為90 年代期間英鎊與日元的最佳估計模型。樣本外預測結果則
顯示,ST(A)R 模型的預測誤差雖然無法完全優於Random Walk 模型或線性模型,
卻可提供較佳的擇時能力;對於Mean-Variance 投資者而言,ST(A)R 模型亦提供
相較於線性模型較佳的資產配置能力,且優於Random Walk 模型。其中STAR 模
Most regime switching models give good in-sample fits to exchange rate data but are usually outperformed by random walks model when out-of-sample forecasts. Prior research on the ability of exchange rate models to forecast exchange rates relies on statistical measures of forecast accuracy, but lower forecast error does not necessarily imply higher profitability or economic value.
The aim of this study is to test for and model nonlinearities in the USD/GBP and USD/JPY exchange rate returns. We apply the STAR family models (STAR; STR) used by Ter�鱷virta and Anderson (1992); Granger and Ter�鱷virta (1993), to test nonlinearities of monetary fundamentals (MF) model and AR model, and measure the economic value of predicting USD/GBP and USD/JPY exchange rate returns. Using monthly data from 1990 to 2005. Our tests rejects the linearity hypothesis for the USD/GBP and USD/JPY exchange rate returns during the 1990s, are classified as logistic ST(A)R and as exponential ST(A)R respectively. ST(A)R models all provide better good in-sample fits than linear models. We also compare forecast error, market timing ability, and asset allocation performance of out-of-sample forecasts. ST(A)R models can not beat random walk model and linear models of USD/JPY exchange rate returns MAE or RMSE forecasting, but they can provide more market timing ability and Mean-Variance asset allocation performance than linear models of USD/GBP and USD/JPY exchange rate returns forecasts. Furthermore, STAR models are best market timing and asset allocation models, and also provided most efficiency portfolio. These findings confirm the economic value importance of accounting for the presence of regimes in exchange rate returns.
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................II
誌謝辭........................................................................................................................... III
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的與方法..........................................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討..........................................................................................................6
第一節 線性模型......................................................................................................6
第二節 狀態轉換模型..............................................................................................7
第三節 經濟價值.................................................................................................... 10
第三章 實證模型與研究方法.................................................................................... 13
第一節 線性匯率模型............................................................................................ 13
第二節 平滑轉換匯率模型.................................................................................... 16
第三節 外匯資產配置模型.................................................................................... 19
第四節 共整合檢定................................................................................................ 21
第五節 線性檢定與轉換函數選擇....................................................................... 21
第六節 樣本外預測能力之衡量............................................................................ 22
第四章 實證結果....................................................................................................... 25
第一節 資料說明.................................................................................................... 25
第二節 共整合檢定................................................................................................ 25
第三節 建立線性匯率模型.................................................................................... 29
第四節 線性檢定與轉換函數選擇....................................................................... 30
第五節 建立外匯資產配置模型............................................................................ 34
一、報酬率參數為固定之資產配置模型........................................................... 35
二、報酬率參數為平滑轉換之資產配置模型................................................... 37
三、報酬率參數為平滑轉換之調整過程........................................................... 40
第六節 樣本外預測與經濟價值............................................................................ 45
一、預測誤差績效............................................................................................... 46
二、擇時能力....................................................................................................... 47
三、資產配置績效............................................................................................... 51
第五章 結論與建議.................................................................................................. 53
參考文獻....................................................................................................................... 56
附錄............................................................................................................................... 60

表 1 Engel and Granger兩階段共整合檢定............................................................ 26
表 2 Johansen共整合與係數檢定........................................................................... 27
表 3 MF模型估計結果............................................................................................ 29
表 4 AR模型估計結果............................................................................................ 30
表 5 線性檢定.......................................................................................................... 31
表 6 轉換函數型式之檢定...................................................................................... 32
表 7 STR-MF模型估計結果.................................................................................... 33
表 8 STAR模型估計結果........................................................................................ 34
表 9 MF/GARCH資產配置模型估計結果............................................................. 35
表 10 AR/GARCH資產配置模型估計結果............................................................. 36
表 11 STR-MF/GARCH資產配置模型估計結果.................................................... 38
表 12 STAR資產配置模型估計結果........................................................................ 39
表 13 樣本外預測誤差與擇時能力.......................................................................... 47
表 14 資產配置經濟價值.......................................................................................... 52
附表 1 各國變數之敍述統計量................................................................................ 64
附表 2 影響國際金融之重大事件表........................................................................ 65
附表 3 RW模型估計結果......................................................................................... 66
附表 4 RW資產配置模型估計結果......................................................................... 66
附表 5 擇時能力之平均報酬與風險........................................................................ 67
附表 6 資產配置之平均報酬與風險........................................................................ 67

圖 1 研究流程圖..........................................................................................................5
圖 2 名目匯率之報酬率與偏離貨幣基要走勢圖................................................... 28
圖 3 LSTR-MF/GARCH模型之轉換函數對應轉換變數....................................... 41
圖 4 ESTR-MF/GARCH模型之轉換函數對應轉換變數....................................... 43
圖 5 LSTAR模型之轉換函數對應轉換變數........................................................... 44
圖 6 ESTAR模型之轉換函數對應轉換變數........................................................... 45
圖 7 GBP之樣本外預測與方向準確率.................................................................... 49
圖 8 JPY之樣本外預測與方向準確率..................................................................... 50
附圖 1 各國變數走勢圖.......................................................................................... 68
附圖 2 樣本內移動式Chow檢定............................................................................ 69
附圖 3 轉換變數走勢圖.......................................................................................... 70
附圖 4 GBP貨幣基要資產配置模型之樣本內配適圖.......................................... 71
附圖 5 GBP時間序列資產配置模型之樣本內配適圖.......................................... 72
附圖 6 JPY貨幣基要資產配置模型之樣本內配適圖........................................... 73
附圖 7 JPY時間序列資產配置模型之樣本內配適圖........................................... 74
附圖 8 擇時能力之期末累積財富.......................................................................... 75
附圖 9 資產配置之最適JPY權重(A = 5) ................................................................ 76
附圖 10 資產配置之最適JPY權重(A = 10).............................................................. 77
附圖 11 資產配置之最適JPY權重(A = 15).............................................................. 78
附圖 12 資產配置之最適JPY權重(A = 20).............................................................. 79
附圖 13 資產配置之期末累積財富.......................................................................... 80
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