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研究生(外文):J.H. Zhan
論文名稱(外文):A New Ball And Beam Like Mechanism Using Pneumatic Power Control
指導教授(外文):Jonq-Lan LinJulian Chang
外文關鍵詞:ball and beampneumatic controlSAMS
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Ball and beam(或稱球桿系統),是大學控制實驗室常見的實驗教具,現行一般的球-桿系統幾乎是以電力驅動馬達竟而控制桿的角度,使球保持在某個特定的位置上。本論文則是將球桿系統中的球改成滑塊,以氣壓驅動的方式推動氣壓平台上的滑塊做左右位置的移動,使桿做旋轉運動,亦即利用滑塊的相對位置使平衡桿做指定角度的平衡控制,達成類似球桿系統機構之功能。本系統定義為滑塊-蹺翹板(cart-seesaw)系統。在控制器的設計上,使用LQR搭配監督控制器使用,使期能有效減低穩態誤差,並經由實驗來證明其特性。本研究是由清雲科技大學量測與感測控制實驗室自行研發的實驗教具,可提供教學實驗室中,有關類似球桿系統控制教具及其使用,也可提供相關研究者探討類似系統與氣壓控制之平台使用。
The ball and beam system is a common undergraduate control laboratory experiment. Generally, the ball and beam mechanism consists of a beam and a ball on it. The ball is rolling on the beam according to the changing angle of the beam. With our ball and beam like mechanism the ball is replaced by a cart, which slides on the pneumatic cylinder (beam). Here we define this new mechanism as a cart-seesaw system. The cylinder is a double-acting one with carrier bracket on which a cart has been pinion mechanism to tracks. The task of the ball and beam like experiment is to bring the cart to from any initial position to a desired position on the beam by applying an appropriate force to the cart and thereby changing the angle of the beam. The position of a cart represents the first degree of freedom, which is activated by a pneumatic proportional valve and the angle of the beam represents the second degree of freedom that is not actuated. Consequently, the proposed new pneumatic care-seesaw system is simple to construct and direct to operate in different scenarios of performance. A state feedback controller is applied for stabilization of the equilibrium point of the system. Moreover, this work adds a supervisory controller that takes control action in extreme situations. Thus, the test results show excellent characteristics in control performance. The new prototype has developed in the Sensor and Control Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Ching Yun University. However, the proposed product in this paper can be extensively application in ball and beam equipment and pneumatic control for control laboratory.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表 目錄 vi
圖 目錄 vii
符號說明 x
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.3 論文架構 7
第 二 章 動力方程式與控制 8
2.1 球桿系統動力方程式 8
2.2 控制器設計 11
2 3 監督控制的設計 13
第 三 章 系統架構 15
3.1 系統元件 15
3.2 感測器裝置 16
3.3 轉軸中心與平台重心的距離 17
3.4 穩定平衡 19
3.4.1 靜態平衡 19
3.4.2 動態平衡 19
3.5 系統的迴路設計 21
3.5.1 氣壓部分 21
3.5.2 電路部分 22
3.6 資料擷取部分 24
3.6.1 Lab VIEW 的介紹 25
3.6.2 A/D、D/A 轉換卡 28
3.6.3 使用A/D、D/A 轉換卡的注意事項 33
第 四 章 程式操作說明 34
4.1 機構部分 34
4.2 軟體設定部分 34
4.2.1 程式碼的說明 34
4.2.2 人機介面 40
第 五 章 實驗結果 42
5.1 平台設定 42
5.2 實驗結果 44
第 六 章 結論與未來展望 61
6.1 結論 61
6.2 未來展望 62
參考文獻 63
附 錄 A 67
附 錄 B 69
簡 歷 70
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