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研究生(外文):Chin-Ju Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Relation Cateogry for LOM - Using E-Learning in Information Technology as an Example
指導教授(外文):Eric Jui-Lin Lu
外文關鍵詞:E-LearningRelation of Learning ObjectSCORMLOM
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Object Metadata)的標準可以用來表達學習物件之間的關係。然而LOM提供的關係建議值僅只能表達學習物件之間的結構關係,卻無法精確的表達學習物件之間的語義關係。為了要解決這個問題,包含兩個主要的方法,第一個方法是採用教學設計理論(Instructional Design Theory, IDT),而另一個則是採用修辭結構理論(Rhetorical
Structure Theory,RST)。在IDT的研究中,把學習物件的關係分成學習物件和學習主題,以及學習物件和學習物件之間的關係。而RST的研究則是利用潛在的修辭關係來表達學習物件之間的關係。儘管在過去的研究有許多的關係已經被定義出來,但這些關係卻存在重複和不適用的問題。而且,在過去的研究中也並未對這些提出的關係進行任何的驗證,藉由確認關係是否真的有助於提昇學習者的學習成效,證明這些關係的確可以提昇學習物件的可用性(Usability)和互通性(Interoperability)。因此,在本研究中,我們會總結分析過去研究提出的關係,並且解決這些關係重複和不適用的問題,最後,建立
一個關係本體論(Relation Ontology)來表達學習物件的關係。另外,我們也會對關係本體論中的關係效用進行相關的驗證,藉由問卷調查的方式,從學習者的角度來了解這些關係是否有助於提昇學習者網路學習的成效。而調查的結果,我們可以發現所有的關係的確是有助於提昇網路學習的效用,所以,這些關係的確有助於提昇學習物件的可利用性和互通性來達成SCORM的目標。另外,參與問卷調查的學習者分成研究生和大學生兩個群組,所以,在差異性的比較中,我們可以發現這兩個群組對於關係效用的偏好的確是有所差異的。因此,在設計網路教材的時候,可以依據不同學習者群組偏好,設計專屬特定學習者群組的教材更有助於提昇學習者的學習成效。在未來的工作中,我們會實作一個教材編輯系統,試著從教學者的角度來了解這些關係是否有助於提高學習物件的可利用性和互通性,進而降低編輯教材時間成本和困難性。
The development of e-learning related technologies has become an important research area. One of the major challenges in e-learning research is how to define and extract appropriate relationships between Learning Objects(LOs). The explicit relationships can improve the interchangeability and usability of LOs. As a result, IEEE developed a standard called LOM (Learning Object Metadata) to express the relationships between LOs. However, the recommended relations in LOM cannot precisely express semantic relationships between LOs. For example, there are two LOs: one is LO_A which describes a definition bubble sort, and another is LO_B which is an example of bubble sort. By using the relations defined in LOM, we can only express a "REFERENCE" relation between them. It will be much better if we can define a relation, say EXAMPLE, then we can define that LO_B is an "EXAMPLE" of LO_A. To resolve the problem, two major approaches were developed. One approach is based on the Instructional Design Theory (IDT)[7] and the other approach is based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) [6]. Based on the IDT, searchers [10, 23.24.25] classified relationships between LOs into Fundamental relations that describe the relationship between LOs and learning topic ,and Auxiliary relations that express the relationship between LOs. The RST is used to express potential rhetoircal relationship between LOs [8, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20]. Although many relations have been defined, it is found that the proposed relations overlap and inappropriate problems.In addition, theses proposed relations were not tested and verified in the past researches. Therefore, In this paper, we summarized and analyzed existing relations, removed duplicated relations, and developed a relation ontology. In the relations test and verify, We use the questionnaire to understand these
relations that defined in relation ontology can increase the
learning effect of learners. As a result, most of relations in relation ontology really can increase the learner''s effect of e-learning, and therefore these relations can increase usability and interoperability of LOs and achieve the objective of SCORM. In addition, the tester of learners can divided into college students and graduate students and We also detect some relation effect of the learners in different group are different between each other. For this reason, it will much better to design exclusive LMs for
different group of learners can increase the effect of e-learning. In the further research, we will implement an author system and try to understand these relations can extend usability and interoperability of LOs by teachers view ,and reduce the time, cost and difficulity of LMs authoring.
中文摘要 (Abstract in Chinese) iii
Abstract v
目錄 ix
表格目錄 x
圖例目錄 xi
誌謝 (Acknowledgements) xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 學習主題之間的關係 5
2.2 學習主題與學習物件的關係 6
2.3 學習物件之間的關係 7
第三章 關係定義與討論 9
3.1 The Instructional Ontology 9
3.2 The Rhetorical-Didactic Relation 12
3.3 關係本體論的討論與設計 14
3.4 關係本體論 19
第四章 實驗分析與討論 21
4.1 實驗方法 21
4.2 受測對象 21
4.3 實驗結果與討論 22
4.3.1 關係效用分析 22
4.3.2 變異數分析 23
第五章 結論與未來發展 26
5.1 結論 26
5.2 未來發展 27
參考書目 28
附錄A 問卷內容 31

1.1 LOM關係類別的建議值
4.1 T檢定的分析結果

1.1 Relation Metadata的應用 2
2.1 加減乘除的學習路徑 6
2.2 以教學設計理論為基礎的教學本體論(Instructional Ontology) 7
3.1 Explanation類別的討論 17
3.2 適用於資訊科領域的關係本體論 20
4.1 關係效用分析 22
4.2 非必要的關係定義 23
4.3 大學生和研究生的關係偏好 25
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