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研究生(外文):Qingshan Guo
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Tainan County
指導教授(外文):Gongtian Wang、shijia Huang
外文關鍵詞:Teachers in elementary schoolsJob satisfaction
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摘 要







The Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Tainan County

The purpose of this study is to understand the current situations of elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction, to compare the differences between teacher’s personal variables and school environmental variables on teachers’ work satisfaction, and also analyze the prediction of teachers’ job satisfaction from teachers’ personal variables and school environmental variables.
Through the survey research method, the population of this study comprised in-service teachers of public elementary school in Tainan County in Taiwan. The samplings included 38 elementary schools, and 277 questionnaires were sent, then 193 questionnaires were returned. With the implementation of ‘The elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction scale’ were edited by Yi-Min Yang, the data the researcher recorded from questionnaires were statistically analysis by Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test, One-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
According to the outcomes of analysis, the results of this research were as follows:
1. The current phenomenon of elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction in Tainan county belong to good level. In teachers’ job satisfaction, “Organization inner interactive relationship” has the highest score, “characteristics and behavior of leadership” has the second highest, “culture and value of organization” has the third highest, “policy and administration” has the fourth highest, “work itself” has the fifth highest, “resource of rewards and cultivate of organization” has the sixth highest and “personal psychology satisfaction” the lowest.
2. There is no significant difference about gender, years of experience as a teacher, highest educational degree and function of office on elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction, but there is a significant difference on size of school.
3. In background variables of teachers and school environmental variables have the best mixed prediction of teachers’ job satisfaction.
Based on the findings, several suggestions were made for the authorities of concerned, principals and teachers of elementary school and respective researchers.

Key word:Teachers in elementary schools, Job satisfaction
目 次
中文摘要................................................................................. Ⅰ
英文摘要................................................................................. Ⅱ
目 次................................................................................. Ⅲ
表 次................................................................................. Ⅴ
圖 次................................................................................. Ⅶ

第一章 緒論....................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機與目的................................................ 1
第二節 待答問題.......................................................... 4
第三節 名詞釋義.......................................................... 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制................................................ 7

第二章 文獻探討............................................................... 9
第一節 工作滿意度的研究............................................ 9
第二節 工作滿意度的定義............................................ 11
第三節 工作滿意度之理論探討..................................... 16
第四節 影響工作滿意的相關因素.................................. 35
第五節 工作滿意度的研究層面..................................... 40
第六節 工作滿意度的評量............................................ 45

第三章 研究設計與實施................................................... 51
第一節 研究架構.......................................................... 51
第二節 研究假設.......................................................... 54
第三節 研究對象與樣本選取......................................... 55
第四節 研究方法.......................................................... 59
第五節 研究工具.......................................................... 60
第六節 研究實施程序................................................... 63
第七節 資料處理與分析................................................ 65

第四章 研究結果分析與討論........................................... 67
第一節 研究樣本之個人與學校背景特性分析................ 67
第二節 台南縣國民小學教師工作滿意度之現況分析...... 70
第三節 不同個人背景變項的教師其工作滿意差異性分析...................................................................... 79
第四節 不同學校環境變項的教師其工作滿意差異性分析...................................................................... 92
第五節 教師個人背景變項與學校環境變項對工作滿意之預測分析........................................................ 98

第五章 結論與建議........................................................... 105
第一節 結論.................................................................. 105
第二節 建議.................................................................. 109

參考文獻............................................................................... 113
中文部分........................................................................ 113
英文部分......................................................................... 117
附錄一 國民小學教師工作滿意度量表.................................... 123
附錄二 研究工具授權同意書.................................................. 127
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