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研究生(外文):Kun-Yi Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Design of 3D Virtual Cooperative Learning System
指導教授(外文):Fu-Chien Kao
外文關鍵詞:Collaborative LearningVirtual Reality
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  本研究主要目的在開發一個具有3D虛擬實境之網路合作式學習系統,結合虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)技術、遠端控制參數傳遞(Remote Control Parameter Delivering)技術及PC Broker的設計,架構一可在網路上進行合作學習的環境。
  此系統設計特別針對傳統合作式學習的六項特質(異質性分組、積極互賴、面對面的助長式互動、個人績效責任、人際技巧、團體歷程等特質)中的「積極互賴(Positive interdependence)」特質做為系統設計要點,實際實現傳統合作式學習的特質於網路合作式學習系統。系統不僅提供理論教材,亦提供學習者透過網路遠端連線共同實習操作3D虛擬電子儀器(三用電表、電源供應器、示波器等儀器);提供學習者經由即時文字交談討論及3D益智遊戲操控,培養學習者與小組成員之間的積極互賴特質,有效提升學習興趣,改善學習效果。
The cooperative learning approach has in the past decades gained significant recognition; it is a group instruction design which combines education theory, social psychology, study with discussion, support, and cooperation of dividing the work between the members of group. Most web-based cooperation learning systems at present mostly offer a network environment of convenience, enable students to study theory course on-line, but seldom offer a cooperative learning environment to operate electronic instrument through 3D virtual reality in Internet.
The main purpose of this research is to develop the cooperative learning system of 3D virtual reality in internet, combine 3D virtual reality technology, remote control parameter delivering technology, and the designs of PC Broker, construct an environment that can provide cooperative learning in Internet.
The traditional cooperative learning has six characteristics (including characteristics such as heterogeneous grouping, positive interdependence, positive face-to-face interaction, individual learning performance assessments, social skills and the group process), and the designed system is to explore the characteristic of positive interdependence among six characteristics, and realize characteristics of traditional cooperative learning in the cooperative learning system in Internet. The proposed system not only offers the theory course material, but also provides learners to operate 3D virtual reality instrument (related 3D instruments include Multimeter, Power Supply, Oscilloscope, etc.) together through the network. The propose system also provides instant characters to discuss and control the 3D developmental game, trains the positive interdependence characteristic between students and group members, improve the learning interest effectively and the results of learning.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 網路學習(Internet Learning) 4
2.1.1 網路教育與傳統教育相比之優勢 4
2.1.2 網路教育的模式 6
2.2 合作式學習(Cooperative Learning) 8
2.2.1 合作學習理論的基本概念 9
2.2.2 提倡合作學習的理由 11
2.2.3 合作學習的定義 11
2.2.4 合作學習的六項特質 12
2.2.5 合作學習活動 16
2.3 虛擬場景設計(Virtual Space Design) 17
2.3.1 虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)簡介與特性 17
2.3.2 建置軟體與環境 19 3D Webmaster v5.50 19 Virtools Dev 3.0 21
第三章 系統分析與規劃 24
3.1 合作式學習 24
3.1.1 學習者分組 25
3.1.2 網路合作學習系統 25
3.2 3D益智遊戲、3D虛擬電子儀器互動設計 27
3.2.1 PC Broker功能 27
3.2.2 ActiveX嵌入式技術 28
3.2.3 3D虛擬物件與學習者之互動 29
3.3 系統整體架構 31
3.3.1 系統功能架構圖 32
第四章 系統實作 34
4.1 系統工作平台 34
4.2 系統發展軟體 34
4.3 系統的建構 35
4.4 系統畫面 49
4.5 系統測試 61
4.5.1 系統測試環境 61
4.5.2 測試網路傳輸效能數據分析 63
第五章 結論 65
5.1 貢獻 65
5.2 未來展望與期許 65
參考文獻 67
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