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研究生(外文):PO HAO CHEN
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Regional Integration on Global Layout and International Market Entry of Transnational Enterprise--Take Volkswagen Group and Daimler-Benz Group As Examples
外文關鍵詞:regional integrationglobal layoutinternational market entry
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With the trend of economy globalization and regional group, and during the process of economical interaction, every country experiences that only through regional cooperation could obtain the most powerful protection of safe economy. In this study, it is first to analyze the characteristics of three regions. By means of establishing the single market and single currency, European Union forms a non-boundary market internally in order to reach to such four channels as goods, manpower, labor services and capital. And the most characteristics of free trade zone in north American region is combining three countries US, Canada and Mexico of which there are considerably different constitutions, using their competitive advantage to promote the international competitiveness. As for the relationship between ASEAN plus China, Japan and Korea and New Zealand and Australia, because the relationship of economic and trade of New Zealand and Australia with that region is very active, moreover, Japan and Korea are featured with intensive capital and technology, who may carry out vertical integration and division of labor in industry in order to improve the industrial structure in this region.

With respect to facing regional integration, the influence of transnational enterprises on global layout and international market entry, this study chooses two famous automobile companies in Germany: Volkswagon Group and Daimler-Bend Group as the subjective enterprises. Since the industry is capital and technology intensively, in addition that they have complete product lines and diversified ways of international entry, this study is trying to research the change of their business income and sales volume after elimination of the treading obstacle in the region and enlargement of market.

It's found in this study that the successful integration of three regions impacts a lot on the automobile industry places emphasis on economy of scale and learning effect. Those traditional and new markets from European Union, north American region, ASEAN plus China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia still play important roles on the automobile industry. The profit and revenue of those international automobile companies in these regions will affect their survivability and development directly. These considerations are base on the strong political and economic relationship between the international automobile companies and local governments. Besides, strengthening the intercourse of economic alliance in every region and inputting production, marketing and channel in most competitive place, transnational enterprises will be able to enhance the competitiveness of end product and intensively promote sales volume, business income and profitability, furthermore stand out in shifted global markets.

Key Words: regional integration, global layout, and international market entry

第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景及動機....1
1.2 研究目的....3
1.3 研究架構....4
1.4 研究方法....5
1.5 研究範圍及限制....6
第二章 文獻探討與回顧
2.1 區域統合....8
2.1.1 區域統合之定義....8
  2.1.2 區域統合之相關文獻及類型....9
2.2 全球佈局 11
  2.2.1 全球佈局的定義....11
  2.2.2 全球佈局之競爭與價值鏈分析....12
  2.2.3 全球佈局之相關文獻及類型....15
2.3 國際進入策略....16
  2.3.1 國際進入策略之定義....17
  2.3.2 國際進入策略之相關文獻....18
第三章 區域統合區塊之介紹與對汽車產業的影響
3.1 歐盟成立過程之介紹....20
3.2 北美自由貿易區成立過程之介紹....23
  3.2.1 北美三國間經貿協定的歷史....24
  3.2.2 北美自由貿易區之三邊談判及成立宗旨....24
  3.2.3 北美自由貿易區之願景....26
3.3 東協加三與紐澳自由貿易區成立過程之介紹....26
  3.3.1 東協加三自由貿易區成立的宗旨及形成過程....27
3.3.2 東協與紐澳自由貿易區成立的宗旨及形成過程....28
3.4 區域統合後對區域經濟產生的效果....30
3.5 區域統合後對汽車產業的影響....33
  3.5.1 區域統合後全球汽車產業現況....33
  3.5.2 區域統合後對三大區域汽車產業的影響....35
第四章 福斯集團與戴姆勒賓士全球佈局及國際進入策略之比較分析
4.1 福斯集團之介紹....40
  4.1.1 福斯集團之歷史背景....40
  4.1.2 福斯集團旗下品牌與銷售市場分析....43
4.2 戴姆勒賓士汽車介紹....46
  4.2.1 戴姆勒賓士汽車歷史背景....46
  4.2.2 戴姆勒賓士與克萊斯勒的合併過程....47
  4.2.3 戴姆勒賓士汽車銷售市場分析....50
4.3 福斯集團與戴姆勒賓士在三大區域的佈局及國際進入策略之比較分析....53
  4.3.1 福斯集團在歐洲、北美、中國的佈局及國際進入策略....53
  4.3.2 戴姆勒賓士在歐洲、北美、中國的佈局及國際進入策略....55
  4.3.3 福斯集團與戴姆勒賓士在歐洲、北美、中國的佈局及國際進入策略之比較分析....59
第五章 汽車產業理論與實證
5.1 理論模型....62
5.2 實證模型之建立....70
5.3 估計方法....72
5.4 資料來源與變數之定義....73
5.4.1 資料來源....73
5.4.2 變數之定義....73
5.5 實證結果與分析....75
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 研究發現....79
6.2 研究建議....82
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