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研究生(外文):Hui-chi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Different Sources and Falling Distances on the Dispersion Curve of Surface Waves
指導教授(外文):Yu-min Kang
外文關鍵詞:Coherence FunctionDispersion CurveSpectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) MethodSignal/Noise AmplitudeRatioSource Type
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研究結果顯示:(1) 四種震源中五種研究參數之排序,整體表現最優先者為30kg鎚撞擊橡膠墊之狀況。(2) 將主訊/雜訊振幅比值=20的頻率定義為「有效低切頻率」,以做為最低使用頻率,不但可以避免頻散曲線有異常跳動現象,且可有效降低各震源所獲得之波速的差異。(3) 隨著震源距離之增加,有效低切頻率會隨之增加,有效高切頻率則會隨之減小,可用有效頻寬頻訊號因而減少。(4) 隨著落距之增加,有效低切頻率有降低之趨勢,顯示出高震源能量將有助於降低有效低切頻率,而所能檢測土體的深度將隨之增加。(5)極低頻區之主訊/雜訊振幅比值高並不代表整體訊號就較高,因此為了探測更深之土體,必須提昇極低頻區之主訊/雜訊振幅比值。
There are lots of applications in the area of nondestructive testing, and the Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) Method plays an important role in shallow seismic exploration both in academic and application areas. Many research studies showed that insufficient energy of source, noise in the field, erroneous phase information in low frequency area may cause the unusual oscillation phenomenon of the dispersion curves. The purpose of this thesis was to study the effects of source type on the dispersion curve for surface waves insitu testing. The field tests of this thesis were conducted on the lawn in front of Feng-Chia University recreation dome. Four kind of sources with different falling heights and hitting conditions were used, including 6 kg hammer, 20 kg falling hammer of the cable, 30 kg free-falling hammer, 100 kg air-pressured hammer.
The results of this research showed that: 1. the 30 kg hammer hitting a rubber pad is the best source in the four sources from the ranking information of five research parameters ; 2. with the usage of effective low-cut frequency as the lowest frequency that the signal/noise amplitude ratio exceeds 20, not only the unusual oscillation phenomenon of the dispersion curves can be avoided, but also discrepancy of the error in apparent velocity between each sources can be effectively reduced; 3. as the distance of source increases, the effective low-cut frequency will increase while the effective high-cut frequency will decrease, hence the band width of effective frequency will decrease; 4. since a lower value of the effective low-frequency can be obtained by a higher falling distance, higher source energy will be helpful to produce a lower effective low-cut frequency and a deeper investigation depth of soil stratum can be conducted; 5. a higher value of signal/noise amplitude ratio in extra-low frequency range does not indicate a higher value of the whole frequency spectrum, thus the increase of the signal/noise amplitude ratio in extra-low frequency range is a must for exploring the deeper soil stratum.
中文摘要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XX
照片目錄 XXIV
符號說明 XXVI
第一章 緒論 1
§1-1 研究背景與目的 1
§1-2 研究步驟 3
§1-3 論文內容 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
§2-1 淺層震測法之介紹 6
§2-2 表面波探測法 7
§2-3 穩態表面波頻譜法 9
§2-4 暫態表面波頻譜法 9
§2-5 相關研究成果 17
§2-6 總結 21
第三章 研究內容與研究方法 24
§3-1 前言 24
§3-2實驗設備 24
§3-3 實驗地點與測線佈置 29
§3-4數據處理 33
第四章 研究結果之討論與比較 37
§4-1各震源下時間域之討論 37
§4-2各震源下頻率域之討論 44
§4-3各震源下時間域主訊/雜訊比之討論 48
§4-4各震源下頻率域主訊/雜訊比之討論 50
§4-5各震源下相關係數之討論 53
§4-6各震源下相位差與頻散曲線之討論 59
§4-7 各震源下產生極低頻訊號之討論 73
§4-8 總結 76
第五章 結論與建議 79
§5-1 前言 79
§5-2 結論 80
§5-3 建議 81
參考文獻 82
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