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研究生(外文):Chun-kai Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Application of Drum-Buffer-Rope for Glass Fabric Cloths Production Improvement
指導教授(外文):Chung Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Drum-Buffer-RopeTheory of Constraintsand Consumer ElectronicsComputerCommunication
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通訊、資訊以及消費性電子(Communication, Computer, and Consumer Electronics-3C產業)已成為全球成長最快速的產業。然而電子業在面對微利時代的來臨與全球化劇烈競爭的衝擊下,為了爭取顧客訂單除了高品質、高技術與低成本外,更不斷的推出超乎想像的交期承諾,因此縮短供應鏈運籌管理之前置時間在企業經營之策略管理中扮演極重要之角色。
本研究先針對電子級玻璃纖維產業做通盤了解,並以國內某知名玻璃纖維布製造廠為例,深入了解實際生產製程,並透過限制理論(Theory of Constraints,TOC)及其所發展出的限制驅導式DBR (Drum-Buffer-Rope)排程原理,找出生產系統的瓶頸製程加以改善;並運用eM-Plant模擬軟體建構出與實際生產線相符合的虛擬生產線,透過模擬結果來驗證改善效果,最後將模擬所產出的排程投入生產線驗證,以期生產線的生產效能達到最佳狀態。
Communication, Computer, and Consumer Electronics (3C) become the whole world to grow the fastest industry. However electronics industries are facing the impact of meager profit and the globalization fierce competition. In order to strive for the customer order form except outside the high quality, high-tech and the low cost unceasing pushes the favorable balance of trade imagination the delivery date to pledge. Therefore reduction supply chain operation lead time acts the extremely important role strategy of management in the enterprise management.

This paper applied eM-Plant software to establish the virtual scenery of glass fiber cloths production line. We first go in a sequential production module and then established a near true lot production line. According to the scheduling principal of Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) in the Theory of Constraints (TOC), we set up the buffer in the front of restricted resources to reduce the constraints and simulate various combinations of orders through the virtual production line. We also improve the bottleneck resource of the manufacturing process and simulate various sceneries to enable the maximum production capability.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 論文架構
1.4 研究範圍與限制
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 生產排程
2.2 TOC限制理論
2.3 DBR限制驅導式排程
2.4 DBR相關研究摘要
第三章 電子級玻璃纖維布的產業分析
3.1 產業概況
第四章 電子級玻璃纖維布生產流程分析
4.2 瓶頸分析
第五章 模擬系統之建構與比對
5.1 模擬模型建構方式
5.2 玻璃纖維布生產製程的原模型建構與比對
5.2.1 模擬模型建構
5.2.2 模擬模型與實際系統比對
5.3 導入DBR前後模擬結果比對
5.3.1 訂單式生產
5.3.2 存貨式生產
5.4 模擬結果綜合分析
第六章 驗證與分析
第七章 結論與未來研究方向
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