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研究生(外文):Chih-huai Lin
論文名稱(外文):Modeling the Choice of Third-Party Logistics Providers Using a Mixed Logit Model
指導教授(外文):Chieh-Hua Wen
外文關鍵詞:Logit ModelCluster AnalysisFactor AnalysisLogistics Outsourcing
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隨著經濟貿易全球化之趨勢,現今有許多企業都透過物流委外的方式,以達到降低成本和增加競爭優勢之目的。本研究探討企業選擇第三方物流業者之行為,以台灣新竹科學園區和南部科學園區之高科技廠商為例,目的為瞭解台灣高科技廠商於國際空運出口之物流委外決策行為並找出重要之決策變數。本研究首次結合因子分析(Factor Analysis)、集群分析(Cluster Analysis)和羅吉特模式(Logit Model)於企業物流委外決策行為之探討。首先以因子分析進行物流委外決策因素之縮減;並以集群分析進行第三方物流業者中承攬業者之分群,其結果將承攬業者分為三類:台灣國際型承攬業者、全球物流型承攬業者和台灣區域型承攬業者;而後依據因子分析和集群分析之結果作為選擇模式中解釋變數和替選方案之訂定依據,並進行選擇模式之校估。由多項羅吉特模式之校估結果發現,配送能力為影響高科技廠商選擇第三方物流業者之最重要因素,其中企業對於快遞業者配送能力之重視程度又高於承攬業者;而影響高科技產業選擇行為之次要因素則為業者的問題處理能力、物流成本和平均出貨量。巢式羅吉特模式為本研究之最佳模式,其巢式架構為快遞型物流業者和承攬型物流業者,表示同一巢內的物流業者具有較大的競爭關係。由混合羅吉模式之校估結果可知,高科技廠商對於承攬業者在配送能力的表現上具有異質性偏好,而出貨重量大和高資本額特性之廠商對於成本、問題處理能力具有較高敏感度,另外,高資本額廠商對於快遞業者在配送能力上表現之重視程度大於承攬業者。第三方物流業者可依據上述之分析結果進行策略研擬並針對目前物流服務項目表現較差的先行改善,以提升其市場佔有率。
Logistics outsourcing has been extensively used by various companies attempting to achieve cost reduction and gain competitive edge. The objective of this study is to investigate how high-tech manufacturers choose appropriate third party logistics (3PL) providers which offer various logistics services such as transportation, warehouse and information technology. Factor analysis is initially employed to reduce a large number of service quality variables related to 3PL providers into few factors. Due to a large number of forwarder-based 3PL providers available to manufacturers, the forwarders are classified into three groups –Taiwan-based international forwarders, Global logistics forwarders and Taiwan-based local forwarders by using cluster analysis. Finally, various discrete choice models are used to identify important variables affecting the choice of 3PL providers and to explore substitution patterns among 3PL providers. The survey was conducted to high-tech manufacturers in Hsinchu and Southern Taiwan Science Park. The estimation results of multinomial logit models reveal that the important determinants influencing the selection of 3PL providers consist of performance, cost, response, and shipment weight. The preferred nested logit model includes the choice of 3PL category (express-based versus forwarder-based) at the upper level and the choice of specific 3PL providers in each category at the lower level, indicating that substitution patterns among 3PL providers in each category is high. The estimation results of mixed logit models further indicates that high-tech manufacturers have unobserved heterogeneity in performance of forwarder-based 3PL. The firms with large shipment weights and high-capital are sensitive to cost and response. Besides, high-capital firms prefer to choose the express-based 3PL than the forwarder-based 3PL due to the performance. The results provide valuable insights for the 3PL providers to enhance their services performance.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究內容 3
1.5 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 企業物流委外相關文獻 5
2.2 第三方物流業者 15
2.3 物流委外決策行為之分析方法 18
2.4 新竹科學園區和南部科學園區之現況分析 20
2.5 小結 22
第三章 模式理論 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 物流委外決策因素模式 25
3.3 第三方物流業者之分類 35
3.4 企業物流委外選擇模式 38
第四章 問卷設計與基本統計分析 47
4.1 問卷設計與內容 47
4.2 問卷調查範圍與對象 49
4.3 問卷調查流程計畫 49
4.4 問卷回收與基本統計分析 50
第五章 模式校估 58
5.1 驗證性因子分析 58
5.2 階層集群分析 60
5.3 企業物流委外選擇模式 63
5.4 情境模擬 76
第六章 結論與建議 83
6.1 結論 83
6.2 建議 85
參考文獻 86
附錄一 92
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