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研究生(外文):Wu-chung Peng
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Thermionic-Enhanced Sputter Deposited Indium Tin Oxide on Polyethylene Terephthalate
外文關鍵詞:flexibility testlow temperature processhot filament assistanceDC magnetron sputtering machineindium tin oxideTransparent conductive film
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實驗結果顯示:在無熱燈絲輔助的條件下,ITO薄膜呈現非晶質結構,其電阻係數為1.7×10-3 Ω-cm且平均光學穿透度僅74%,可承受撓曲的曲率半徑只有16.95 mm且反應在撓曲壽命上不到百次。在有熱燈絲輔助的條件下,ITO薄膜有結晶相的形成,其低電阻係數為4.21×10-4 Ω-cm且平均光學穿透度達80%以上,可承受撓曲的曲率半徑為13.87 mm且撓曲壽命可達約1200次以上。
The current display and solar energy products include liquid crystal display, organic light emitting display, plasma display, notebook computer, cellular phone, digital camera and sensitized solar energy panel, etc.; most of them are still based on glass as the substrate, which suffer from the disadvantages such as fragile, thick and heavy and non-impact-resistant, etc. However, flexible substrate has the advantages such as: light weight, thin thickness, impact-resistance, easy-to-carry, etc.; therefore, flexible substrates have drawn the attention of many R&D units. However, the flexible conductive substrates are usually accompanied with disadvantages such as: high thermal expansion coefficient, low chemical-resistance, low gas barrier property, low heat-resistance, easy warp, insufficient rigidity, etc.; therefore, traditional magnetron sputtering machine can not be used to grow high quality transparent conductive film, and the progress in the development of flexible display as well as solar energy industry.
The main objective of this thesis is to study the effect of the setup of hot filament assistance in the DC magnetron sputtering system; the hot ionized electrons are used to activate the species in the plasma so as to enhance the plasma density, and it is hoped that the deposition temperature can be reduced through this system and high optical transparency and low coefficient of resistivity can be obtained from the PET flexible substrate. The sputtered ITO thin films with and without the use of hot filament assistance are compared to investigate the micro structure, electrical property, optical property, maximum flexure and flexure lifetime of the ITO thin film; we hope that the soft conductive substrate can meet the requirements in the development of display or solar energy industry.
The experimental result shows that: Without hot filament assistance to sputter ITO thin film, the structure of the ITO film is none crystallize and the coefficient of resistivity is 1.7×10-3 Ω-cm. For the optical transmission measurement result, the average value is not more than 74%. It could bear curvature radius only 16.95 mm and the flexible lifetime could not over 100 times. With hot filament assistance the structure of the ITO film is crystallize and the coefficient of resistivity is 4.21×10-4 Ω-cm. For the optical transmission measurement result, the average value is more than 80%. It could bear curvature radius 13.87 mm after the flexure and flexure lifetime test, the one with hot filament assistance shows better flexure property and with flexure lifetime of more than 1200 times.
中文摘要 .............................. ........I
英文摘要 ......................................II
總目錄 ........................................IV
圖目錄 ........................................VI
表目錄 ......................................VIII
第一章 前言 ...................................1
第二章 文獻回顧 ...............................3
2-1透明導電膜簡介 .............................3
2-2導電軟性基板的發展趨勢 .....................5
2-2-1軟性基板分類 .............................5
2-2-2可撓性材料的種類及面臨之挑戰 .............6
2-3 ITO薄膜在低溫製程沉積技術回顧 .............8
2-3-1現階段可撓曲的發展程度 ..................12
2-4熱燈絲輔助直流磁控濺鍍原理 ................15
第三章 研究方法與流程 ........................17
3-1實驗流程 ..................................17
3-2濺鍍設備介紹 ..............................18
3-3試片製備 ..................................22
3-4靶材準備 ..................................22
3-5 ITO薄膜濺鍍的條件 ........................23
3-5-1濺鍍操作流程 ............................23
3-5-2 濺鍍ITO的製程參數 ......................23
3-6鍍膜的微觀組織分析 ........................24
3-6-1薄膜晶體結構分析 ........................24
3-6-2薄膜表面形態觀察 ........................25
3-7鍍膜的光學特性分析 ........................25
3-8鍍膜的電性量測 ............................25
3-8-1四點探針量測薄膜電阻率 ..................25
3-8-2霍爾效應量測載子濃度 ....................26
3-9 ITO薄膜的可撓度及撓曲耐久性量測 ..........28
第四章 結果與討論 ............................30
4-1熱燈絲輔助對薄膜的晶體結構之影響 ..........30
4-2熱燈絲輔助對薄膜的微觀形貌之影響 ..........32
4-2-1熱燈絲輔助對薄膜的截面型態的影響 ........32
4-2-2熱燈絲輔助對薄膜表面粗糙度的影響 ........34
4-3熱燈絲輔助對薄膜的性質之影響 ..............36
4-3-1熱燈絲輔助對薄膜的光學性質之影響 ........36
4-3-2熱燈絲輔助對薄膜之電性影響 ..............39
4-4 熱燈絲輔助對薄膜之撓曲度及撓曲壽命影響 ...41
第五章 結論 ..................................47
參考文獻 .....................................48
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