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研究生(外文):Che-cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Correlation of the Street Network Pattern and Vehicle Crime -Case Studies on a City in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ming-jen ChengChin-feng Su
外文關鍵詞:space and crimevehicle crimeenvironmental designsituational environmental featuresSpace Syntax
  • 被引用被引用:13
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本研究試圖探討商業區汽車犯罪(失竊、破壞)與街道空間型構之間的關係,來檢視不安全空間特徵,包含使用分區道路類型、時間、道路便捷度(人潮、車流量)、互視之自然監控程度、夜間道路照明等因子,藉以建立安全街道空間之規劃概念。本研究方法以空間型構數位分析(Space Syntax)為主要分析工具,加上警方提供相關之汽車犯罪個案紀錄,及犯罪現場觀測紀錄,得以建構研究地區汽車犯罪分佈圖,並以多變量統計分析進行研究,以釐清街道空間特徵情境與汽車犯罪率之關聯性。


Following economic prosperity and the development of urbanization, the living environment has improved though the number of criminal incidents has drastically increased in recent years in Taiwan. Among all different crime types, vehicle crime has been ranked one of the highest groups of crime. The occurrence of this type of crime has not diminished and therefore needs to be scrutinized. Most research on vehicular crime prevention focus on target hardening, such as good locks, or the instalment of alarms, and fewer research projects have studied the space-time situation and its relation to vehicle crime.

This research proposes to study the correlation between the spatial configuration of street network patterns in commercial areas and vehicle crime, including burglary of vehicles and burglary from vehicles occurring in those areas, and intends to identify those vulnerable spatial features that contribute to vehicle offences. Factors studied in this research include street land use patterns, temporal patterns, accessibility (both pedestrian and vehicular flow), inter-visibility, lighting, etc. It is hoped that through this research safer living environment patterns can be provided. The analytical tool this research employs is the Space Syntax method. After collecting crime data of all different vehicle crimes from a local police station, an on-site investigation of the venue of each vehicle crime offence is carried out and finally a most proximity map of vehicular crime distribution is constructed. Multi-variant statistical analysis is carried out for the detailed study of this research in order to clarify the relationship between space and crime.

Though crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) cannot stop and resolve the space-crime problem, it is a useful tactic to deter criminal behaviour and this tactic is particularly useful for preventing domestic burglaries in residential areas. Although the incidences of vehicle crime have reached one of the highest proportions among all types of crime very few research projects have tackled this issue and very limited information on crime prevention strategies for vehicle crime has been offered to the public. Therefore, this research aims to deal with the space-crime problem for vehicle offences occurring in commercial areas, and will provide a theoretical model to uncover the situational vulnerability for vehicle crime. Furthermore, the crime prevention strategies proposed in this research will be of interest to related disciplines and will become a useful reference for them.

From this detailed study, situational vulnerability does exhibit an influence on vehicle crime patterns, both environmental factors mentioned above and temporal factors show various degrees of influence on this type of crime. Clearly, environmental features, such as street land use type, degrees of inter-visibility, degrees of lighting, and degrees of accessibility for both pedestrians and vehicles, all demonstrate different levels of influence on vehicular crime vulnerability. One of the most intriguing findings of this study is that it examines and confirms that only if there is strong inter-visibility in day time and a high degree of street lighting at night can the degrees of accessibility of street network patterns, i.e. higher accessible commercial streets with more pedestrian and vehicular flow, play a positive role to deter the occurrence of vehicle crime. However, when there is a lack of inter-visibility or street lighting we can observe more vehicle crime in the higher accessible streets when pedestrian observance is low and more vehicles, i.e. more targets, are parked.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的.................................. 1
第二節 研究範圍與限制.................................. 3
第三節 研究方法與流程.................................. 6
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 竊盜犯罪的基本概念 ............................ 9
第二節 竊盜犯罪行為學 ............................... 14
第三節 國外環境設計預防犯罪之相關理論.................. 18
第四節 國內相關環境設計預防犯罪文獻探討................ 26
第五節 探討相關議題.................................... 30
第三章 分析方法與研究架構
第一節 有關人潮車流量之研究分析方法.................... 33
第二節 空間情境特徵之分類 ............................. 38
第三節 汽車竊盜率之統計分析方法 ....................... 47
第四節 分析模式 ....................................... 50
第四章 實證研究
第一節 實證研究地區介紹................................ 51
第二節 研究地區停車環境特徵與汽車竊盜統計概況.......... 54
第三節 各項空間組構特徵與汽車竊盜犯罪之關聯性研究...... 63
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論........................................ 95
第二節 研究建議........................................ 98
第三節 後續研究........................................101
附錄一 住商混合區汽車竊盜犯罪機率統計分析
附錄二 住宅區汽車竊盜犯罪機率統計分析
附錄三 實證地區街道空間特徵及汽車竊盜犯罪案件數統計表


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