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研究生(外文):Kuo-Ting Kao
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Carding Performance and Fiber Web Uniformity with the Application of Static Electricity to Carded Nonwoven Process
指導教授(外文):Wen-Hao Hsing
外文關鍵詞:cardingstatic electricityfiber loadinggray value of imagefiber web uniformity
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研究結果顯示2丹尼聚酯纖維梳理摩擦時帶有數十伏特之少量負電荷,且隨著纖維細度愈小產生靜電愈多,0.8丹尼聚酯纖維可產生約100~250 V的負電;而聚丙烯和尼龍6纖維梳理摩擦時則會帶有大量正電荷,聚丙烯纖維產生之靜電最大時約達4 kV,而尼龍6纖維將近可產生約14 kV的靜電。而外加靜電電性和纖維本身電性間產生加成或相抵消作用,因此可藉梳棉機之靜電應用達到部分靜電中和之作用。另外,若搭配於工程中濕度的控制及在適當位置上加裝靜電消除器,確實可有效解決靜電問題,使工程順利進行。
另外,靜電對工作羅拉上之測試研究發現,羅拉上纖維負荷量會受纖維本身摩擦起電電性與外加靜電電性的影響。負靜電應用後,2丹尼聚酯纖維可降低最多5 % 纖維量,聚丙烯纖維增加約9 % 纖維量,而以尼龍 6纖維可增加21~31 % 纖維量最顯著。纖維帶電性與工作羅拉外加靜電性相反時會增加錫林上纖維至工作羅拉及道夫之轉移,因此增加了分梳作用及纖維網基重,進而改善了纖維網均勻性;其中,尼龍6於-2 kV時纖維網基重與灰階值分別增加了12.3 %與4.6 %,灰階值變異係數由10.8 %降至9.5 %;而聚丙烯於-2 kV時纖維網基重與灰階值分別增加了17 % 與16.2 %,灰階值變異係數由19.3 % 降至13.4 %,除梳理產量提升及均勻性之改善外,亦可增加不織布縱/橫向強度比。相反地,若工作羅拉外加靜電性電性與纖維帶電性相同時則無法有效改善分梳作用及纖維網均勻性。隨著錫林轉速增加,2丹尼聚酯纖維靜電位稍增,而其纖維網均勻性亦隨轉速增快而增大。但在工作羅拉外加負靜電後,錫林轉速愈快,因靜電排斥作用增大,因反而使工作羅拉上纖維負荷量減少。隔距愈小工作羅拉纖維負荷增多,纖維網均勻性提升,不織布的縱/橫向強度比亦提升,且隔距愈小其放電起始電壓減少,因而工作羅拉表面電位之最大平均值隨隔距縮短亦減少。
工作羅拉以正靜電應用於2丹尼聚酯纖維中,則因相反電性之靜電相吸作用可改善梳理性能。而四只工作羅拉應用與纖維電性相反之靜電應用,將可更顯著提升梳理效能及纖維網均勻性。0.8丹尼聚酯纖維網基重增加了3.6 g/m2,2丹尼聚酯纖維增加1.8 g/m2,尼龍6與聚丙烯纖維則分別增加了3.8 g/m2和3.6 g/m2;分割影像灰階值變異係數在靜電應用後,0.8和2丹尼聚酯纖維均由約11 %降至8.5 %,尼龍6纖維由約11 %降至9.3 %,聚丙烯纖維由約19.2 %降至12 %。在不織布縱向強度及縱/橫向強度比上,0.8丹尼聚酯纖維原先的2.57增加至2.69,2丹尼聚酯由原先的3.71增加至4.43,尼龍6由原先的2.91增加至3.26,而聚丙烯纖維則由原先的3.35增加至3.74。
The aims of this dissertation are to investigate the influence of the applied electrostatic conditions on the fiber web uniformity for carded-web nonwoven process. In this study, besides the investigation of methods for electrostatic elimination during carding process, the feasibility investigation of the electrostatic method, which was applied on the carding process to improve the uniformity of carded-web, was continued to apply for different types of fiber, so as to understand the mechanism of electrostatic carding with the aid of modified measurement for roller fiber loading and fiber web uniformity.
The results showed 0.8 d and 2 d PET fibers would generate a few negative charges after the tribo-electrification of carding, and the surface potential on worker increases in negative potential when the negative voltage applied to working roller. 0.8 d PET fiber (about 100 to 250 volts) generates more charges than 2 d one (tens of volts) after carding under the equal weight of fibers due to its bigger surface area. Nylon 6 and PP fiber generates a large number of positive charges after the tribo-electrification of carding, and the maximum value for Nylon 6 and PP fiber could reach to14 kV and 4 kV, respectively. The original measured surface potential on working roller would be neutralized by the applied negative voltage. Thus, the static electricity caused by the friction during carding process can be eliminated effectively by the combination of application of static electricity to carding machine, environmental humidity control, and installation of electrostatic eliminator in suitable place for carded nonwoven process, and it would help to smooth the process.
Additionally, it was found that the change of fiber loading on working roller depended on the polarities in tribo-electrification process and ones that the static electricity was applied on. After the application of negative static electricity, the most decreasing percentage of the fiber load on 4th worker is about 5 % for 2 d PET fiber, and Nylon 6 and PP fibers can reach to 21~31 % and 9 % of increasing percentage, respectively. It signified that the electrostatic method affected the uniformity of fiber web. When the polarities between the fibers and the applied static electricity to working roller are opposite, the fiber transformation from cylinder to working roller and doffer would increase. Thus, the electrostatic application increased the carding efficiency and basis weight of fiber web. The basis weight and image gray value of Nylon 6 fiber web raised 12.3 % and 4.6 % respectively at application of –2 kV, and the CV of image gray value reduced to 9.5 % from 10.8 %. The basis weight and image gray value of PP fiber web raised 17 % and 16.2 % respectively at application of –2 kV, and the CV of image gray value reduced to 13.4 % from 19.3 %. Besides the increasing of the throughput of carding machine and the fiber web uniformity, the electrostatic method lifted the ratio of MD/CD tensile strength of nonwoven fabric as well. The surface potential of working roller increased slightly with increasing cylinder speed for 2 d PET fibers, and then the fiber web uniformity would be improved. However, the fiber loading decreased with increasing cylinder speed after application of negative static electricity of worker roller. With the narrow of the setting between cylinder and working roller, the fiber loading of worker, fiber web uniformity, and ratio of MD/CD tensile strength of nonwoven fabric would increase, but the initial discharge voltage and average surface potential of worker decrease.
On the experiment of application of positive static electricity on the 4th working roller for 2 d PET fiber, the use of opposite polarity of static electricity could improve the carding performance. Furthermore, the application of opposite polarity of triboelectrical one of fiber would improve significantly the fiber web uniformity. The basis weight of fiber weight increased 3.6 and 1.2 g/m2 for 0.8 d and 2 d PET fibers, respectively, and increased 3.8 and 3.6 g/m2 for Nylon 6 and PP fibers as well, respectively. On the experiment of application of positive static electricity on the 4th working roller for 2 d PET fiber, the use of opposite polarity of static electricity could improve the carding performance. Furthermore, the application of opposite polarity of triboelectrical one of fiber would improve significantly the fiber web uniformity. The basis weight of fiber weight increased 3.6 and 1.2 g/m2 for 0.8 d and 2 d PET fibers, respectively, and increased 3.8 and 3.6 g/m2 for Nylon 6 and PP fibers as well, respectively. The CV of gray values of divided images could decrease to 8.5 % from 11 % for both of 0.8 d and 2 d PET fibers, 9.3 % from 11 % for Nylon 6 fibers, and 12 % from 19.2 % for both of PP fibers. For strength of nonwoven fabric, the ratio of MD/CD strength increased to 2.69 from 2.57 for 0.8 d PET fiber, 4.43 from 3.71 for 2 d PET fiber, 3.26 from 2.91 for Nylon 6 fiber, and 3.74 from 3.35 for PP fiber.
In this study, it was found that area divide of image of fiber web can reflect the fiber web uniformity objectively, and reduce the error of brightness of image due to the variation of illumination during image capture. The whole results showed that the appropriate electrostatic conditions really could improve the carding performace and fiber web uniformity, and increase the throughput of carding process.
作者簡介及誌謝 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xx
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 靜電產生的原因 1
1.1.2 靜電消除的方式 2
1.1.3 纖維特性與靜電之關係 3
1.1.4 不織布工程中之靜電障礙 4
1.1.5 靜電於紡織工程上之應用 6
1.2 文獻回顧 11
1.3 研究動機與目的 13
第二章 理論 15
2.1 靜電原理 15
2.1.1 靜電產生原理 15
2.1.2 摩擦帶電序列 16
2.1.3 電場極化作用 18
2.1.4 靜電放電原理 20
2.1.5 靜電消除原理 21
2.2 梳理原理 24
2.2.1 分梳作用 25
2.2.2 剝取作用 25
2.2.3 連續梳理剝取作用 26
2.2.4 纖維負荷及負荷分配 27
2.2.5 分梳剝取作用的帶電原理 28
第三章 實驗 31
3.1 實驗材料 31
3.1.1 材料選用的設計評估 31
3.2 實驗設備與儀器 31
3.3 實驗流程 33
3.3.1 實驗流程說明 35
3.4 靜電應用於羅拉式梳棉機之機構設置 35
3.5 靜電量測機構設計 36
3.6 梳理工程之靜電消除應用方法評估 37
3.7 實驗參數設計 38
3.8 分析檢測項目 40
3.8.1 工作羅拉纖維負荷 40
3.8.2 梳理過程之觀測分析 41
3.8.3 錫林、工作羅拉表面電壓 42
3.8.4 纖維網基重與影像灰階值分析 43
3.8.5 纖維網影像劃分、灰階值均勻性分析與軟體設計應用 45
3.8.6 纖維網棉粒數的計算 49
3.8.7 不織布拉伸強力測試 49
3.8.8 統計分析方法 50
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 梳理工程靜電產生和靜電消除方法探討 51
4.1.1 梳棉機空車運轉及纖維喂入之靜電分析 51
4.1.2 靜電對不織布梳理工程之障礙 53
4.1.3 環境濕度對靜電產生之影響 55
4.1.4 靜電消除器應用與梳棉機靜電中和應用之探討 58
4.2 靜電應用於單只工作羅拉對不同纖維之梳理性能影響 63
4.2.1 工作羅拉纖維負荷之探討 63
4.2.2 工作羅拉表面電位之探討 64
4.2.3 纖維網基重和影像灰階值及其變異係數之探討 68
4.2.4 纖維網棉粒產生之探討 76
4.2.5 纖維梳理之攝影觀測探討 80
4.2.6 不織布拉伸強度之探討 85
4.3 靜電應用於單只工作羅拉對不同錫林轉速之梳理性能探討 89
4.3.1 工作羅拉纖維負荷之探討 89
4.3.2 工作羅拉表面電位之探討 90
4.3.3 纖維網基重和影像灰階值及其變異係數之探討 92
4.3.4 不織布拉伸強度之探討 95
4.4 靜電應用於單只工作羅拉對不同羅拉隔距之梳理性能影響 97
4.4.1 工作羅拉纖維負荷之探討 97
4.4.2 工作羅拉表面電位之探討 98
4.4.3 纖維網基重和影像灰階值及其變異係數之探討 100
4.4.4 不織布拉伸強度之探討 103
4.5不同電性靜電應用於單只工作羅拉對2丹尼聚酯纖維之梳理性能探討 105
4.5.1 工作羅拉纖維負荷之探討 105
4.5.2 工作羅拉表面電位之探討 106
4.5.3 纖維網基重和影像灰階值及其變異係數之探討 107
4.5.4 纖維梳理之攝影觀測探討 110
4.5.5 不織布拉伸強度之探討 111
4.6 靜電應用於多只工作羅拉對梳理性能之影響 112
4.6.1 纖維網基重和影像灰階值及其變異係數之探討 112
4.6.2不織布拉伸強度之探討 116
第五章 結論 119
第六章 建議 123
參考文獻 125
附錄 132
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