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研究生(外文):Rong-Jyh Hsiau
論文名稱(外文):A Forwarding-Based Probing Technology for POTS Fault Isolation
指導教授(外文):A. C. Liu
外文關鍵詞:call forwardingdependency matrixdiagnostic powerfault localizationprobing
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In telephone network, most of electronic switching system only implements TMN management function in element management layer but no integrated function provided for network management. In this regard, it is necessary for an active probing approach to be adopted in an interconnecting network in order to ensure effective implementation of fault management function. We present a forwarding-based probing technology for POTS fault isolation, making a phone call and confirming the call answered to detect the nodes failed. By the call forwarding feature, the fault diagnostic system could isolate the failure node by less probing, more flexibly decide the location to install the probe stations, and have less probe stations. For the different fault condition, there are two diagnostic procedures to deal with them.
In the experiment, we enumerate different network topologies to test and to verify the diagnostic function with diverse node fault case in our system. The results show the advantages which we reasoned exist certainly. After according with the anticipated research results, we mention the research direction of this system in the future work, including solving the uncertain factors of the route and diagnosing link failures, to make this systematic function suitable for more complicated network environment.
誌 謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖 目 錄 vii
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 論文章節概述 4
第二章 相關知識及研究 6
2.1 傳統電話網路簡介 6
2.2 交換機機能 9
2.2.1 自動應答 9
2.2.2 電話呼叫轉接 10
2.3 相依矩陣 12
第三章 系統架構及診斷程序 19
3.1 系統功能及條件 19
3.2 系統架構 20
3.3 單點障礙診斷 23
3.3.1 診斷程序 24
3.3.2 可用測試 25
3.3.3 測試集合 32
3.4 多點障礙診斷 34
3.4.1 診斷限制 35
3.4.2 診斷程序 37
3.4.3 診斷功率 39
3.4.4 測試集合 44
3.4.5 故障診斷 45
3.5 診斷程序比較 49
第四章 系統實作與實驗討論 53
4.1 系統開發及實作 53
4.2 系統模擬與實驗 54
4.3 單點故障實驗與討論 57
4.3 多點故障診斷推演 62
4.4 多點故障實驗與討論 66
第五章 結論及未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 78
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