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研究生(外文):Yi-Ping Liou
論文名稱(外文):Multi Agent-based PULL Mechanism for Internet Advertisement Systems -A Case Study on An e-Novel Recommendation System
指導教授(外文):Jim-Min Lin
外文關鍵詞:PULL MechanismInternet Advertisement Systemsmulti Agent-based System
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Enterprises are constantly looking for a way that helps enterprises economized by delivering ads automatically instead of formerly delivering ads by human. Furthermore, enterprises can aim accurately at target customers to delivery ads and raise benefit. However, the ad-rate of Traditional media, such as television, newspaper, and magazine, is expensive. In addition to high ad-rate, Traditional media are also difficult to aim at specific consumers and to promote advance. Thus, some enterprises interested in the Internet advertisement technology. Internet advertisement technology has cost advantage over traditional media, but the tracking technology of former Internet advertisement technology was bad. Therefore, Internet advertisement technology can not only use to evaluate benefit of publishing ads, but also bother consumers easily. Especially, E-mail, the most popular Internet advertisement technology, cause a lot of spam mail and reduce benefit.
Therefore, in our research, we propose a multi agent-based PULL mechanism for Internet advertisement systems. In this system, consumers receive ads when they ask for advertisement information and these advertisements are recommended by system to meet consumer’s need. The agents in this system are not merely bring advertisement and migrate to client site, but also interact with consumer, record the record of interacts, collection these feedback to improve recommendation mechanism and raise benefit. Also in this thesis, an e-Novel recommendation system is implemented as an example of the proposed PULL mechanism.
誌謝 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 研究方法與目標 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 相關研究工作 6
2.1 網際網路廣告 6
2.1.1 際網路廣告現況 6
2.1.2 網際網路使用者行為 8
2.3 推薦的基本步驟與相關技術 15
2.4.1 IMMAM 27
2.4.2 PIMMAS 35
第三章 系統概述 41
3.1 系統設計議題 41
3.2 系統架構與重要設計議題 43
3.2.1 PULL模式網際網路廣告架構 43
3.2.2 多代理人系統 45
3.2.3 顧客特徵之擷取 51
3.2.4 廣告劇本偏好矩陣 54
3.2.5 推薦機制 57
3.2.6 學習機制 58
3.3 與前人研究之比較 61
第四章 一個實驗系統-e-Novel 推薦系統 63
4.1 實驗系統概述 63
4.2 實驗系統實作之相關技術與工具 64
4.3 小說廣告劇本格式與編寫介面 64
4.4 多代理人系統架構 69
4.4.1 讀者代理人(Reader agent) 70
4.4.2 廣告代理人(Advertising agent) 73
4.4.3 作家代理人(Writer agent) 74
4.4.4 建議代理人(Suggent agent) 74
4.4.5 學習代理人(Learning agent) 74
4.5 建構顧客特徵 75
4.5.1 資料選擇與前置處理 75
4.6 使用者劇本偏好矩陣 76
4.7 推薦與學習機制 78
4.8 實驗評估 79
4.8.1 實驗時程 79
4.8.2 推薦機制成效評估 79
第五章 結論 82
參考文獻 84
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