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研究生(外文):Kai-Tseng Shih
論文名稱(外文):Test Platform Hardware Design for the Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring System
指導教授(外文):San-Shan Hung
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本研究的主要目的在於 : 提供一個測試環境,作為開發階段的胎壓
變化,搭配PC做控制 , 以其達成所需之高溫高壓之測試環境,以利
To measure the characteristics and verify the reliability of TPMS in the development stage is the critical success of factors. The environmental control system focuses on testing characteristics of pressure, temperature and wireless data transmission in the product itself. Up to now, there is no standardized testing bench in the field so the researcher is aimed to design one automatic environmental control system for the purpose to enhance the testing efficiency and quality assurance. The primary purpose of the research is to provide one testing environments as a verification tool in the developing stage of TPMS. The system includes the design of chamber with TEC to control the variance of temperature. Also, the solenoid control valve with PC board controlled is adopted to control the changes of air pressure in the chamber in order to meet the testing environments in high temperature and high pressure. The researcher will demonstrate in which method the environmental control system will assist the engineer to conduct the testing in the purpose of designing TPMS.
目 錄
誌 謝...........................i
Abstract ........................iii
目 錄.........................iv
圖 目 錄.........................vii
表 目 錄.........................ix
第一章 緒論................................1
1.1 研究背景...............................1
1.2 研究目的及其重要性......................5
1.3 國內外相關研究 .........................5
第二章 無線胎壓監視系統簡介................10
2.1 無線感測模組...........................12
2.2 壓力與溫度感測器.......................15
2.3 加速度感測器與震動開關.................18
2.4 無線發射整合元件.......................19
第三章 無線胎壓監視系統測試平台機構設計....22
3.1 WTPMS測試平台規範......................23
3.2 WTPMS測試平台硬體結構..................23
3.2.1 波以耳定律...........................24
3.2.2 測試平台結構設計.....................25
3.3 溫度控制...............................27
3.3.1 熱電致冷晶片.........................27
3.3.2 熱電致冷晶片模組設計.................29
3.3.3 熱電致冷晶片控制線路.................36
3.3.4 溫度控制流程 .........................40
3.4 壓力控制...............................41
3.4.1 氣閥與壓力感知器.....................41
3.4.2 控制線路.............................43
3.4.3 控制流程.............................45
3.5 轉動控制...............................46
3.6 RS-232介面.............................46
3.6.1 RS-232的介面 .........................47
3.6.2 RS-232的通訊協定.....................48
第四章 量測分析............................50
4.1 溫度量測...............................50
4.2 壓力量測...............................52
第五章 結論與未來展望......................54
5.1 結論...................................54
5.2 未來展望...............................54
附錄(一) 2004年第十三屆全國自動化科技研討會論文...60
附錄(二) 2006年第十三屆中華民國人因工程協會研討會論文..60
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