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研究生(外文):Chi-wei Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Design of a dynamic reconfigurable LNS arithmetic unit
指導教授(外文):Chichyang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic partial reconfigurationField programmable gate array(FPGA)Speech recognitionLogarithmic number systemReconfigurable computing
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Logarithmic number system (LNS) arithmetic is very efficient for some complex functions. However, LNS arithmetic has the problem of large hardware cost for LNS addition and subtraction, which make its implementation become impractical. The dynamic partial reconfiguration system can load or remove the bit stream of FPGA programming in run time. By using dynamic reconfiguration method, we can dynamically modify the floating-point arithmetic unit to LNS arithmetic unit in the FPGA hardware. The large-hardware-cost problem of LNS arithmetic can thus be solved, and the power consumption of the arithmetic system can also be reduced. Single-word speech recognition is taken as a demonstration example for our dynamic reconfiguration approach. We divide the speech recognition system into hardware and software parts. The software part is executed by the Xilinx microblaze processor, while the hardware part is operated by the FPGA hardware with FLP or LNS arithmetic units. The design flow of our dynamic reconfiguration includes Xilinx module design flow, modified EDK design flow, and dynamic self-reconfigurable approach. Furthermore, we also add a debug module. Our experiments are implemented on the Xilinx multimedia board Virtex II-2000. Our experimental results show that LNS arithmetic unit can enhance the speed of the speech recognition, and the reconfiguration time for the 32-bit FLP unit is about 0.35 second, while the FLP unit takes about 0.47 second to reconfigure the LNS unit.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 導論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的與工作 2
1.4論文架構 3
第二章 浮點數數字系統 5
2.1 IEEE 浮點數數字系統標準格式及其可表示的範圍與精準度 5
2.2 浮點數加減法演算法 6
2.3 浮點數乘法演算法 7
2.4 浮點數除法演算法及高效率除法演算法 8
2.5 浮點數算術單元電路設計及驅動程式 9
第三章 對數數字系統 12
3.1對數數字系統格式及其可表示的範圍與精準度 12
3.2對數數字系統之四則運算 13
3.3對數算術單元電路設計及驅動程式 14
第四章 語音辨識 18
4.1語音辨識流程 18
4.2擷取語音的特徵值 20
4.3訓練語音隱藏式馬可夫模型 24
4.4語音辨識中用硬體算術單元計算之函數 27
第五章 Xilinx SOPC發展環境 29
5.1 前言 29
5.2 Microblaze軟式處理器 29
5.3 Xilinx FPGA架構 30
5.4 Xilinx SOPC開發流程 32
5.5 Profile介紹 34
第六章 Xilinx可重組式計算 36
6.1 文獻研討 36
6.2 可重組式計算原理 41
6.3 Xilinx可重組式計算 41
6.4動態可重組式計算系統設計流程 45
第七章 實驗方法與結果 50
7.1語音辨識實驗環境與結果 50
7.2動態部分重組實驗方法與結果 52
第八章 結論 56
附錄A 動態可部份重組系統的設計流程 61
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