參考文獻 (英文部分)
1.Andreassen, T. W. & B. Lindestad, 1998, “customer loyalty and complex services, ”International Journal of Service Industry Management 9(1), pp.7-23.
2.Anderson, E. W., C. Fornell & R. L. Donald, 1994,“Cusumer Satisfaction, .MarketShare and Profitability: Findings from Sweden”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.58(July),pp.53-66.
3.Anderson, J. C. & J. A. Narus, 1990, “A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships,” Journal of Marketing 54, January, pp.42-58.
4.Anderson, E.W. & Weitz, B.(1992), “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels. ” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 29, Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988), “On the evaluation of structural equation models,” Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol.16, p.74-94.
5.Baker, Thomas L., Penny M. Simpson & Judy A. Siguaw, “The Impact of Suppliers’ Perceptions of Reseller Market Orientation on Key Relationship Constructs,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.27, 1999, p.50-57.
6.Bauer, H. H., M. Grether, & M. Leach, 2002, “Building customer relations over the Internet,” Industrial Marketing Management 31, pp. 155-163.
7. Bayton, J. A., 1959, “Researching the corporate Image”, Public Relations, Vol.4,October, pp.3-8.
8. Belt, J. A., & Paolillo, J. G. P. (1982). The influence of corporate image and specificity of candidate qualifications on response to recruitment advertisement. Journal of Management, 8, 105-122.
9. Bhote, Keki R.(1996), Beyond Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty-The Key to Greater Profitability. New York: American Management Association, 31.
10.Bill Keogh (2004),”Understanding customer behavior”,Customer Knowledge.
11.Bintner, J. (1990).Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effects of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses. Journal of Marketing, 54, pp.69-82.Journal of Travel Research, 39, pp.45-51.
12. Bowen, John T. & Stowe Shoemaker(1998), “Loyalty: A strategic commitment,” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 39 (1), 12-25.
13 .Bowen, J.T. & Chen, S.L., “The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 13,pp.213-217,(2001).
14. Brown, T. J., G. A. Churchill, Jr., & J. P. Peter, 1993, Improving the Measurement of Service Quality, Journal of Retailing, Vol.69(Spring), pp.127-139.
15 .Buchanan, L.(1992), “Vertical Trade Relationships: The Role of Dependence and Symmetry in Attaining Organization Goals. ” Journal of Marketing Research,Vol.29,pp. 65-75.
16. Burke, P. J., & Stet, J. E. (1999). Trust and commitment through self-verification. Social Psychology Quarterly, 62(4), 347-360.
17.Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988), “On the evaluation of structural equation models,” Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol.16, p.74-94.
18.Bentler, P. M. and Bonett, D. G.(1980), “Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures,” Psychological Bulletin, 88, p. 588-606.
19.Browne, M. W. and R. Cudeck(1993), “Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit,” Testing Structural Equation Models, p.136-162, Sage.
20.Bentler, P. M.(1988), Theory and implementation of EQS:A structural equations program, Sage.
21.Bentler(1983), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis via Noniterative Estimation: A Fast, Inexpensive Method,”Journal of Marketing Research, 19, p. 417-424.
22. Cardozo, R. (1965). An experimental study of customer effort, expectation and satisfaction.Journal of Marketing Research, 2(3), 244-249.
23. Chien, Charles S. & Moutinho, Luiz (2004), “Beyond Relationship Marketing,”Marketing Mind Prints, edited by Philip J. Kitchen, Palgrave Macmilian, New York
24.Choia, K. S., W. H. Chob, S. Leed, & C. Kimc, 2004, “The relationships among quality, value, satisfaction and behavioral intention in health care provider choice : a South Korean study,” Journal of Business Research 57, pp.913-921.
25.Churchill, Glibert A., Jr. & Carol Surprenant, “An Investigation Into the Deierminants of Customer Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing Research, vol.19 (1982), 491-504.
26.Colletti, D. L. 1987. Retailing banking success: a question of quality. Bank Administration, 63(4): 42-45.
27.Corbitt, B. J., T. Thanasankit, & H. Yi, 2003, “Trust and e-commerce: a study of consumer perceptions,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2, pp. 203–215.
28.Coulter, K.S. & Coulter R.A., “Determinants of trust in a service provider: the moderating rloe of length of relationship”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 1, 35-50,(2002).
29.Cronin, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. (1992). Measuring service Quality: A Reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56, 55-68.
30.Cronin, J. J., M. K. Brady, & G. T. M. Hult, 2000, “Assessing the effevts of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioural intentions in service environments,” Journal of Retailing 76(2), pp.193-218.
31.Crosby, L.A., Evans, K.R. & Cowles, D.(1990), “ Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective. ” Journal of Marketing,Vol. 54, pp.68-81.
32.Crosby, Lawrence A. & Nancy Stephens. “Effects of Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction, Retention, and Prices in the Life Insurance Industry.” Journal of Marketing Research 24 (November 1987): 404-411.
33.Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang, “Integrative Research into the Financial Services Industry in Taiwan: Relationship bonding tactics, Relationship Quality and Behavioural Loyalty”,Journal of Financial Services Marketing; Sep 2005; 10, 1;pg. 65
34.Czepiel, John A., Larry J. Rosenberg, & Adebayo Akerele. “Perspectives on Consumer Satisfaction.” in AMA Educators’ Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association (1974): 119-123.
35.Chieh-Peng Lin; Cherng G Ding, “Evaluating Group Differences in Gender During the Formation of Relationship Quality and Loyalty in ISP Service”,Journal of Organizational and End User Computing; Apr-Jun 2006; 18, 2;pg. 38
36.Daft, Richard L. & Raymond A. Noe (2001), Organizational Behavior, Orlando:Harcourt, Inc
37.David, G., “Nurturing Clinets’ Trust to Encourange Engagement Success During the Customization of ERP Systems”, Omega, Vol. 30,No.4,pp.287-299,(2002).
38.David L. Deephouse & Suzanne M. Carter,” An Examination of Differences Between Organizational Legitimacy and Organizational Reputation”, Journal ofManagement Studies March 2005.
39.Day, Ralph(1984), “Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction, ” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol.11. Thomas C.Kinnear, ed., ann Arbor, MI:Association for Consumer Research, pp.496-499.
40.De Wulf, K., Odekerken-Schröder, G. & D. Iacobucci, “Investments in Consumer Relationships:A Cross-Country and Cross-Industry Exploration,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65, October, 2001, pp. 33-50.
41.Dick A. S. & Kunal Basu(1994) , “Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113
42.Donny, P. M. & J. P. Cannon, 1997, “Examination of the Natural of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationship,” Journal of Marketing 61, April, pp. 35-51.
43.Dupont, R.(1998), “ Relationship Marketing: A strategy for customer-owned utilities in a restructured industry. ” Journal of Marketing, pp.11-16.
44.Dwyer, F.R. & Lagace, R.R.(1986), “On the Nature and Role of Buyer-Seller Trust. ” Chicago: American Marketing Association, pp.40-45.
45.Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H. & S. Oh, “Developing Buyer-seller Relationships,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 2, 1987, pp. 11-27.
46.Dyer J. H. & Chu W., “The Determinants of Trust in Supplier-Automaker
Relationship in the U.S., Japan and Korea,” Journal of International Business Studies,Vol.31, 2000, p.259-285.
47.Dennis Wat; Margaret A Shaffer,” Equity and relationship quality influences on organizational citizenship behaviors”,Personnel Review; 2005; 34, 4; pg. 406
48.Engel, James F., R.D. Blackwell & Paul W. Miniard, Consumer Behavior, 6th ed, 1984.
49.Etzel, Michael J., Bruce J. Walker, & William J. Stanton, 2001, Marketing Management 12th Edition, McGraw. Hill, Irwin. Elinor S. & Selame , J. (1975).Developing a corporate identity , Chain store publishing Co .
50.Fombrum, C. & M. Shanley, 1990, “What’s in a name?Reputation building and corporate strategy,” Academy of Management Journal 33(2), pp.233-258.
51. Fombrun, C. J. (1996). “Reputation: Realizing Value from the Corporate Image.“ Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
52.Fornell, C.(1992), “A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience,” Journal of Marketing, 55 (January), 1-22.
53. Frederick, N.(2000), Loyalty : Customer relationship management in the new era of internet marketing, McGraw.Hill Fredericks, Joan O. and James M. SalterII (1995), “Beyond Customer Satisfaction.” Management Review 84: 29-32.
54. Ganesan, Shankar & Ron Hess(1997), “Dimensions and Levels of Trust: Implications for Commitment to a Relationship.” Marketing Letters 8, no. 4, pp.439-448.
55.Ganesh, J., Mark J. Arnold, & Kristy E. Reynolds(2000), “Understanding the Customer Base of Service Providers: An Examination of the Differences Between Switchers and Stayers,” Journal of Marketing, 64 (July), 65-87.
56.Garbarino, E. & Johnson, S.M.(1999), “ The Different Roles of Satisfaction,Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. ” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63,pp.70-87.
57.Goodman, Lester E. & Paul A Dion, “The Determinants of Commitment in the Distributor-Manufacturer Relationship,” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.30,2001, p.287-300.
58. Gray, E. R. & J. M. T. Balmer, 1998, “Managing corporate image and corporate reputation,” Long Range Planning 31(5), pp.695-702.
59. Grewal, D., Kridhnan, Baker & N. Borin, 1998, “The Effect of Store Name, Brand Name and Price Discount on Consumer Evaluations and Purchase Intentions”,Journal of Retailing, Vol.3, pp.331-352.
60.Griffin, J. (1997), Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It, New York: Lexington Book.62.Gronroos, C., 1984, A Service Quality Model and Its’ Marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.36-44.
61.Gronholdt, Lars, Anne Martensen, & Kai Kristensen( 2000) , “The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty: Cross-industry differences,” Total Quality Management, 11 (4-6), 509-514.
62.Gronroos, C. (1982). Strategic management and marketing in the service sector,
Helsingfors: Swedish School Economics and Business Administration.
63.Gronroos, C., 1984, A Service Quality Model and Its’ Marketing Implications,European Journal of Marketing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.36-44.
64.Gruen, T.W., Summers, J.O. & Acito, F. “ Relationship marketing activities,commitment, and membership behaviors in professional associations. ” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, pp.34-49.
65. Gundlach, G.T., Achrol, R.S. & Mentzer, J.T.(1995), “The Structure of Commitment in Exchange. ” Journal of Marketing, 59, pp.78-92.
66. Hart, C.W. & M. D. Johnson, 1999, “Growing the trust relationship,” Marketing Management, Spring, pp. 8-19.
67.Hair JF., Anderson RE., Tatham RL., & Black WC. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis (5th ed.). NJ: Prentinve-Hall.
68.Hennig-Thurau, T., K. P. Gwinner, & D. D.Gremler, 2002, “Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes-An Integration of Relational Benefits and Relationship Quality,” Journal of Service Research 4(3), Feb, pp. 230-247.
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4.蘇元含(2003) ,運用線性結構模式探討服務品質對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響-以中油加油站為例,國立東華大學企業管理研究所碩士論文5.方世榮,「關係價值、關係品質與忠誠度之探討-零售銀行業的實證研究」,管理學報,第十九卷,第六期,20026.洪嘉蓉(2004) ,服務品質、滿意度與忠誠度關係之研究----以中華電信ADSL顧客為例,大業大學資訊管理系碩士論文7.陳建州(2003) ,顧客滿意、信任與承諾影響因素之探討-以銀行個人理財部門為例,銘傳管理科學研究所碩士論文8.張伊嫻(2003),服務品質、顧客滿意度、信任、承諾與行為意圖間關係之研究,大同大學企業管理系碩士論文9.林陽助,理財專員屬性、關係銷售行為、關係品質與顧客忠誠度關係之研究—以財富管理為例,台灣金融財務季刊,第六輯第一期,94年3月。
參考文獻 (英文部分)
1.Andreassen, T. W. & B. Lindestad, 1998, “customer loyalty and complex services, ”International Journal of Service Industry Management 9(1), pp.7-23.
2.Anderson, E. W., C. Fornell & R. L. Donald, 1994,“Cusumer Satisfaction, .MarketShare and Profitability: Findings from Sweden”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.58(July),pp.53-66.
3.Anderson, J. C. & J. A. Narus, 1990, “A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships,” Journal of Marketing 54, January, pp.42-58.
4.Anderson, E.W. & Weitz, B.(1992), “The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels. ” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 29, Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988), “On the evaluation of structural equation models,” Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol.16, p.74-94.
5.Baker, Thomas L., Penny M. Simpson & Judy A. Siguaw, “The Impact of Suppliers’ Perceptions of Reseller Market Orientation on Key Relationship Constructs,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.27, 1999, p.50-57.
6.Bauer, H. H., M. Grether, & M. Leach, 2002, “Building customer relations over the Internet,” Industrial Marketing Management 31, pp. 155-163.
7. Bayton, J. A., 1959, “Researching the corporate Image”, Public Relations, Vol.4,October, pp.3-8.
8. Belt, J. A., & Paolillo, J. G. P. (1982). The influence of corporate image and specificity of candidate qualifications on response to recruitment advertisement. Journal of Management, 8, 105-122.
9. Bhote, Keki R.(1996), Beyond Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty-The Key to Greater Profitability. New York: American Management Association, 31.
10.Bill Keogh (2004),”Understanding customer behavior”,Customer Knowledge.
11.Bintner, J. (1990).Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effects of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses. Journal of Marketing, 54, pp.69-82.Journal of Travel Research, 39, pp.45-51.
12. Bowen, John T. & Stowe Shoemaker(1998), “Loyalty: A strategic commitment,” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 39 (1), 12-25.
13 .Bowen, J.T. & Chen, S.L., “The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 13,pp.213-217,(2001).
14. Brown, T. J., G. A. Churchill, Jr., & J. P. Peter, 1993, Improving the Measurement of Service Quality, Journal of Retailing, Vol.69(Spring), pp.127-139.
15 .Buchanan, L.(1992), “Vertical Trade Relationships: The Role of Dependence and Symmetry in Attaining Organization Goals. ” Journal of Marketing Research,Vol.29,pp. 65-75.
16. Burke, P. J., & Stet, J. E. (1999). Trust and commitment through self-verification. Social Psychology Quarterly, 62(4), 347-360.
17.Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (1988), “On the evaluation of structural equation models,” Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Vol.16, p.74-94.
18.Bentler, P. M. and Bonett, D. G.(1980), “Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures,” Psychological Bulletin, 88, p. 588-606.
19.Browne, M. W. and R. Cudeck(1993), “Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit,” Testing Structural Equation Models, p.136-162, Sage.
20.Bentler, P. M.(1988), Theory and implementation of EQS:A structural equations program, Sage.
21.Bentler(1983), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis via Noniterative Estimation: A Fast, Inexpensive Method,”Journal of Marketing Research, 19, p. 417-424.
22. Cardozo, R. (1965). An experimental study of customer effort, expectation and satisfaction.Journal of Marketing Research, 2(3), 244-249.
23. Chien, Charles S. & Moutinho, Luiz (2004), “Beyond Relationship Marketing,”Marketing Mind Prints, edited by Philip J. Kitchen, Palgrave Macmilian, New York
24.Choia, K. S., W. H. Chob, S. Leed, & C. Kimc, 2004, “The relationships among quality, value, satisfaction and behavioral intention in health care provider choice : a South Korean study,” Journal of Business Research 57, pp.913-921.
25.Churchill, Glibert A., Jr. & Carol Surprenant, “An Investigation Into the Deierminants of Customer Satisfaction,” Journal of Marketing Research, vol.19 (1982), 491-504.
26.Colletti, D. L. 1987. Retailing banking success: a question of quality. Bank Administration, 63(4): 42-45.
27.Corbitt, B. J., T. Thanasankit, & H. Yi, 2003, “Trust and e-commerce: a study of consumer perceptions,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2, pp. 203–215.
28.Coulter, K.S. & Coulter R.A., “Determinants of trust in a service provider: the moderating rloe of length of relationship”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 1, 35-50,(2002).
29.Cronin, J. J., & Taylor, S. A. (1992). Measuring service Quality: A Reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing, 56, 55-68.
30.Cronin, J. J., M. K. Brady, & G. T. M. Hult, 2000, “Assessing the effevts of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioural intentions in service environments,” Journal of Retailing 76(2), pp.193-218.
31.Crosby, L.A., Evans, K.R. & Cowles, D.(1990), “ Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective. ” Journal of Marketing,Vol. 54, pp.68-81.
32.Crosby, Lawrence A. & Nancy Stephens. “Effects of Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction, Retention, and Prices in the Life Insurance Industry.” Journal of Marketing Research 24 (November 1987): 404-411.
33.Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang, “Integrative Research into the Financial Services Industry in Taiwan: Relationship bonding tactics, Relationship Quality and Behavioural Loyalty”,Journal of Financial Services Marketing; Sep 2005; 10, 1;pg. 65
34.Czepiel, John A., Larry J. Rosenberg, & Adebayo Akerele. “Perspectives on Consumer Satisfaction.” in AMA Educators’ Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association (1974): 119-123.
35.Chieh-Peng Lin; Cherng G Ding, “Evaluating Group Differences in Gender During the Formation of Relationship Quality and Loyalty in ISP Service”,Journal of Organizational and End User Computing; Apr-Jun 2006; 18, 2;pg. 38
36.Daft, Richard L. & Raymond A. Noe (2001), Organizational Behavior, Orlando:Harcourt, Inc
37.David, G., “Nurturing Clinets’ Trust to Encourange Engagement Success During the Customization of ERP Systems”, Omega, Vol. 30,No.4,pp.287-299,(2002).
38.David L. Deephouse & Suzanne M. Carter,” An Examination of Differences Between Organizational Legitimacy and Organizational Reputation”, Journal ofManagement Studies March 2005.
39.Day, Ralph(1984), “Modeling Choices Among Alternative Responses to Dissatisfaction, ” in Advances in Consumer Research, vol.11. Thomas C.Kinnear, ed., ann Arbor, MI:Association for Consumer Research, pp.496-499.
40.De Wulf, K., Odekerken-Schröder, G. & D. Iacobucci, “Investments in Consumer Relationships:A Cross-Country and Cross-Industry Exploration,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65, October, 2001, pp. 33-50.
41.Dick A. S. & Kunal Basu(1994) , “Customer Loyalty: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22 (2), 99-113
42.Donny, P. M. & J. P. Cannon, 1997, “Examination of the Natural of Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationship,” Journal of Marketing 61, April, pp. 35-51.
43.Dupont, R.(1998), “ Relationship Marketing: A strategy for customer-owned utilities in a restructured industry. ” Journal of Marketing, pp.11-16.
44.Dwyer, F.R. & Lagace, R.R.(1986), “On the Nature and Role of Buyer-Seller Trust. ” Chicago: American Marketing Association, pp.40-45.
45.Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P. H. & S. Oh, “Developing Buyer-seller Relationships,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 2, 1987, pp. 11-27.
46.Dyer J. H. & Chu W., “The Determinants of Trust in Supplier-Automaker
Relationship in the U.S., Japan and Korea,” Journal of International Business Studies,Vol.31, 2000, p.259-285.
47.Dennis Wat; Margaret A Shaffer,” Equity and relationship quality influences on organizational citizenship behaviors”,Personnel Review; 2005; 34, 4; pg. 406
48.Engel, James F., R.D. Blackwell & Paul W. Miniard, Consumer Behavior, 6th ed, 1984.
49.Etzel, Michael J., Bruce J. Walker, & William J. Stanton, 2001, Marketing Management 12th Edition, McGraw. Hill, Irwin. Elinor S. & Selame , J. (1975).Developing a corporate identity , Chain store publishing Co .
50.Fombrum, C. & M. Shanley, 1990, “What’s in a name?Reputation building and corporate strategy,” Academy of Management Journal 33(2), pp.233-258.
51. Fombrun, C. J. (1996). “Reputation: Realizing Value from the Corporate Image.“ Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
52.Fornell, C.(1992), “A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience,” Journal of Marketing, 55 (January), 1-22.
53. Frederick, N.(2000), Loyalty : Customer relationship management in the new era of internet marketing, McGraw.Hill Fredericks, Joan O. and James M. SalterII (1995), “Beyond Customer Satisfaction.” Management Review 84: 29-32.
54. Ganesan, Shankar & Ron Hess(1997), “Dimensions and Levels of Trust: Implications for Commitment to a Relationship.” Marketing Letters 8, no. 4, pp.439-448.
55.Ganesh, J., Mark J. Arnold, & Kristy E. Reynolds(2000), “Understanding the Customer Base of Service Providers: An Examination of the Differences Between Switchers and Stayers,” Journal of Marketing, 64 (July), 65-87.
56.Garbarino, E. & Johnson, S.M.(1999), “ The Different Roles of Satisfaction,Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. ” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63,pp.70-87.
57.Goodman, Lester E. & Paul A Dion, “The Determinants of Commitment in the Distributor-Manufacturer Relationship,” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.30,2001, p.287-300.
58. Gray, E. R. & J. M. T. Balmer, 1998, “Managing corporate image and corporate reputation,” Long Range Planning 31(5), pp.695-702.
59. Grewal, D., Kridhnan, Baker & N. Borin, 1998, “The Effect of Store Name, Brand Name and Price Discount on Consumer Evaluations and Purchase Intentions”,Journal of Retailing, Vol.3, pp.331-352.
60.Griffin, J. (1997), Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It, New York: Lexington Book.62.Gronroos, C., 1984, A Service Quality Model and Its’ Marketing Implications, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.36-44.
61.Gronholdt, Lars, Anne Martensen, & Kai Kristensen( 2000) , “The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty: Cross-industry differences,” Total Quality Management, 11 (4-6), 509-514.
62.Gronroos, C. (1982). Strategic management and marketing in the service sector,
Helsingfors: Swedish School Economics and Business Administration.
63.Gronroos, C., 1984, A Service Quality Model and Its’ Marketing Implications,European Journal of Marketing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.36-44.
64.Gruen, T.W., Summers, J.O. & Acito, F. “ Relationship marketing activities,commitment, and membership behaviors in professional associations. ” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 64, pp.34-49.
65. Gundlach, G.T., Achrol, R.S. & Mentzer, J.T.(1995), “The Structure of Commitment in Exchange. ” Journal of Marketing, 59, pp.78-92.
66. Hart, C.W. & M. D. Johnson, 1999, “Growing the trust relationship,” Marketing Management, Spring, pp. 8-19.
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