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研究生(外文):Zhi-Cheng Zeng
論文名稱(外文):The cross-platform mechanism design of PLC based on IEC61131-3 standard
指導教授(外文):Shyi-Kae Yang
外文關鍵詞:PLCIEC61131-3Industrial automation
  • 被引用被引用:10
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In the early stage, the implementation of automation is composed of electric elements, not only the occupied space is larger, but also the automation process is difficult to be modified and to be maintained. Until the appearance of programmable logic controller (PLC), the PLC then plays a very important role in the industrial automation. Many manufacturers develop the PLC individually and different PLC languages are used. The inconvenience usually occurs while the PLC hardware is changed. Therefore, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association proposed the IEC61131-3 standard in 1999 to integrate the specification of PLC languages.
In this thesis, a series of mechanisms to implement a PLC of crossing target-platform based on the IEC61131-3 standard are proposed. First, the PLC languages based on IEC61131-3 standard are transformed to a universal description. Then, the controller kernel, the IO firmware and the IO hardware are designed separately. Thus, the same PLC program using the IEC61131-3 standard can be carried out on different micro-chip. For the PLC program designers, it is only required to learn the IEC61131-3 standard without considering the hardware. In addition, because the PLC code can be duplicated and to be executed on the different target platform, the developed cost and time for implementing an automation planning can also be reduced.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 PLC的發展歷史與現況 2
1-2 PLC的實現 2
1-2-1 執行核心與執行檔 3
1-2-2 PLC設計語法 5
1-3 跨平台與工業控制器 6
1-4 研究動機 7
1-5 論文架構 8
第二章 IEC61131國際標準 9
2-1 IEC61131簡介 9
2-2 IEC61131-3的軟體架構 9
2-3 IEC61131-3程序的組成 10
2-4 IEC61131-3語法標準 11
2-4-1 階梯圖(LD) 12
2-4-2 功能方塊圖(FBD) 14
2-4-3 順序功能圖(SFC) 15
2-4-4 指令表(IL) 16
2-4-5 結構化文字(ST) 17
2-4-6 不同語法的混用 18
第三章 跨平台之可程式控制器系統規劃 20
3-1 可程式控制器系統架構 20
3-2 可程式控制器的語法結構與實現 22
3-2-1 IEC61131-3五種語言的共通描述法 22
3-2-2 IEC61131-3語法的描述格式 24
3-2-3 IEC61131-3語法的執行概念與實現 25
3-3 FBD語法的實現 26
3-4 描述檔語法結構 27
3-4-1 宣告描述 29
3-4-2 程式碼描述 30
3-5 基於跨平台架構的韌體設計實現 32
3-5-1 韌體函式庫 33
3-5-2 韌體函式庫規劃 35
3-6 程式碼、描述檔、IO對應檔與執行檔(目的檔)間的轉換 37
第四章 實作驗證 39
4-1 系統說明 39
4-2編輯介面 42
4-2-1 主程式介面 42
4-2-2 功能表 43
4-2-3 參數設定 43
4-2-4 函數方塊選擇 44
4-2-5 硬體設定 45
4-4實例-紅綠燈 46
4-4-1 程式碼-紅綠燈 46
4-4-2 硬體設定-紅綠燈 49
4-4-3 產生執行檔-紅綠燈 50
4-4-3 執行結果-紅綠燈 51
第五章 結論與建議 52
5-1 結論 52
5-2 建議 52
參考文獻 53
附錄一 IEC61131-3標準函數 54
附錄二 IEC61131-3標準功能方塊 56
附錄三 實例-紅綠燈之硬體設定檔 57
附錄四 實例-紅綠燈之描述檔 58
附錄五 實例-紅綠燈之C語言程式碼 62
自述 64
[1] Karl-Heinz John. Michael Tiegelkamp, IEC61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems, 2000.
[2]R. W. Lewis, Programming Industrial Control System using IEC1131-3, 1995.
[3]蕭欣智. 簡詔群, 三荾可程式自動控制實用手冊範例, 全華科技圖書股份有限公司, 1999.
[4]R. W. Lewis, Programming Industrial Control System using IEC1131-3, 1995.
[5]陳福春, PLC可程式控制器原理與實習, 高立圖書有限公司, 2000.
[6]林陳進, ”PLC電腦輔助設計軟體原理解析”, 機電整合雜誌, 第4期, pp.122-137, 1988.
[7]吳福川, PC-Based SoftPLC控制規劃軟體之實現, 國立台灣大學電機工程研究所, 碩士論文, 1999.
[8]Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Daniel Witsch, Uwe Katzke, “Automatic Code Generation from a UML model toIEC 61131-3 and system configuration tools”, Intermational Conference on Control and Automation, pp.1034-1039, June 27-29, 2005, Budapest, Hungary.
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