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研究生(外文):Po-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The study on the key factors regarding service quality of tourist hotels
指導教授(外文):Chang-Lin Yang
外文關鍵詞:fuzzy analytic hierarchy processservice qualitytourist hotels
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近年來,隨著生活水準的提高以及生活型態的轉變,促使服務產業蓬勃成長,並成為推升經濟發展的重要產業。觀光服務相關產業,對外匯之收入具重要貢獻,當中,又以提供住宿、餐飲、消費、社交、會議、娛樂等功能之觀光旅館業,為最關鍵之指標產業。由於良好服務品質的傳遞與提供絕對會是觀光旅館業成功與否的關鍵,因此,本研究從文獻理論的探究,統整出評估旅館業者服務品質的相關因素,從兼顧學術研究以及實用效率的角度出發,建立一套觀光旅館服務品質衡量模型,並採用近來廣為運用在績效評估及指標建構的模糊層級分析法(fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, FAHP)來做為輔助工具,探討觀光旅館服務品質之關鍵因素。經問卷研究後發現,於服務傳遞流程、有形硬體設施、回應處理能力、專業能力表現與顧客關係管理等五項主要構面中,顧客關係管理之專業操作為觀光旅館服務品質之最關鍵因素,回應處理能力次之,服務傳遞流程構面下之標準服務流程亦為維繫服務品質之要素。本研究並以三家觀光旅館之評估進行實例驗證,以確認本研究模式的適用性及實用性。
Recently, as the progress of living standard and the transformation of life style, promoting the service industry develop exceedingly, and become important cause of the economical development. Tourism and service-relevance industry make outstanding contributions to foreign exchange earnings, among those, tourist hotel industry provide accommodations, restaurant, consumption, social activity, conference, entertainments is the most critical and chief industry. Because of the quality of transmission and supply of service will absolutely affect the success chance of tourist hotel industry, therefore, this study make use of collection of literatures and references, to sort the relative factors that can be use for evaluating the service quality of tourist hotels, and look after both academic research and practicability, then set up a evaluation model for evaluating the service quality of tourist hotels, moreover, to utilize Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP)method that is generally used for performance evaluation recently as the assistance means to analyze and confirm the key factors of the service quality of tourist hotels.
The result find, among the five main aspects(service transmission process, real facilities, response ability, professional performance and customer relationship management), the professional execution of customer relationship management is the most important factor of the service quality of tourist hotels, response ability is the second, furthermore, the standard flow of service(sub-index of service transmission process)is also play an important role in the assurance of service quality. This study also selects three tourist hotels to be the real diagnosis subject, and checks the adaptability and practicability for the model of this study.
目 錄
第 壹 章 緒論.................................................................................................1
第 一 節 研究背景與動機....................................................................1
第 二 節 研究目的................................................................................3
第 三 節 研究範圍與限制....................................................................3
第 四 節 研究流程................................................................................4

第 貳 章 文獻探討.......................................................................................7
第 一 節 服務品質的概念與定義........................................................7
第 二 節 服務品質的衡量指標..........................................................12
第 三 節 服務品質的衡量模式..........................................................17
第 四 節 觀光旅館業服務品質的衡量構面......................................24
第 五 節 相關領域研究方法..............................................................27

第 參 章 觀光旅館服務品質評估模型建立..............................................33
第 一 節 模型架構...............................................................................33
第 二 節 初步模型建立.......................................................................35
第 三 節 專家問卷與模型修正...........................................................39
第 四 節 指標權重計算.......................................................................44
第 五 節 相對權重值之分析與討論...................................................49

第 肆 章 實例驗證......................................................................................53
第 一 節 實證受評主體及受訪評鑑代表...........................................53
第 二 節 實證評鑑步驟.......................................................................54
第 三 節 實證結果分析.......................................................................59
第 伍 章 結論與建議..................................................................................67
第 一 節 研究結論...............................................................................67
第 二 節 研究建議...............................................................................69

參考文獻 ........................................................................................................71
附 錄 一、 專家問卷....................................................................................78
附 錄 二、 FAHP問卷................................................................................87
附 錄 三、 實證問卷..................................................................................102
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