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研究生(外文):Hui-Ying Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Multimedia Nursing Intervention on Self-care Agency, Nutrition and Quality of Life on Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
指導教授(外文):Feng-Ping LeeChou-Ping Chiou
外文關鍵詞:multimedianutritionquality of lifeself-care agencyperitoneal dialysis
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The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of multimedia nursing intervention on self-care agency, nutrition and quality of life on peritoneal dialysis patients. The subjects of this study consisted of the patients from the peritoneal dialysis center of a medical center and a regional hospital in the south of Taiwan(N=63). A quasi-experimental design was conducted, using pre-intervention and post-intervention tests. Peritoneal dialysis self-care knowledge questionnaire, eritoneal dialysis self-care behavioral questionnaire, Subject global assessment, The World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire Taiwan version, and multimedia interactive CD-ROM. Descriptive statistics, Chi –square, Independence T Test, Logistic Regression of Generalized estimating equation, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests were utilized to analysis data.
The results reveal significant in our study including increased self-care knowledge (p < 0.0001), self-care behavioral (p = 0.001), more correct nutrition status(p = 0.009) and improve quality of life (p = 0.000),but no significant on the serum data among the two groups. These results can provide some consultation to professional on caring patients to give them more preferable care and promote their quality of life.
目 錄

誌謝-------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------- iii
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------- iv
目錄-------------------------------------------------- v
表目錄 -------------------------------------------- vii
圖目錄---------------------------------------------- v

第一章 緒論----------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究動機及重要性----------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------- 6
第一節 腹膜透析治療-------------------------------- 6
第二節 自我照顧能力-------------------------------- 11
第三節 腹膜透析患者的營養狀況---------------------- 16
第四節 生活品質------------------------------------- 22
第五節 腹膜透析患者之多媒體衛教-------------------- 26
第六節 研究概念架構--------------------------------- 35
第三章 研究方法與過程--------------------------------36
第一節 研究設計------------------------------------- 36
第二節 研究對象及場所------------------------------- 37
第三節 名詞界定------------------------------------- 39
第四節 研究假設------------------------------------ 42
第五節 研究流程------------------------------------- 43
第六節 研究工具------------------------------------- 46
第七節 資料處理及統計分析--------------------------- 54
第八節 研究倫理考量--------------------------------- 55
第四章 研究結果------------------------------------- 56
第一節 研究對象的基本資料--------------------------- 56
第二節 腹膜透析患者自我照顧能力、營養狀況及生活品質之現況---------------------------------------------------- 60
第三節 多媒體衛教對腹膜透析患者之成效--------------- 69
第五章 討論----------------------------------------- 80
第一節 腹膜透析患者自我照顧能力、營養狀況及生活品質之現況---------------------------------------------------- 80
第二節 多媒體衛教對腹膜透析患者之成效探討----------- 89
第六章 結論----------------------------------------- 95
第一節 結論與建議------------------------------------95
第二節 護理應用與建議------------------------------- 97
第三節 研究限制與建議------------------------------- 99
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------- 100
中文部份-------------------------------------------- 100
英文部份-------------------------------------------- 109
附錄一 個案同意書----------------------------------- 118
附錄二 研究問卷------------------------------------- 120
附錄三 台灣版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷使用授權書
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