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研究生(外文):Chun-Ying Liao
論文名稱(外文):Digital Processing for Reconstruction of Human Facial Reflection Images
指導教授(外文):Fu-shin LeeYu-Kumg Chen
外文關鍵詞:specualr reflectionface recognitioncolor spaceskin segmentationimage processing.
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:461
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During the digital signal processing stages for human facial images, there exist various factors such as lighting source intensities, digital camera settings, and light incident as well as reflecting angles employed in the applications may cause partial over-bright abnormal specular reflections on the processed facial images. These erroneous images would definitely lead to certain misjudges during post-processing stages, for example, the human face recognition applications. Hence, the object of this research is to establish a systematic algorithm to reconstruct the over-bright abnormal specular reflection regions back to the regular facial colors as they should be. Basically, the proposed strategy first employs the conventional human skin color space segmentation methods associated with the Sobel computation technique to obtain the facial edge information, and then implement the similar region growing method to recover the over-bright specular reflections within the facial images.
Consequently, the proposed algorithm has been verified in this thesis for reconstructing several facial images from their over-bright specular reflections. As well, the outcome of this research could be adopted in extracting facial features from human facial images with high credibility, since most possible over-bright specular reflections have already recovered. In addition, the algorithm has also been carried out for different facial skin color images, and the processed results demonstrate the effectiveness and computational advantages of this approach.

目錄 Ⅲ
表錄 Ⅴ
圖錄 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 1
1.3 研究成果 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 色系的選擇 5
2.1 RGB色彩空間 5
2.2 HSV色彩空間 6
2.3 YUV色彩空間 9
2.4 YCbCr色彩空間 9
2.5 本章結論 10
第三章 膚色的區隔 11
3.1 平均值與標準差 11
3.2 雜訊處理 12
3.3 各種色系下的膚色範圍 13
3.3.1 正規化RGB色彩空間 13
3.3.2 HSV色彩空間 14
3.3.3 YCbCr色彩空間 15
3.4 膚色區隔演算法 15
3.5 本章結論 16
第四章 過度亮光膚色的重建 17
4.1 過度亮光膚色的潛在位置 17
4.2 邊緣偵測 17
4.3 過度亮光膚色重建演算法 19
4.4 膚色還原演算法 21
4.5 本章結論 23
第五章 分析 25
5.1 色彩空間的選擇 25
5.2 鄰近矩陣之視窗大小的選擇 26
5.2.1 膚色資訊鄰近矩陣大小的選擇 26
5.2.2 邊緣資訊鄰近矩陣大小的選擇 27
5.2.3 時間的分析 30
5.3 邊緣資訊門檻值的分析 31
5.4 本章結論 36
第六章 實驗結果 37
6.1 門檻值的決定 37
6.2 實驗樣本及結果 37
第七章 結論及未來展望 40
參考文獻 41

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