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研究生(外文):Yu-Han Lin
論文名稱(外文):The evaluation of parents inclination in children orthodontic problems-At the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of a Medical University Hospital in Southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hong-Sen Chen
外文關鍵詞:orthodontic treatment in childrenknowledgeattitude
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立意取樣200位南部某醫學大學兒童牙科門診部患者家長,以問卷進行面訪,並以JMP 5.1版統計套裝軟體建檔與分析。
Malocclusion is a common problem occurs on lots of people. Early orthodontic treatment in children can effectively prevent the extraction of the permanent tooth and orthognathic surgery. Parents are the settler to orthodontic treatment for children. The key point to access early orthodontic treatment in children is determined by parents’ awareness and attitude. Therefore, the study was performed to understand the associated factors affecting parents’ awareness, attitude and access to orthodontic treatment in children.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the understanding and factors influencing the parents’ knowledge, attitude and their access of orthodontic treatment for children.

Two hundred parents visited pediatric dental department of a medical center in southern Taiwan had enrolled with agreement. They were interviewed with structural questionnaires. All data were recorded and analyzed with compact software JMP version 5.1.

58.16% of children had malocclusion, among them, 31.58% had ever received orthodontic treatment. The major motivation for orthodontic treatment is to improvement the arrangement of teeth, but the expensive fee let parent refused to access such treatment. Lacking of knowledge about orthodontic treatment in children of their parents was also observed.
There was no significant difference between knowledge, attitude, and orthodontic treatment experience in children. The orthodontic knowledge score was statistically significantly associated with factors such as average monthly family income and teeth decay during orthodontic treatment. The orthodontic attitude score was statistically significantly associated with the habit for visiting dental care. Furthermore, the orthodontic treatment experience in children was statistically significantly associated with factors including age of children and the orthodontic treatment experience in parents.

Conclusion and suggestions:
The results of this study showed that most of parents don’t understand knowledge about orthodontic treatment in children. We suggest announcing the importance of orthodontic treatment in children towards parents. Further, suggest dentists to propagate more orthodontic treatment need to parents who have malocclusion in children. It may enhance utilization rate of orthodontic treatment in children.
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………III
目錄 ………………………………………………………………V
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景 ………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的 ………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………5
第一節 牙齒咬合的重要性 ……………………………………5
第二節 異常咬合盛行率 ………………………………………5
第三節 矯正治療的動機 ………………………………………6
第四節 影響接受矯正治療的主因 ……………………………7
第五節 齒顎矯正治療的認知與態度 …………………………8
第三章 研究材料與方法 ……………………………………10
第一節 研究對象與工具………………………………………10
第二節 研究設計………………………………………………10
第三節 研究架構………………………………………………12
第四節 研究流程………………………………………………12
第五節 統計方法………………………………………………13
第四章 研究結果 ……………………………………………14
第一節 家長與兒童的基本資料………………………………14
第二節 家長與兒童的看診情形………………………………14
第三節 家長與兒童的齒顎矯正治療經驗……………………15
第四節 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療的認知……………………16
第五節 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療的態度……………………17
第六節 家長對兒童齒顎治療的動機與疑慮…………………19
第七節 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療知識的影響因素…………19
第八節 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療態度的影響因素…………23
第九節 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療利用的影響因素…………29
第五章 討論 …………………………………………………39
第六章 結論與建議 …………………………………………48
第七章 研究限制………………………………………………48
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………49
表1. 家長與兒童基本資料 ……………………………………55
表2. 家長與兒童牙科看診情形 ………………………………56
表3. 家長與兒童齒顎矯正治療經驗……………………………57
表4-1. 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療認知…………………………58
表4-2. 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療認知…………………………59
表4-3. 家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療認知…………………………60
表5. 家長對齒顎矯正治療的態度………………………………61
表6. 家長對齒顎矯正治療的動機與疑慮………………………62
表7. 齒顎矯正治療知識分數與其家長基本資料之關係………63
表8. 齒顎矯正治療知識分數與其家長對齒顎矯正治療動機之關
表9. 齒顎矯正治療知識分數與其家長對齒顎矯正治療疑慮之關
表10. 影響家長對兒童齒顎治療知識因素對數回歸分析 ……66
表11. 齒顎矯正治療態度分數與其家長資料之關係 …………67
表12. 齒顎矯正治療態度分數與兒童資料之關係 ……………68
表13. 齒顎矯正治療態度分數與其家長對矯正治療動機之關係 …69
表14. 齒顎矯正治療態度分數與其家長對齒顎矯正治療疑慮之關
係 …………………………………………………………70
表16. 影響家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療態度因素對數回歸分析…72
表17. 兒童接受齒顎矯正治療經驗與其家長資料之關係 ……73
表18. 兒童接受齒顎矯正治療經驗與兒童資料之關係 ………74
表19. 兒童接受齒顎矯正治療經驗與其家長對矯正治療動機之關
係 …………………………………………………………75
表20. 兒童接受齒顎矯正治療經驗與其家長對矯正治療疑慮之關
係 …………………………………………………………76
表21. 齒顎矯正治療態度、齒顎矯正治療知識分數高低與兒童齒顎
矯正治療利用之關係 ……………………………………77
表22. 影響家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療利用因素對數回歸分析……78
附錄一、家長對兒童齒顎矯正治療行為調查問卷 ……………79
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