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研究生(外文):Cheng-Kuan Shen
論文名稱(外文):The Dentofacial Morphometry ofClass II Division 1 malocclusion
指導教授(外文):Hong-Po Chang
外文關鍵詞:Skeletal Class IIClass II division1malocclusionCephalometric analysisCombinations of components
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比較80 名二級第一分類異常咬合成年人與80名正常咬合成年人的測顱放射線圖。共採33 個標記點,描繪後利用數位板輸入電腦。測顱形態分析共包括23 項線段、26 項角度、4 項比值。在進行測顱形態分析之前,先計算兩組之間上、下顎關係的單變項分(Student''s t-test),確認兩組間上、下顎骨於水平面方向的確有差異。之後,再進行測量項目的單變項及多變項分析(賀德臨氏 T2檢定;Hotelling''s T2 test)。其中,單變項分析有額外針對性別因子以及咬合因子分別做2-way ANOVA,而多變項分析也有考量性別因子。另外做組成因子分析探討構成二級第一分類異常咬的因素。
二級第一分類異常咬合者並非單一的表徵,可由許多異常骨骼牙齒因素的組成產生。(1) 上下顎相對於顱底之水平關係:男性及女性在上顎骨方面,長度較長但相對於顱底的位置正常。在下顎骨方面,有較後縮及形態較小的情形。(2) 上下顎相對於顱底之垂直關係:男性上顎平面較傾斜、下前顏面高度偏大、顏面開展度有較大的趨勢;女性上顎平面傾斜度正常、總前顏面高度偏大、後顏面高
Class II malocclusion affects about 20% of the population. This type of discrepancy brings about modification in the skeletal profile caused by maxillary protrusion,mandibular retrusion, or a combination of this malocclusion. The type of Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion is the most popular dental relation in Class II malocclusion. As to the treatment, providing a good functional occlusion and a proper esthetics is a great challenge for the orthodontists. Most results from previous researches included age as an influentialfactor. The craniofacial pattern changes as one grow. Therefore, a different study on non-growing patients is advantageous in providing better diagnosis and treatment clinically.
This study investigated the morphological characteristics of the craniofacial pattern in adults with Class II division 1 malocclusion.
Materials and Methods:
Lateral cephalograms of 80 adults with Class II division 1 malocclusionwere compared with the data from 80 adults with normal occlusion. Thirty three landmarks were identified and digitized. Cephalometric analysis utilizing 23 distances, 26 angular and 4 ratios measurements were undertaken. Before the undergoing of the Student’s t-test and multivariable analysis (Hotelling’s T2 test) of the measurements of the cephalometric analysis, the relationships of the maxilla and mandible between Class II division 1 malocclusion and normal occlusion were compared to confirm the significant difference. Besides that we also
analyzed the combinations of components of Class II division 1 malocclusion.
The results are as followed:Multiple variations of skeletodental features were found for Class II division 1 malocclusion. (1) Skeletal horizontal relationship:In Class II division 1 malocclusion male and female both had longer maxillary length but the maxilla is in normal
position related to the cranial base. The mandible is more retrusive and he morphology is smaller than normal occlusion. (2) Skeletal vertical relationship:In Class II division 1 malocclusion male had more tilting maxillary plane, longer lower anterior facial height . And the facial
pattern had hyperdivergent tendency; Class II division 1 malocclusion female had longer total anterior facial height, longer lower anterior facial height and shorter posterior facial height than normal occlusion. Otherwise hyperdivergent facial pattern was noted and the mandible was clock wisely rotated. (3) Upper and lower incisor relationship:In Class II division 1 malocclusion male and female had larger overjet, deeper overbite, more protrusive and more extrusive of upper incisors, more
proclined and more extrusive lower incisors (female had more protrusive lower incisors) and larger inter-incisors angle. (4) Upper and Lower 1st molar relationship:In Class II division 1 malocclusion male and female had more mesial tipping and more extrusive upper 1st molars. Female also had more extrusive lower 1st molars.
The dentofacial characters of Class II division 1 in our samples,there were not only the different size between sex but also the wholeappearances. Because of that we defined there was sexual dimorphism in our samples.
第一章 前言........................................................5
第二章 文獻回顧........................................................7
第一節 二級異常咬合盛行率.................................7
第二節 二級異常咬合的顱顏特徵.............................7
第三節 造成二級異常咬合的成因.............................9
第四節 人種差異..........................................13
第五節 治療方式的考量....................................14
第三章 材料與方法........................................16
第一節 研究材料..........................................16
第二節 研究方法..........................................17
第三節 傳統測顱分析方法..................................21
第四節 組成因素分析......................................26
第五節 誤差檢定..........................................27
第六節 統計方法..........................................27
第四章 結果..............................................28
第一節 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合者顱底測顱分析之比
第二節 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合者水平骨骼關係測顱
第三節 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合者垂直骨骼關係測顱
第四節 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合者門牙-齒骨骼關係
第五節 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合者第一大臼齒-齒列
第六節 賀德臨氏T2 檢定...................................41
第七節 因素組成的分析....................................42
第五章 討論..............................................44
第一節 顱底形態分析......................................45
第二節 上下顎相對於顱底之水平關係........................46
第三節 上下顎相對於顱底之垂直關係........................49
第四節 上下顎門牙的相對關................................52
第五節 上下顎第一大臼齒相對關係..........................54
第六節 組成因素..........................................56
第六章 結論..............................................57
表1. 基本資料............................................64
表2. 33 項標記點的定義...................................65
表4 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
表4 - 1 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
表5 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
(垂直骨骼關係) (男性與女性)..............................71
表5 - 1 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
表6 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
(垂直比例關係) (男性與女性)..............................73
表6 - 1 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
表7 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
(門牙-齒列骨骼關係) (男性與女性).........................75
表7 - 1 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
表8 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
(臼齒-齒列骨骼關係) (男性與女性).........................77
表8 - 1 . 二級第一分類異常咬合與正常咬合之傳統測顱分析
測量之賀德臨氏T2 檢定....................................79
表10. 利用顱顏結構的五項骨骼牙齒組成因素來評估成人二級第一
表11. 成人二級第一分類異常咬合群上下顎骨因素組成的發生率.81
表12. 成人二級第一分類異常咬合群骨骼因素組成的發生率.....82
表13. 成人二級第一分類異常咬合群骨骼牙齒因素組成的發生率.83
圖1. 標記點..............................................84
圖2. 垂直覆咬與水平覆咬..................................85
圖3. 顱顏骨骼水平關係....................................86
圖4. 顱顏骨骼垂直關係....................................87
圖5. 上下顎門牙的相對關係................................88
圖6. 上下顎第一大臼齒的相對關係..........................89
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