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研究生(外文):Tzu-Chiang Chou
論文名稱(外文):The integrated therapy and the full-mouth rehabilitation in the periodontal prosthesis--- Cases report
指導教授(外文):Tsau-Mau Chou
外文關鍵詞:periodontal prosthesisfull mouth rehabilitationtelescopic dentureoverdenture.
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In 1974, Dr. Amsterdam(the professor of Pennsylvania University) pointed out “periodontal prosthesis” and defined it as “Those restorative prosthetic endeavors that are absolutely essential in the treatment of advanced periodontal disease. whereas specifically it refers to the treatment of the dentition mutilated by the ravages of periodontal disease, in general ,its concepts, principles and techniques may be employed in any restorative or tooth replacement service involving the nature dentition.”The periodontal prosthesis is the “integrated treatment”. In the severe periodontal disease, to achieve the appropriate treatment result and the good prognosis, we need the cooperation of different specialized fields such as operative dentistry, endodontic therapy, periodontal treatment, oral surgery, orthodontics and prosthodontics .The dentist must evaluate the practical need, financial capabilities and personal characteristics of the patient to select the most appropriate treatment plan. In this thesis, the ten cases of the full mouth rehabilitation were presented. These cases applied with the different prosthetic design and the periodontal therapy that included non-surgical & surgical treatment. The surgical treatment included open-flap curettage, furcation involvement therapy, crown lengthening, guided bone regeneration. The orthodontic treatment was used in four cases. The definite prosthesis are fixed or removable partial denture, including conventional fixed prosthesis, implant-supported fixed prosthesis, conventional removable prosthesis, Konuskrone telescopic denture, crown sleeve-coping telescopic denture, overdenture. Again, the patients acquire the stability of the occlusion and the health of the periodontal apparatus by the integrated periodontal-prosthetic treatment and satisfy esthetic appearance.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------- 1
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------- 2
前 言 -------------------------------------------- 3
材料與方法 -------------------------------------------- 4
病例摘要表(一) ---------------------------------------- 5
病例摘要表(二) ---------------------------------------- 6
病例報告(一) 廣泛性中度慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------- 7
病例報告(二) 廣泛性侵略性牙周炎之全口重建 ------------40
病例報告(三) 局部慢性牙齦炎之全口重建,短距牙弓之應用 70
病例報告(四) 局部慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------------100
病例報告(五) 局部慢性牙齦炎之全口重建 ---------------126
病例報告(六) 廣泛慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------------147
病例報告(七) 局部慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------------172
病例報告(八) 廣泛性侵略性牙周炎之全口重建 -----------201
病例報告(九) 廣泛慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------------226
病例報告(十) 廣泛慢性牙周炎之全口重建 ---------------252
綜合討論 --------------------------------------------276
討論 (一):根叉侵犯
討論 (三):開放性牙齦下刮除術
討論 (四):牙冠增長術
討論 (五): könus雙重冠可撤式義齒
討論 (六):套筒薄冠蓋套疊可撤式義齒
討論 (七):覆蓋式義齒(overdenture)
結論 -------------------------------------------------296
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------297
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