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研究生(外文):Chin-Fu Wu
論文名稱(外文):General Consideration and Clinical Application of Periodontal Prosthesis in Periodontitis Cases
指導教授(外文):Jen-Chyan Wang
外文關鍵詞:periodontal prosthesisocclusal therapyroots separation and resectionadjunctive orthodonticdental implant
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阿姆斯特丹(1974)定義牙周補綴為「在嚴重牙周病治療當中不可或缺的復形與補綴的努力,特別是針對遭受牙周病多重破壞齒列的治療」。嚴重牙周病經常伴隨深的牙周囊袋、牙齒搖動及缺牙,進而演繹出牙齒病理性移位、咬合創傷、後牙咬合塌陷、咬合止位不穩,甚至出現顳顎關節症候。為了能有效的解決這些問題,同時也要提供患者功能(咀嚼、發音)與美觀的長期需求,牙醫師除了執行牙周疾病與補綴的治療與控制外,往往需要配合根管治療、矯正、口腔外科與牙科植體學才能達成任務。因此牙周補綴學是一門跨科性與整合性的牙科治療。牙醫師必須考量患者的現實需求、人格特質、經濟能力及治療方法的差異性,與患者進行溝通,選擇最合適的治療計畫。本病例論文共提出十一個牙周補綴病例,男性四位,女性七位,年齡分佈於38至80歲,平均年齡55歲。所有病例的治療次序為(1)資料收集與分析 (2)建立正確的診斷 (3)消除所有的發炎現象 (4)消除或控制咬合的病因 (5)改正疾病進程所造成的變形 (6)各種形式的咬合重建 (7)追踪。
Periodontal prosthesis is defined by Amsterdam(1974) as “those restorative and prosthetic endeavors that are absolutely essential in the treatment of advanced periodontal disease. Whereas specifically it refers to the treatment of the dentition multilated by the ravages of periodontal disease.” These periodontally compromised dentitions have deep periodontal pocket, tooth mobility, missing teeth, and lead to pathological migration, trauma from occlusion, posterior bite collapse, centric stop deviation, and TMJ syndrome. In order to effectively solve the above problems and to fulfill the long-term satisfication of function and esthetic demands of periodontal patients, not only periodontal and prothetic therapy are required, but also need endodontic, orthodontic, oral surgical and dental implant therapies. Therefore, periodontal prosthodontics is an interdisciplinary and integrated dental perspective treatment. Dentist must evaluate the patient’s practical need, personal characteristics, financial capabilities and performance variabilities to select the most appropriate treatment. In this thesis, 11 moderate to advanced periodontal prosthetic treated cases including 4 males and 7 females whose age ranging from 38 to 80 years old(mean 55 years old)were presented. The sequence of therapy in all cases were as follow: (1) Data collection and analysis. (2) Establishment of a correct diagnosis. (3) Elimination of all inflammation. (4) Elimination or control of the occlusal etiology. (5) Correction of the deformities contributing to or created by the disease process. (6) Occlusal reconstruction with a variety of designs. (7) Follow up. The average treatment time was 16 months. By using the interdisciplinary and integrated approach of treatments, patients’requirements of heath, function, esthetics and comfort were meet.
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------- 1
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------- 2
致 謝 ----------------------------------------------- 4
前 言 ----------------------------------------------- 5
材料與方法 ---------------------------------------------- 7
病例摘要表 --------------------------------------------- 10
病例報告(一):Könus雙重套冠、植體及磁性附連體在廣泛性中度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ----------------------------- 13
病例報告(二):迷你植體(骨釘錨定)、矯正、固定式義齒在廣泛性中重度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ------------------- 47
病例報告(三):骨?@增寬術、植體固定式義齒在廣泛性中度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 --------------------------------- 81
補綴治療的應用 ---------------------------------------- 117
治療的應用 -------------------------------------------- 149
病例報告(六):植體固定式義齒、牙根分離術合併輔助性矯正在廣泛性中重度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ---------------- 179
牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ------------------------------ 205
移植合併引導組織再生術、輔助性矯正在局部性嚴重慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 -------------------------------------- 231
病例報告(九):牙根分離切除術合併固定式義齒、植體固定式義齒在廣泛性中重度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ------------ 271
移植、植體固定式義齒在廣泛性中重度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 -------------------------------------------------- 307
病例報告(十一):Könus雙重套冠可撤式義齒在廣泛性中度慢性牙周炎牙周補綴治療的應用 ---------------------------------- 343
結 論 ---------------------------------------------- 375
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------- 376
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