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研究生(外文):Chih-Wei Li
論文名稱(外文):The combination application with perio-prosthesis,dental implant and orthodontic treatment.
指導教授(外文):Kun-Yen Ho
外文關鍵詞:Periodontal prosthesisMultidisciplinary approachEnamel matrix derivativeDental implantTelescopic crown retained overdenture
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牙周補綴裝置如同Dr. Amsterdam所強調的,對於受到嚴重牙周病破壞的齒列,需要有一良好之補綴裝置。由於牙周病治療技術日新月異的發展如:引導組織再生術、引導骨再生術、牙釉基質蛋白之應用及PRF等新術式之引進,我們現在應用這些新術式可以保留更多的牙齒,而且可以得到更好的效果。




Periodontal prosthesis, as the definition from Dr. Amsterdam, emphasizes the necessity of restorative prosthesis for the dentition with advanced periodontal disease. With the help by the new development of new techniques like guided tissue regeneration, guided bone regeneration, enamel matrix derivatives and PRP (platelet rich plasma) we can keep more teeth and achieve better results than before.

In the treatment of severe chronic periodontitis (SCP), we should apply the same operative dentistry and prosthetics principles like we do with general dentition with some modification because the differences between SCP involved dentition and normal dentition. We should have multidirectional consideration about the involvement of patients’ will ,time, economic situation, medical and dental situation..

This paper includes 11 clinical cases, aged from 30 to 50. The clinical diagnosis includes generalized or localized chronic periodontitis and localized gingival enlargement.

To accomplish the demands of health and function, for these cases we had done orthodontic treatment, endodontic treatment, periodontal surgery, oral surgery and even implants. The prosthesis including tooth-supported fixed denture, adhesive bridge, implant-supported fixed denture, conventional removable partial denture and telescopic crown retained overdenture.

Until the end of active treatment, we and the patients have achieved significant improvements in the periodontal indices (plaque index, gingival index), probing pocket depth, and tooth mobility and in some cases we can see bone regeneration. The patients are satisfied the results with their prosthesis. Among these cases, all have been finished and followed for more than one year, for some even up to 3.5 years; their treatment goals have been followed and found fulfilled. But to achieve a further good long-term prognosis we have to do frequent hygiene recalls and prosthetic maintenance.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------- 001
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------- 002
前言 ------------------------------------------------------------- 004
材料與方法 ---------------------------------------------------- 008
病例報告 ------------------------------------------------------- 010
病例摘要表 ---------------------------------------------------- 011
病例(一):黃先生 -------------------------------------------- 012
病例(二):李小姐 -------------------------------------------- 051
病例(三):蕭先生 -------------------------------------------- 073
病例(四):廖小姐 -------------------------------------------- 101
病例(五):黃小姐 -------------------------------------------- 121
病例(六):周先生 -------------------------------------------- 142
病例(七):林小姐 -------------------------------------------- 167
病例(八):王小姐 -------------------------------------------- 194
病例(九):許小姐 -------------------------------------------- 215
病例(十):盛先生 -------------------------------------------- 241
病例(十一):莊先生 ----------------------------------------- 263
討論 ------------------------------------------------------------- 281
結論 ------------------------------------------------------------- 292
參考文獻.-------------------------------------------------------- 294
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