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研究生(外文):Kai-Fang Hu
論文名稱(外文):IL-10 and IL-12 Gene Polymorphisms in Taiwanese Periodontitis Patients
指導教授(外文):Chi-Cheng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:IL-10IL-12gene polymorphismschronic periodontitisgeneralized aggressive periodontitis
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研究目的:探討interleukin-10(IL-10)及IL-12 基因多型性與牙周炎的相關性,配合牙周致病病程的相關研究,提供未來在牙周病治療或預防上有價值的資料。
研究方法:在336位受測病患中,包括145位慢性牙周炎、65位廣泛性侵犯性牙周炎和126位健康對照組,抽取其白血球之DNA,就IL-10 -1082G/A、 -819C/T及 -592C/A和IL12B 3’UTR +16974A/C進行聚合酵素鏈鎖反應-限制酵素片段長度多型性(PCR-RFLP)檢測。
結果:IL-10基因在-819位置基因型,未抽菸男性族群帶有TT基因型或是T allele者有較高的機率罹患慢性牙周炎。IL-10 ATA(-1082/-819/-592)及ACC haplotype於慢性牙周炎及廣泛性侵犯性牙周炎與對照組的比較中均未達統計學上差異性,但ATA haplotype在廣泛性侵犯性牙周炎出現的頻率高於在慢性牙周炎組。IL-12基因在+16974位置的CC基因型及C allele對慢性牙周炎有較高的感受性,尤其在未抽菸女性身上格外明顯,但與廣泛性侵犯性牙周炎組的相關性分析均未達到統計學上差異性。進一步比較IL-10及IL-12基因在不同種族的分佈,發現與東方人類似,但與西方族群差異較大。
結論:IL-10 -819及IL-12 +16974位置基因多型性之偵測應有助於瞭解國人(台灣人)對慢性牙周炎之易感性。
Objective:Our aim to determine the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of L-10 at nucleotide sequence -1082G/A、-819C/T及-592C/A, IL-12 genes at 3’ untranslational region(UTR) +16974A/C and periodontitis in Taiwan adults.
Materials & Methods:A total of 145 chronic periodontitis patients(CP), 65 generalized aggressive periodontitis(AgP) and 126 healthy controls(H) were recruited into the present study. The standardized questionnaire was used to collect the demographic data, and habit of cigarette smoking. The polymorphisms of IL10 –1082G/A, -819C/T, -592C/A and IL-12?? 3’UTR +16974A/C were investigated by restriction fragment length polymorphisms of polymerase chain reaction(PCR-RFLP)
Results:The distribution of IL-10 -819 C/T polymorphisms was significantly different between CP and H groups, especially in non-smoking males. The TT genotype and T allele in IL-10 -819 position were significantly higher in CP patients than in healthy controls(OR = 2.73, 95% CI=1.14∼6.84, p = 0.0271; OR = 2.27, 95% CI=1.11∼4.77, p = 0.0266 respectively). The frequency of ATA(-1082/-819/-592)haplotype was more prevalent in the CP and AgP groups but no statistically significant difference between CP, AgP, and H. In IL-12?? +16974 A/C polymorphisms, patients with CC genotype allele was more susceptible to chronic periodontitis, especially in non-smoking females(OR = 0.32, 95% CI=0.11∼0.92;p = 0.0374). No significant effects of the polymorphisms of IL-10 -1082G/A, -819C/T, -592C/A and IL-12?? 3’UTR +16974A/C on the AgP versus H were found. The distributions of IL-10 and IL-12 genetic polymorphisms in the present study were similar with those found in Asian population.
Conclusions:The detection of IL-10 -819 and IL-12?? +16974 polymorphisms could be helpful to understand the suspectibility of periodontitis patients.
第一章 前言
第一節 研究背景--------------------------------12
第二節 研究目的--------------------------------13
第二章 文獻回顧--------------------------------15
第三章 材料與方法------------------------------24
第四章 結果------------------------------------35
第五章 討論------------------------------------46
第六章 結論------------------------------------53
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