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研究生(外文):Chueh-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Cognitive profile in patients who underwent surgical repair of aneurysm after subarachnoid hemorrhage
指導教授(外文):Aij-Lie Kwan
外文關鍵詞:Intracranial aneurysmssubarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)Cognitive functionNeuropsychological test
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本研究採用標準化且常在臨床使用的神經心理測驗來評量認知功能五個向度,包括注意力、視覺空間視覺結構、語言能力、語言記憶及執行功能。測驗包括:(1)魏氏成人智力量表第三版(WAIS-Ⅲ)中文版之記憶廣度分測驗、數字-符號替代分測驗、圖形設計分測驗;(2)R-O繪圖測驗;(3)魏氏記憶量表第三版(WMS-Ⅲ)中文版之邏輯記憶分測驗Ⅰ&Ⅱ;(4) Luria接受性及表達性語言分測驗;和(5)衛斯康辛卡片分類測驗。此外,本研究亦採用貝克憂鬱量表、情境焦慮及特質焦慮量表以得知病患組之情緒狀態。

The purpose of this study was to evaluate cognition function and mood status in 30 aneurysmal SAH patients. Patients were eligible for entrance in the study if the following inclusion criteria were met: a diagnosis of aneurysmal SAH, a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 at study inclusion, and 6 months post onset. The other purpose was to compare the performance differences in neuropsychological tests and mood measures between 59 age-matched normal controls. To compare performance differences in cognition function and mood status between patients with anterior circulation aneurysms and posterior circulation aneurysms.
Cognitive functions can be broadly devided into five domains: attention and concentration, visuospatial and visuoconstructive functions, language, memory and executive function. The tests chosen for this study were reliable, valid, and commonly used in the clinical practice, including(1) the Chinese version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Ⅲ-digit span, digit symbol, block design subtests;(2) the Chinese version of the Wechsler Memory scale-Ⅲ-logical memory subtests Ⅰ&Ⅱ;(3) Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test;(4) receptive & expressive speech scales of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, and (5)
the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. In addition, the Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory were employed to assess patient’s mood.
Results of our analysis revealed that the normal controls performed better than both patient groups in digit span, digit symbol, block design, logical memory subtests Ⅰ&Ⅱ subtest, Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test, Luria-Nebraska receptive & expressive speech scales, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (perseverative responses;PR、conceptual-level responses;CLR、number of categories completed;NCC、trials to complete the first catagory;TCC) (p<.001). The results showed that patient groups performed significantly worse than the control group in five cognition domains(p<.001).In cognitive functions, significant differences in the neuropsychological performance were not noted between patients with anterior circulation aneurysms and posterior circulation aneurysms (p=.998).In affective measurements, significant differences in depression mood , state-trait anxiety performance were noted between patients with anterior circulation aneurysms and posterior circulation aneurysms (p=.000). However, cognitive dysfunction reduced employment rates are frequency noted and mood disturbances of interpersonal relationships have been a significant concern.
Key Words:Intracranial aneurysms, subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH), Cognitive function, Neuropsychological test
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機……………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………5
第三節 名詞釋義.............................................................................6
第二章 文獻回顧與探討……………………………………………7
第一節 認知心理學的概論及定義………………………………7
第二節 認知功能與大腦結構間的關係…………………………9
第三節 顱內動脈瘤的概論及定義……………………………...31
第四節 顱內動脈瘤破裂引發蜘蛛網膜下腔出血對認知功能的影響……………………………………………………..41
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………..52
第一節 研究架構………………………………………………53
第二節 研究假設………………………………………………54
第三節 研究設計………………………………………………55
第四節 研究對象………………………………………………56
第五節 研究步驟與資料處理…………………………………56
第六節 研究工具………………………………………………62
第四章 研究結果與討論…………………………………………74
第一節 研究對象人口學資料………………………………….74
第二節 認知功能五個向度之因素分析……………………….78
第三節 病患組與正常控制組認知功能差異分析…………….79
第四節 病患組基本變項與認知功能五個向度間的相關…….82
第五節 病患組A與病患組B在認知功能的差異分析………83
第六節 病患組在憂鬱情緒與情境-特質焦慮之分析………..84
第七節 病患組水腦症的有無、腦室引流管植入的有無、從昏迷指數未滿分到達滿分之清醒天數的分佈情形………..86
第八節 病患組水腦症的有無、腦室引流管植入的有無、從昏迷指數未滿分到達滿分之清醒天數在認知功能表現差異之分析…………………………………………………….88
第九節 病患組水腦症的有無、腦室引流管植入的有無、從昏迷指數未滿分到達滿分之清醒天數在情緒表現差異之分析……………………………………………………….89
第十節 病患組水腦症的有無、腦室引流管植入的有無、從昏迷指數未滿分到達滿分之清醒天數的差異分析………..90
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………….90
第一節 結果與討論…………………………………………….91
第二節 研究限制及建議……………………………………….100
第三節 結論…………………………………………………….102
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